Galvanometer Question & Answers May 23, 2022 By WatElectronics This article lists 100 Galvanometer MCQs for Engineering Students. All the Galvanometer Questions & Answers given below includes solution and link wherever possible to the relevant topic. This is helpful for users who are preparing for their exams, interviews, or professionals who would like to brush up on the fundamentals of the galvanometer. The galvanometer is a type of electromechanical device which is categorized into two types they are pivoted coil and suspended coil galvanometers. It is one type of instrument which uses a magnetic field, measures simply DC and they are more responsive. The galvanometers are invented in 1802 by Johann Schweiger, the unit of galvanometers is radian/ampere or division/ampere. The suspension, stable magnet, and moving coil are the parts of the galvanometer. The galvanometers are highly reliable, accurate, and highly sensitive. In a dead-beat galvanometer, the coil is wound on a conducting frame, and this dead-beat galvanometer is used for deflection of current. In a dead-beat galvanometer, the coil stops oscillating when the circuit switches off. In a ballistic galvanometer, the coil is wound on a non-conducting frame, and the ballistic galvanometer is used for deflection of charge. In a ballistic galvanometer, the coil keeps on oscillating even if the circuit-switched is off. 1). Which one of the following galvanometers used for deflection of current? Ballistic galvanometer Dead-beat galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 2). In which one of the following galvanometers the coil is wound on a conducting frame? Ballistic galvanometer Dead-beat galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 3). In which one of the following galvanometers the coil stops oscillating when the circuit switch off? Ballistic galvanometer Dead-beat galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 4). Which one of the following meters is a type of electromechanical device? Galvanometer Ammeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 5). Which one of the following instruments uses a magnetic field? Galvanometer Voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 6). Which one of the following meters has a high sensitivity? Potentiometer Voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 7). Which one of the following instrument measures simply DC? Galvanometer ammeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 8). Which one of the following instruments is more responsive? Galvanometer ammeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 9). The moving coil galvanometers are categorized into _____________ types? One Two Three Four None Hint Read more about Ballistic Galvanometer 10). The vibrational galvanometer is categorized into _____________ types? One Two Three Four None Hint 11). Which one of the following type galvanometers is a portable instrument? Moving coil galvanometer Moving magnet galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 12). Which one of the following type galvanometers is a moving magnet and fixed coil type? Moving coil galvanometer Moving magnet galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 13). There are __________ types of errors are there in induction instruments? One Two Three Four None Hint 14). The quadrant type electrostatic voltmeters are used up to ____________ KV? 10KV 20KV 30KV 40KV None Hint 15). Which one of the following meter functions as clock mechanism? Electrolytic meters Motor meters Clock meters None of the above None Hint 16). Which one of the following meter operations depends on electrolytic action? Electrolytic meters Motor meters Clock meters None of the above None Hint 17). Which one of the following meters is really a small electric motor? Electrolytic meters Motor meters Clock meters None of the above None Hint 18). The motor meters are categorized into ______________ types? One Two Three Four None Hint 19). Which one of the following meters used on AC circuits? Mercury motor meters Commutator motor meters Induction motor meters None of the above None Hint 20). Which one of the following is a type of error in motor meters? Friction errors Braking errors Both a and b None of the above None Hint 21). The advantages of using galvanometers are ___________? High accuracy High reliability High sensitivity All of the above None Hint 22). Which one of the following galvanometers is a type of DC galvanometer? DArsonval Tuned detector Phase sensitive None of the above None Hint 23). Which one of the following is represented by a letter A? Area of galvanometer coil Number of turns in coil Current through coil None of the above None Hint 24). The mechanical hysteresis is an example for ______________ damping? Material damping Hydraulic damping Both a and b None of the above None Hint 25). Which one of the following meters used on AC and DC circuits? Mercury motor meters Commutator motor meters Induction motor meters None of the above None Hint Galvanometer Important MCQs 26). Which one of the following is represented by a letter N? Area of galvanometer coil Number of turns in coil Current through coil None of the above None Hint 27). The squeeze film damping is an example for ______________ damping? Air/oil pumping Hydraulic damping Both a and b None of the above