Optical Fiber Sensor Question & Answers October 15, 2022 By WatElectronics This article lists 75 Optical Fiber Sensor MCQs for engineering students. All the Optical Fiber Sensor Questions & Answers given below include a hint and a link wherever possible to the relevant topic. This is helpful for users who are preparing for their exams, interviews, or professionals who would like to brush up on the fundamentals of Optical Fiber Sensor. The Fiber optic sensors are immune to electromagnetic interference and highly accurate. Based on sensor location, the optical Fiber sensors are categorized into intrinsic and extrinsic sensors. The extrinsic sensor is also known as the passive Fiber optic sensor and the intrinsic sensor is also known as the active Fiber optic sensor. The function of the Fiber optic sensor is long-term and short-term monitoring. In optical communication, the system transmitter converts electrical to light signal and the optical Fiber conducts light signal over the distance. The fundamental components of Fiber optic sensors are; optical fiber, light source, modulators, detectors, and beam conditioning optics. The advantages of Fiber optic sensors are lightweight, non-obstructive, passive, low power, EMI resistant, and high sensitivity. The multimode step index, graded index multimode, single mode, polarization preserving, and polarizing are the types of optical Fibers. The rotation, acceleration, electric & magnetic fields, temperature & pressure, acoustics & vibration, strain, humidity, and viscosity are the Fiber optic sensor capabilities. 1). Which one of the following is a Fiber coupling technique? Polished Vapor axial deposition Rods in glass tube None of the above None Hint 2). The displacement and laser Doppler velocimeter sensors are example for ________________ sensors? Intrinsic Extrinsic Both a and b None of the above None Hint 3). The measurement of temperature, Strech, etc comes under __________________ sensors? Physical Chemical Biomedical None of the above None Hint 4). The detectors are categorized into ______________ types? Two Four Six Eight None Hint 5). Which one of the following Fiber optic sensors is less sensitive? Intrinsic Extrinsic Both a and b None of the above None Hint 6). The function of electrical resistance strain gauges is for ______________ monitoring? Short term Long term Both a and b None of the above None Hint 7). The function of vibrating wire gauges is for ____________ monitoring? Short term Long term Both a and b None of the above None Hint 8). The function of Fiber optic sensors is for ____________ monitoring? Short term Long term Both a and b None of the above None Hint 9). The function of wireless system is for ____________ monitoring? Short term Long term Both a and b None of the above None Hint 10). Which one of the following is a Fiber fabrication type? Polished Vapor axial deposition Rods in glass tube None of the above None Hint 11). What is the standard form of BBS? Broadband Light Source Broad Light Source Broadband Light Sample None of the above None Hint 12). The gauge length of embeddable Fiber optic sensor is ___________________? 1 mm 3 mm 1 to 20 mm 1 to 500mm None Hint 13). In which one of the following sensors the remote operations are possible? EFOS VWSG Both a and b None of the above None Hint 14). Based on the number of modes, the optical Fiber is categorized into ____________types? Two Three Five Six None Hint 15). Which one of the following is a type of optical Fiber? Polarization preserving Vapor axial deposition Polished None of the above None Hint 16). The pressure and liquid level sensors are example for ______________ sensor? Intrinsic Extrinsic Both a and b None of the above None Hint 17). Based on the reflective index the optical Fiber categorized into _________ types? Two Three Five Six None Hint 18). The Fabry Perot interferometer comes under _________________? Phase modulated Intensity modulated Wavelength modulated Scattering based None Hint 19). In which one of the following sensors, the Fiber itself performs the measurement? Intrinsic Extrinsic Both a and b None of the above None Hint 20). Which one of the following comes under light source? Vapor