The transistor is the most significant electronic component in designing various electrical and electronic switching and amplifier circuits. The transistor includes three terminals where the central terminal is the base and the remaining two terminals are the emitter and collector. The doping region of the emitter terminal is less as compared to the collector however larger as compared to the base. Transistors are used everywhere almost from relay driver circuits to very complicated motherboard … [Read more...]
AC128 Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications
AC128 transistor was launched in the 1960s and used in various commercial devices like; TVs, radios, tape recorders, and many more. These transistors are used still in some Fuzz Face devices mainly for the guitar. It performs very well as compared to new Silicon transistors & gives a real feel due to the Fuzz Face performance depending totally on the transistors utilized within its circuits. In this article, we are going to explain the AC128 transistor, pin configuration, features, … [Read more...]
BC556 Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications
A PNP transistor is a semiconductor device, made with N-type doped material arranged between two P-type materials. The majority-charge carriers of this transistor are holes emitted by the emitter and collected by the collector. The flow of electrons in this transistor will be from the emitter terminal to the collector. Thus, this transistor will be turned ON whenever there is a zero voltage on the base terminal. This article provides brief information on one of the PNP-type transistors namely; … [Read more...]
BC177 Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications
BC177 is a widely used PNP transistor from the BC17x series. The other PNP transistors from this series are BC178 & BC179 which are very popular & utilized in different applications. The BC10x series is an NPN complementary transistor series that includes three NPN transistors; BC107, BC109 & BC108. This PNP transistor is accessible within three different versions based on the values of DC gain which can be decided by the final alphabet of its part number. If the alphabet is ‘A’ then … [Read more...]