None Hint 28). The gun is an example for ____________ type of damping? Critical damped Over damped Under damped None of the above None Hint 29). The simple pendulum is an example for ______________ vibration? Free vibration Forced vibration Both a and b None of the above None Hint 30). The toilet flush button is an example for ____________ type of damping? Critical damped Over damped Under damped None of the above None Hint 31). The source of availability is mains or generator in ___________ current? Alternate Direct Both a and b None of the above None Hint 32). The power factor is always one in _______________ current? Alternate Direct Both a and b None of the above None Hint 33). Which one of the following is a high resistance galvanometer? Ammeter Voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 34). The flow indicator is an example for ______________ instruments? Active Passive Both a and b None of the above None Hint 35). Which one of the following components are used in ballistic galvanometer? Permanent magnets Spring Both a and b None of the above None Hint 36). The resolution can be adjusted easily in ______________ type of instrument? Active Passive Both a and b None of the above None Hint 37). The technology renew period is long in __________ type of instrument? Visual Conventional Both a and b None of the above None Hint 38). Which one of the following instruments is vendor defined? Traditional instruments Virtual instruments Both a and b None of the above None Hint 39). Which one of the following instruments is low cost and reusable? Traditional instruments Virtual instruments Both a and b None of the above None Hint 40). The hardware is the key in _______________ type of instruments? Traditional instruments Virtual instruments Both a and b None of the above None Hint 41). The figure shown below is a block diagram of ___________ galvanometer? Dead-beat galvanometer Ballistic galvanometer Mirror galvanometer None of the above None Hint 42). Which one of the following instruments is expensive? Analog Digital Both a and b None of the above None Hint 43). In which one of the following instruments the accuracy is less? Analog Digital Both a and b None of the above None Hint 44). The digitalization of signal is required in _____________ type of voltmeter? Analog Digital Both a and b None of the above None Hint 45). The speed of operation is more in ______________ type of voltmeter? Analog Digital Both a and b None of the above None Hint 46). Which one of the following voltmeters has an overload indication? Digital voltmeter Analog voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 47). The sensitivity is more in ______________ type of voltmeters? Digital voltmeter Analog voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 48). which one of the following voltmeters has better resolution? Digital voltmeter Analog voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 49). Which one of the following meters is based on null deflection method? Voltmeter Potentiometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 50). Which one of the following types of voltmeters have an auto ranging feature? Digital voltmeter Analog voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint Galvanometer MCQs for Quiz 51). The __________ voltmeters are not calibrated automatically before every measurement? Digital voltmeter Analog voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 52). The figure shown below is a block diagram of ___________ galvanometer? Dead-beat galvanometer Ballistic galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 53). The moment of inertia must be large in ______________ type of galvanometer? Ballistic Dead-beat Both a and b None of the above None Hint 54). The resolution is 0.001 or more in _____________ type of instruments? Analog Digital Both a and b None of the above None Hint 55). Which one of the following instruments is not expensive? Analog Digital Both a and b None of the above None Hint 56). The shock absorbers are an example for ______________ damping? Material damping Hydraulic damping Both a and b None of the above None Hint 57). The torque to weight ratio is ___________ in moving coil galvanometer? High Low Very low Poor None Hint 58). The Ah meter is one type of _____________ electrical measuring instrument? Indicating Integrating Recording None of the above None Hint 59). The figure shown below is a block diagram of ___________ galvanometer? Dead-beat galvanometer Ballistic galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 60). Which one of the following meters have a good range of measurements? Digital voltmeter Analog voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 61). The __________ voltmeters are calibrated automatically before every measurement? Digital voltmeter Analog voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 62). Which one of the following types of voltmeters doesn't have an auto ranging feature? Digital voltmeter Analog voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 63). Which one of the following meters is based on deflection method? Voltmeter Potentiometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 64). In which one of the following voltmeters the resolution is poor? Digital voltmeter Analog voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 