Small signal transistors come in both PNP & NPN forms which are used for amplifying low-level signals and also they can be used as a switch. These transistors mainly depend on the contact between two different kinds of semiconductors to amplify or switch electronic signals & power. The typical hFE values for these transistors range from 10 to 500 with the highest IC ratings ranging from 80 to 600mA. The maximum operating frequencies of these transistors range from 1 to 300 MHz. These … [Read more...]
KST42 Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Datasheet, Circuit, Working, & Its Applications
The KST42 transistor was invented by an American semiconductor company namely “Fairchild Semiconductor International, Inc., located in San Jose, California. This company manufactures different transistors and integrated circuits. So, the KST42 transistor is a high-voltage transistor and it is ideal for lighting, battery charger, and power supply applications. This article gives an overview of the KST42 transistor, pin configuration, specifications, and applications. What is KST42 … [Read more...]
BC558 Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications
The transistor like PNP operates almost similarly to NPN but the current directions & voltage polarities will be reversed. The flow of current in NPN is from the collector terminal to the emitter whereas in PNP, it is from the emitter terminal to the collector. So, a PNP transistor is generally a type of transistor where n-type material can be doped using two p-type materials. A PNP transistor is an electronic component that is controlled simply through the current supply. So the small … [Read more...]
2N3053 Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Equivalent
Transistors that are made completely with metal bodies have been available for quite a long time. The 2N3053 transistor is one of them and is a very popular metal can transistor that is available in the TO-39 package, which is bigger as compared to the TO-18. The transistor has quite interesting characteristics so it is capable of achieving stably in very low & high-temperature conditions. This transistor is mainly designed to utilize in the applications of power oscillators, audio … [Read more...]
BC557 Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Datasheet, Working & Its Applications
PNP transistor is one type of transistor where one n-type material is doped with two p-type materials. This transistor is controlled through the current supply where both the collector & emitter terminals are controlled through the small amount of current at the base terminal. The schematic symbol of this transistor is similar to the NPN transistor but the only difference is the arrow direction on the emitter terminal. In PNP type, the arrow direction is inward whereas in PNP, the arrow … [Read more...]
BC639 Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Datasheet, Working & Its Applications
BC639 is a BJT with high current gain and this transistor belongs to the NPN transistor family. This transistor is an extremely adaptable device, used to switch fairly high voltage devices which normally use 60V to 120V DC. This transistor uses a TO-92 package and is the most common type of transistor package mainly utilized in low-power devices. This package is made up of plastic or epoxy material because these materials are less weight and also have high heat resistance properties. This … [Read more...]
TIP127 Darlington Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications
There are different types of Power Transistors from TIP series like; TIP41 (NPN), TIP31(NPN), TIP42 (PNP), TIP2955 (PNP). TIP122 (NPN), TIP127 (PNP). The term TIP stands for “Texas Instruments Power” and is a series of BJTs manufactured by Texas Instruments. This series was launched in the 1960s and is still used today because of its durability, simplicity & simple use. This article provides brief information on one of the TIP series transistors namely; the TIP127 Darlington transistor, pin … [Read more...]
BC108 Transistor : Pin Configuration, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications
The low-power and general-purpose NPN silicon BJTs like; BC109, BC107, and BC108 are frequently found in most electronic devices and equipment. These transistors were produced by Philips & Mullard Ltd in the year 1963 & launched in April 1966. At first, the range of these transistors is expanded ultimately in TO-18 metal packages to include other types of packages, high voltage ratings, better gain groupings selection & complementary PNP types. Some electronics manufacturers have … [Read more...]
MJE13005 Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications
The MJE13005 is a high-voltage & high-speed power transistor that belongs to the family of NPN transistors. The MJE13005 transistor is a semiconductor device that is made up of silicon (Si) material. This transistor is a current-controlled device that includes three terminals; an emitter, base, and collector. This transistor supports loads up to 4A & the voltage from the emitter base is 9V which is the necessary voltage for transistor action. This article provides brief information on … [Read more...]
BC517 Darlington Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications
Darlington pair is a multi-transistor or Darlington configuration in electronics which includes two BJTs like PNP or NPN. This transistor is named after its inventor name “Sidney Darlington”. It is a special arrangement of two PNP/NPN standard BJTs connected together. The emitter terminal of one transistor is connected to the base terminal of the other transistor so that the flow of current can be amplified through the primary transistor and further, it is amplified by the secondary transistor. … [Read more...]
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