MOSFET Switch is a metal oxide semiconductor device that consists of three terminals known as source, gate, and the drain. It comes under the classification of basic field-effect transistor (FET). The conduction is either dependent on the flow of electrons or holes as per the type of the channel. This makes the device to be unipolar. Other than three terminals there exists one more type of terminal that is referred to as the substrate or the body but it is neither used in input nor output … [Read more...]
Basics of N-Channel MOSFET, Working and Characteristics
N-Channel MOSFET is a type of metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor that is categorized under the field-effect transistors (FET). MOSFET transistor operation is based on the capacitor. This type of transistor is also known as an insulated-gate field-effect transistor (IGFET). Sometimes it is also known as a metal-insulator field-effect transistor (MIFET). This type of transistor is further classified as p-type and n-type. These p-types and n-type MOSFETs are further classified as … [Read more...]
What is MOSFET : Working and Its Applications
MOSFET is a metal oxide semiconductor that is under the category of the field-effect transistor (FET). These transistors are widely used under the varieties of the applications relating to the amplification and the switching of the devices. Because of its fabrication MOSFET's are available in smaller sizes. It consists of a source, drain, gate and the substrate of the transistor as its terminals. For the circuitry of analog or it be digital this one is the widely preferred transistor. Based on … [Read more...]