65). In which one of the following voltmeters the sensitivity is less? Digital voltmeter Analog voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 66). Which one of the following voltmeters doesn't have an overload indication? Digital voltmeter Analog voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 67). The speed of operation is less in ______________ type of voltmeter? Analog Digital Both a and b None of the above None Hint 68). The digitalization of signal is not required in _____________ type of voltmeter? Analog Digital Both a and b None of the above None Hint 69). In which one of the following instruments the accuracy is more? Analog Digital Both a and b None of the above None Hint 70). The figure shown below is a block diagram of ___________ galvanometer? Moving coil galvanometer Moving iron galvanometer Ohmmeter None of the above None Hint 71). The resolution is 0.01 or more in _____________ type of instruments? Analog Digital Both a and b None of the above None Hint 72). The software is the key in _______________ type of instruments? Traditional instruments Virtual instruments Both a and b None of the above None Hint 73). Which one of the following instruments is expensive? Traditional instruments ⦁ ⦁ ⦁ Virtual instruments Both a and b None of the above None Hint 74). Which one of the following instruments is user defined? Traditional instruments Virtual instruments Both a and b None of the above None Hint 75). The technology renew period is short in __________ type of instrument? Visual Conventional Both a and b None of the above None Hint Galvanometer MCQs for Students 76). The resolution can't be adjusted easily in ______________ type of instrument? Active Passive Both a and b None of the above None Hint 77). Which one of the following instruments are simple to design? Active Passive Both a and b None of the above None Hint 78). The pressure gauge is an example for ______________ instruments? Active Passive Both a and b None of the above None Hint 79). Which one of the following is a low resistance galvanometer? Ammeter Voltmeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 80). The power factor is always lies between o and 1 in _______________ current? Alternate Direct Both a and b None of the above None Hint 81). The source of availability is cell or battery in ___________ current? Alternate Direct Both a and b None of the above None Hint 82). The oscillation is an example for ______________ vibration? Free vibration Forced vibration Both a and b None of the above None Hint 83). The stringed instruments are an example for ____________ type of damping? Critical damped Over damped Under damped None of the above None Hint 84). The figure shown below is a block diagram of ___________ galvanometer? Dead-beat galvanometer Ballistic galvanometer Tangent galvanometer None of the above None Hint 85). Which one of the following is represented by a letter I? Area of galvanometer coil Number of turns in coil Current through coil None of the above None Hint 86). Which one of the following galvanometers is a type of DC galvanometer? DArsonval Tuned detector Phase sensitive Both b and c None Hint Read more about Galvanometer 87). The moment of inertia must be very small in ______________ type of galvanometer? Ballistic Dead-beat Both a and b None of the above None Hint 88). Which one of the following meters used on DC circuits? Mercury motor meters Commutator motor meters Induction motor meters None of the above None Hint 89). The wattmeters are categorized into _____________ types? One Two Three Four None Hint 90). The attracted disc type electrostatic voltmeters are used up to ____________ KV? 10KV 500KV 20KV 40KV None Hint 91). The electrostatic voltmeters are categorized into _____________ types? One Two Three Four None Hint 92). Which one of the following type galvanometers is a moving coil and fixed magnet type galvanometer? Moving coil galvanometer Moving magnet galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 93). Which one of the following type galvanometers is not a portable instrument? Moving coil galvanometer Moving magnet galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 94). Which one of the following instruments is less responsive? Galvanometer Ammeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 95). Which one of the following instrument measures both DC and AC? Galvanometer Ammeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 96). Which one of the following instruments is less exact? Galvanometer Ammeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 97). Which one of the following meters is a type of electric instrument? Galvanometer Ammeter Both a and b None of the above None Hint 98). In which one of the following galvanometers the coil keeps on oscillating even the circuit switched off? Ballistic galvanometer Dead-beat galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 99). In which one of the following galvanometers the coil is wound on a non-conducting frame? Ballistic galvanometer Dead-beat galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint 100). Which one of the following galvanometers used for deflection of charge? Ballistic galvanometer Dead-beat galvanometer Both a and b None of the above None Hint Please fill in the comment box below. Previous Next Next Time's up