In 1963, Sylvania as Sylvania Universal High-Level Logic (SUHL) introduced the first Transistor-Transistor Logic circuits. The concept of TTL was developed to achieve high speed, low power dissipation that allows optimization of the design. It belongs to the digital logic family and is designed with bipolar transistors, resistors, and diodes. It is widely used in various applications such as electronic devices, computer control systems, industrial controlling systems, the design and fabrication … [Read more...]
What is an Open Collector : Configuration, Working & Advantages
In the digital chip design, microcontroller applications and operational amplifiers, the open collector outputs are commonly used either for driving high loads such as relays or for interfacing with other circuits. As we know that BJT is a transistor and it has three terminals (Emitter, Base and Collector) where these terminals can be configured mainly in three switching modes. Those are Common Base, Common Collector and Common Emitter modes. Today, we are going to discuss about open collector … [Read more...]
What is Open Drain : Configuration & Its Applications
In order to have interference with the outside world using microcontrollers, it can be done through pins. These pins act as physical points for an integrated circuit where a PCB connection can be established. Each pin has its own circuitry, and it is configured to pins to allow interference with various kinds of circuits. And the most important point is to select the appropriate pin configuration in the design of an embedded system. Today, this article explains open-drain output configuration, … [Read more...]
What is a Phototransistor : Working & Its Applications
After the development of the first point-contact transistor, the phototransistor was invented by one of the teams at Bell Labs. At that time, a large number of developments were being started. Even though the phototransistor history is not publicized like other early developments of semiconductors, but it was certainly a very significant development. The first invention of this transistor was announced on March 30th, 1950. This article discusses an overview of a phototransistor and its … [Read more...]
What is UJT Relaxation Oscillator & Its Working
A three-terminal semiconductor device like UJT (uni-junction transistor) exhibits different characteristics like switching and negative resistance to using as a relaxation oscillator within phase control applications. This type of transistor can also be used in timing, trigger generator, and gate pulse applications. Similar to diodes, the construction of UJT can be done by using separate P-type & N-type semiconductor materials to form a single PN junction in the main N-type conducting … [Read more...]
Types of MOSFET – Operation, Working & Applications
The MOSFET is an important element in embedded system design which is used to control the loads as per the requirement. Many of electronic projects developed using MOSFET such as light intensity control, motor control and max generator applications. The MOSFET is a high voltage controlling device provides some key features for circuit designers in terms of their overall performance. This article provides information about different types of MOSFET applications. … [Read more...]
What is Transistor Biasing and Its Types
Transistors are developed in the year 1947 by the physicists of America named John Bardeen. Before the use of transistors, vacuum tubes used for the purpose to control electronic signals. But the complexity of designing vacuum tubes, more amount of power consumption paved the way for the inception of transistors in modern electronics. The transistors are one of the most frequently used semiconductors utilized in the applications of switching and amplification. To make the transistor function … [Read more...]
What is Enhancement MOSFET & Its Operation
Transistors are the most popular semiconductors in the field of electronics. These are available in various types and configurations such as Bipolar-Junction Transistors (BJTs) and the Field-Effect Transistors (FETs) considered as the basic ones. These FETs are further classified as Junction field-effect transistors (JFET) and insulated gate field-effect transistors (IGFET). The transistor with input at the gate is insulated electrically from the main channel of current-carrying is referred to … [Read more...]
Junction Field Effect Transistor : Working, Characteristics & Applications
A JFET or Junction Field Effect Transistor is a transistor that classified under the category of FET. These are known for its voltage-controlled transistors where it doesn’t depend on the current for biasing. These consist of source, gate and drain as its terminals. This transistor comes under unipolar devices. The reason for this is that the conduction is dependent on the majority of the charge carriers. These FETs has the capability of consuming lesser amounts of power. It can be manufactured … [Read more...]
What is P-Channel MOSFET : Working and Its Characteristics
P-Channel MOSFET is a classification of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Device. This consists of the n-substrate in the middle with light doping concentration. These are the three terminals devices. It possesses uni-polar characteristics because its operation is dependent on the majority of the charge carriers. In this, the majority of the carriers are holes because of two p materials utilized in the circuitry. It is further classified based on the existence of the channels. If the channel exists by … [Read more...]
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