axial deposition Super radiant diodes Modified chemical vapor deposition None of the above None Hint Optical Fiber Sensor MCQ for Students 21). What is the standard form of FPI? Fiber Perot Interferometer Fabry Passive Interferometer Fabry Perot Interferometer None of the above None Hint 22). The FPI sensors are categorized into ______________ types? Two Four Six Eight None Hint 23). What is the standard form of SIs? Sagnac Intrinsic Sensor Sagnac Interchange Sensor Sagnac Interferometer Sensor None of the above None Hint 24). Which one of the following Fiber optic sensors is more sensitive? Intrinsic Extrinsic Both a and b None of the above None Hint 25). Which one of the following is a Fiber optic modulator? Mechanical Acousto-optics Both a and b None of the above None Hint 26). The measurement of blood flow, glucose content, etc comes under __________________ sensors? Physical Chemical Biomedical None of the above None Hint 27). What is the standard form of FBG? Fiber Bragg Gratings First Bragg Gratings Fiber Brillouin Gratings None of the above None Hint 28). The transmissive sensors come under _________________? Phase modulated Intensity modulated Wavelength modulated Scattering based None Hint 29). In optical communication system ___________________may be required to boost the light signal for longer distance? Transmitter Optical Fiber Optical regenerator Optical receiver None Hint 30). Which one of the following comes under point sensor? Conventional Fiber Bragg grating sensor Both a and b None of the above None Hint 31). In _____________ sensor, the data collection is manual in most cases? FBG Conventional Both a and b None of the above None Hint 32). The data transmission distance of FBG sensor is _________________? 10km 20m 10m 2m None Hint 33). The long-term stability is good in _______________ sensor? FBG Conventional Both a and b None of the above None Hint 34). In optical communication system ___________________converts light signals back to an electrical signal? Transmitter Optical Fiber Optical regenerator Optical receiver None Hint 35). What is the standard form of VWSGs? Vibrating Wire Strain Guage Voltage Wire Starin Guage Vibrating Wound Starin Guage None of the above None Hint 36). The resolution of embeddable Fiber optic sensor is ___________________? 0.01 % 3 mm 1 to 20 mm 1 to 500mm None Hint 37). The Fiber Bragg grating sensors come under _________________? Phase modulated Intensity modulated Wavelength modulated Scattering based None Hint 38). The bandwidth of step index Fiber optic is ________________? 100 GHz-Km 500GHz-Km 20MHz-Km 160GHz-Km None Hint 39). In optical communication system ___________________ converts electrical to light signal? Transmitter Optical Fiber Optical regenerator Optical receiver None Hint 40). Which one of the following comes under quasi distributed sensor? Conventional Fiber Bragg grating sensor Both a and b None of the above None Hint Optical Fiber Sensor MCQ for Quiz 41). The long-term stability is poor in _______________ sensor? FBG Conventional Both a and b None of the above None Hint 42). In _____________ sensor, the data collection is automatic? FBG Conventional Both a and b None of the above None Hint 43). The price/performance ratio is poor in ________________ sensor? FBG Conventional Both a and b None of the above None Hint 44). The bandwidth of graded index Fiber optic at 850nm is ________________? 100 GHz-Km 500GHz-Km 20GHz-Km 160MHz-Km None Hint 45). What is the standard form of EFOSs? Embeddable First Optic Sensors Embeddable Flexible Optic Sensors Embeddable Fiber Optic Sensors None of the above None Hint 46). The bandwidth of graded index Fiber optic at 1300 nm is ________________? 100 GHz-Km 500MHz-Km 20GHz-Km 160GHz-Km None Hint 47). In optical communication system ___________________conducts light signal over the distance? Transmitter Optical Fiber Optical regenerator Optical receiver None Hint 48). The price/performance ratio is good in ________________ sensor? FBG Conventional Both a and b None of the above None Hint 49). The data transmission distance of conventional sensor is _________________? 