An audio power amplifier is an electronic amplifier, used to amplify low-power electronic audio signals, signal from the receiver of a radio to a certain level that is high sufficient to drive headphones or loudspeakers. There are different integrated circuits used in making simple as well as cost effective based audio amplifier circuits. Similarly, monolithic IC like TBA810 IC is used to make 7-watt audio amplifier circuits and is most suitable for designing low-power audio amplifiers. This article discusses an overview of TBA810 IC, pin configuration, specifications, and applications.
What is TBA810 IC?
The TBA810 is a monolithic IC available in a plastic 12-lead quad in-line package, used as a low frequency-based class B amplifier. This IC provides simply 7Watts output power at 16 V/4 ohm, 6 Watts at 14.4 V/4 ohm, 2.5 Watts at 9V/4 ohm, and 1 Watt at 6V/4 ohm. These integrated circuits work with a broad range of voltage supply that ranges from 4 to 20.
TBA810 IC provides up to 2.5A high output current, 75% high efficiency at 6W output, and extremely low harmonic & cross-over distortion. The TBA 810AS IC has similar electrical characteristics as compared to the TBA 810S, although its cooling tabs are even & pierced so that an exterior heat sink is attached easily. This IC is suitable for making an audio power amplifier for a radio or cassette deck.
Pin Configuration:
The TBA810 IC pin configuration is shown below. This IC includes 12 pins where every pin and its functionality are discussed below.

TBA810 IC Pin Configuration
- Pin1 (VCC): It is a supply voltage pin.
- Pin2 (NC): It is a no-connection pin.
- Pin3 (NC): It is also no connection pin.
- Pin4 (Bootstrap): This pin is used for allowing internal address & CLK distribution lines to include an improved voltage swing.
- Pin5 (Compensation): The compensation pin is used for compensation of frequency, soft start & shutdown, and current limiting.
- Pin6 (Feedback): This pin is used for voltage regulation by allowing the o/p to be measured & adjusted through the IC.
- Pin7 (Ripple Rejection): This pin helps maintain the precise output voltage of the amplifier despite AC fluctuations within the power supply.
- Pin8 (Input): It is an input pin.
- Pin9 (GND (substrate)): It is a GND (substrate( pin.
- Pin10 (GND): It is a ground pin.
- Pin11 (N.C): It is a no-connection pin.
- Pin12 (Power Out): It is an output power pin.
Features & Specifications:
The features and specifications of TBA810 IC include the following.
- This IC has 12 pins.
- It is available in a plastic lead quad in-line package.
- It gives high output power.
- This IC has low noise.
- It has protection for polarity inversion.
- It has high voltage supply rejection.
- It has a high output current up to 3A.
- This IC has extremely low harmonic & crossover distortion.
- Its minimum voltage supply is 4V.
- Its maximum voltage supply is 20V.
- Its output current is 3A.
- This IC provides an output power of 7 W at 16 V/4 ohms.
- This IC provides 6W output power at 14.4 V/4 ohms,.
- This IC provides 2.5W output power 9 V/4 ohms.
- This IC provides 1Wat output power at 6V/4 ohms.
- It has high efficiency like 75% at 6W output.
Equivalent & Replacements
The equivalent TBA810 ICs are; A205K, A208K, A210E, DG810, K174YH7, TBA310AS, TBA790D, TBA790U, TBA810AS, TBA810AT, TBA810DS, TBA810T, TBA810DAS, TCA15OD, TCA15OS, TCA15OT, TBA810S, TCA15OU, TCA830A, TCA830, TCA830S, TBA790S, etc. The replacement of TBA810 IC is MA783 IC.
Audio Amplifier Circuit using TBA810 IC
The audio amplifier circuit using TDA810 IC is shown below. Generally, an amplifier is a device used to enhance the signal amplitude, generally measured in current or voltage. This is a versatile device used in different electronic applications. Here we are going to make a very simple & cost-effective 7-wat audio amplifier circuit with TBA810 IC.
The required components to make this circuit mainly include; TDA810 IC, 100KΩ variable resistor, resistors like 100KΩ,15Ω,100Ω,47Ω, capacitors like 47uf, 100uf, 220uf, 680pf, 470uf, 0.1uf, 0.001uf, speaker – 4Ω to 16Ω, battery and connecting wires. Connect the circuit as per the circuit shown below.

7W Audio Amplifier Circuit using TBA810 IC
The IC used in the above circuit is a monolithic IC and is available in an in-line 12-lead quad plastic package. This IC is used as a low-frequency amplifier and is mostly used for designing low-power audio amplifiers. This IC has an in-built terminal shutdown feature so that it decreases the output automatically in the occurrence of constant overloads (or) if the arrangement of the heat sink is insufficient.
This circuit uses a few passive components along with TDA810 IC-like resistors & capacitors and provides 7W output. This integrated circuit handles 6V-20V (500mA) bias input & at the output, it drives a 4Ω – 16Ω speaker.
The working of this circuit is, that whenever the audio input signal is applied to the pin-8 like non-inverting pin of IC using variable resistor VR1 for volume control. The output is received from pin 12 of the IC. Other pins of this IC are connected with resistors & capacitors. This IC has two tabs at two sides which are grounded & this IC is enclosed with a heat sink.
Once the power supply is given to this circuit where this power supply is chosen based on the necessary output power. Therefore, this amplifier circuit provides 1-watt output power for 4 to 6V & 7-watt output power for 16V bias. It also generates improved output for the frequency input from 40Hz to 20KHz. This circuit is used in the guitar, the bass, stereo speakers, and home theater systems.
The applications of TBA810 IC include the following.
- TBA810 ICs are used within electronic instruments which include; guitars & electronic keyboards.
- These ICs are used in sound systems for different events.
- These are used in gadgets & toys for children.
- These are used in public address systems, concert sound reinforcement, and domestic sound systems like stereo.
- These are used in designing audio power amplifiers.
- This is used in various audio applications for audio devices, portable, and car radio applications.
- This versatile IC is used in different audio amplification applications.
Please refer to this link for the TBA810 IC Datasheet.
Thus, this is an overview of TBA810 IC, pin configuration, features, specifications, circuit, working, and applications. Here is a question for you, what is TBA810DAS IC?