The theory of modern electronics is based on amplification, which is achieved using the circuit called the amplifier circuit. As we know, the gain of the amplifier is not varied according to the signal frequency. Hence, to amplify and select the desired range of frequency a tuned amplifier circuit is needed. An amplifier circuit, which is used to amplify the desired range of frequency or a narrow band range of frequencies and rejects all other frequencies known as tuned amplifiers. To amplify … [Read more...]
What are Clippers and Clampers & Their Working
There are many electronic circuits that are used for signal transmission. It can be an amplifier or modulator or it might be anything related to the signal strength enhancement. These devices are known for accepting the signal at a certain defined range of voltages. If the signal applied has an amplitude value greater than that of the range described this results in distortion or it may destroy the components present in the circuit. There is another problem related to signals that are their … [Read more...]
All about Amplifiers and their Workings
An amplifier is one of the most commonly used electronic devices in the world. It's a basic building block of a vast number of circuits, and comes in various forms. Amplifiers can be defined simply as an electronic device that increases the power of a signal. In other words, it increases the amplitude of a signal, and makes it stronger than the given input. Although this sounds simple in theory, amplifiers have a lot of parameters and conditions in the real world. Amplification is never … [Read more...]
Know about Klystron Amplifier Types with Applications
The term “Klystron amplifier” was designed by two brothers, namely Sigurd Varian and Russell at Stanford University.The prototype and the demonstration of this amplifier is finished successfully on 30th august 1937 and published in the year 1939. News of the klystron amplifier was influenced by the US and UK researchers which are working on radar device. These amplifiers are one type of microwave vacuum tubes which are used as an amplifiers in some radar devices as amplifiers. These amplifiers … [Read more...]
What is an Op Amp Differentiator : Circuit & Its Working
An operational amplifier or Op-Amp is a linear device that is used in ideal DC amplification, signal conditioning, filtering, and also in mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, integration, and differentiation. Op-amp is a voltage amplifying device which is having external feedback components such as capacitors and resistors between output and input terminals. The feedback components presenting in Op-Amp are useful to carry on the operation in an efficient way. An Op-Amp is a … [Read more...]
What is Common Source Amplifier : Working & Its Applications
In electronic circuits, amplifiers are used to increase the strength or amplitude of the input signal without any phase change and frequency. Amplifier circuits are made up of either FET (Fied Effect Transistor) or normal bipolar junction transistor-based on their 3 terminals. The advantage of amplifier circuit using FET over BJTs is used as small-signal amplifiers because they produce high input impedance, high voltage gain, and low noise in the input signal. FET is a voltage-controlled device … [Read more...]
What is Transformer Coupled Amplifier & Its Working
In multi-stage amplifiers, coupling devices are used to connect different stages of transistor circuits in cascade. When the output of the first stage is connected to the input of the second stage through a coupling/coupled device, then it is referred to as a coupled amplifier. The coupling devices would be a transformer or resistor or capacitor. Based on these devices, there are different types of coupling amplifiers/coupled amplifiers such as Direct-coupling amplifier, RC coupled amplifier, … [Read more...]
What is Cascode Amplifier : Circuit & Its Working
Cascode is a technique implied to improve the performance of the analog circuits. The same technique can be applied to transistors and the vacuum tubes to make the circuit better performance-wise. The word cascode is initiated in the year 1939 by Frederick Vinton Hunt's and Roger Wayne Hickman's article during the discussion of voltage stabilizer applications. The discussion was about to propose a method to replace the pentode by cascoding two triodes. In cascoding, two transistors are used … [Read more...]
What is an Isolation Amplifier : Working & Its Applications
Sometimes, while performing electrical operations, it becomes important for us to isolate one part of the circuit to another to prevent excess loss of energy. For that reason, we use an isolation amplifier which acts as an isolating device. The main purpose of the isolation amplifier is to electrically separate the circuit which comes before the amplifier from the circuit which comes after the amplifier. So, basically we can say that an isolation amplifier can be used to give ohmic isolation … [Read more...]
What is Tuned Amplifier : Types & Its Applications
In the field of wireless communication, the signal strength must be increased to transmit the signal for long distances. So this can be made possible by using the amplifier. It enhances the strength of the signal without altering the information. Amplifiers are of various types based on the frequency ranges and applications. The required ones are selected and placed in the circuit. For audio signal amplifications, audio amplifiers are used. The audio amplifiers are not capable enough of … [Read more...]