100 km 20 m 10 m 2 m None Hint 50). The measurement of PH content, gas analysis, spectroscopic studies, etc comes under __________________ sensors? Physical Chemical Biomedical None of the above None Hint 51). What is the standard form of MZI? Mach Zehnder Interferometer Multimode Zehnder Interferometer Main Zehnder Interferometer None of the above None Hint 52). Which one of the following Fiber optic sensors is not easier to use? Intrinsic Extrinsic Both a and b None of the above None Hint 53). What is the standard form of RLG? Ring Little Gyroscope Ring Light Gyroscope Ring Laser Gyroscope None of the above None Hint 54). The measurement range of vibrating strain gauge is ___________________? 0.01 % +2000 to +3000 or -2000 to -3000 3 mm 1 to 500mm None Hint 55). The Brillouin scattering based sensors come under _________________? Phase modulated Intensity modulated Wavelength modulated Scattering based None Hint 56). Which one of the following is an interferometric sensor? Raman scattering sensor Chirped Fiber Bragg grating sensor Sagnac interferometric sensor All of the above None Hint 57). The Fiber attenuation types are categorized into _________________ types? Two Three Four Six None Hint 58). What is the standard form of LPG? Low Period Grating Long Period Glass Long Period Grating None of the above None Hint 59). The fluorescence-based sensors comes under _________________ Fiber optic sensor? Extrinsic Intrinsic Both a and b None of the above None Hint 60). What is the standard form of MI? Michelson Interferometer Multimode Interferometer Main Interferometer None of the above None Hint Optical Fiber Sensor MCQ for Interviews 61). Which one of the following Fiber optic sensors are tougher to multiplex? Intrinsic Extrinsic Both a and b None of the above None Hint 62). What is the standard form of FOG? Fibre Optic Grating First Optic Gyroscope Fibre Optic Gyroscope None of the above None Hint 63). The measurement range of embeddable Fiber optic sensor is ___________________? 0.01 % 3 mm +2000 to +10000 or -2000 to -10000 1 to 500mm None Hint 64). Which one of the following is a grating-based sensor? Raman scattering sensor Chirped Fiber Bragg grating sensor Sagnac interferometric sensor All of the above None Hint Read more about Sensors 65). The glass and plastic Fibers ae type of optical Fibers based on _____________? Materials Number of modes Refractive index profile None of the above None Hint 66). The absorption-based sensors are comes under _________________ Fiber optic sensor? Extrinsic Intrinsic Both a and b None of the above None Hint 67). The bandwidth of single mode Fiber optic is ________________? 100 GHz-Km 500MHz-Km 20MHz-Km 160 MHz-Km None Hint 68). What is the standard form of GRIN Fiber? Graded Index Fiber Glass Index Fiber Grating Index Fiber None of the above None Hint 69). The resolution of vibrating strain gauge is ___________________? 1 micro-strain 3 mm 1 to 20 mm 1 to 500mm None Hint 70). Which one of the following Fiber optic sensors are easily multiplexed? Intrinsic Extrinsic Both a and b None of the above None Hint 71). What is the standard form of BOTDA? Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis Bragg Optical Time Domain Analysis Brillouin Optical Time Descriptor Analysis None of the above None Hint 72). The gauge length of vibrating strain gauge is ___________________? 1 mm 3 mm 1 to 20 mm 50 to 300mm None Hint 73). The extrinsic birefringent component-based sensors come under _________________? Phase modulated Intensity modulated Wavelength modulated Polarisation based None Hint 74). Which one of the following is a distributed sensor? Raman scattering sensor Chirped Fiber Bragg grating sensor Sagnac interferometric sensor All of the above None Hint 75). Which one of the following Fiber optic sensors is easier to use? Intrinsic Extrinsic Both a and b None of the above None Hint For More MCQs Smart Sensor Question & Answers Temperature Sensor Question & Answers Proximity Sensor Question & Answers IR Sensor Question & Answers Biosensor Question & Answers Ultrasonic Sensor Question & Answers Humidity Sensor Question & Answers Wireless Sensor Network Question & Answers Sensors Question & Answers Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up