In basic electronics, the circuits are divided into various categories based on the operation, structure, connection, etc. The electronics circuits are active, passive, analog, digital, and mixed-signal circuits. Consider a passive circuit with passive elements like resistor, capacitor, and inductor which are combined to form 4 types of circuits such as RL circuit, RC circuit, LC circuit, and RLC circuit. These passive elements in the passive circuit don’t generate power but store the energy. … [Read more...]
What is an Inductive Reactance : Formula & Its Working
An inductor is normally a coil of wire. When current is passing through that coil, the electric field will be generated. So the field will get induced. The induced filed depends on the number of turns and this is inductance. An inductor due to its inductance resists the flow of alternating current. Basing on the Lenz's law inductor will resist change in current. Reactance is defined as the resistance offered to the AC currents by capacitors and inductors only. Usually, reactance is denoted by X, … [Read more...]