NPN transistor is a type of bipolar junction transistor and it is the combination of two n-type and one p-type semiconductor. In this transistor, the p-type semiconductor is fixed in between both n-type semiconductors. Hence the two n-types are present in it. The majority of charge carriers of this transistor are electrons. This transistor includes three terminals namely emitter, base, and collector. The flow of the majority carriers in this type is from the emitter to the respective collector. … [Read more...]
Difference between Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBTs) and High-Voltage Power MOSFETs?
In today's world there are wide varieties of solid-state, switch-mode, power-supply transistors to perform switching operations in power-electronic systems. All these have their own specifications in terms of current, voltage, switching speed, load, driver circuitry and temperature. Each one has its limitations and advantages as well, but its usage depends on the requirements of the application. … [Read more...]
Differences between NPN & PNP Transistors and their Making
Both p-n-p and the n-p-n transistors are the basic transistors which come under the category of bipolar junction transistors. These are used in the various amplifications circuits and the modulating circuits. The most frequent one among its applications is it’s fully ON and the OFF operating mode which is referred to as switch. NPN and PNP transistors are bipolar junction transistors, and it is a basic electrical and electronic component which is used to build many electrical and electronic … [Read more...]
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