Cognitive Radio Question & Answers September 23, 2022 By WatElectronics This article lists 100 Cognitive Radio MCQs for engineering students. All the Cognitive Radio Questions & Answers given below include a hint and a link wherever possible to the relevant topic. This is helpful for users who are preparing for their exams, interviews, or professionals who would like to brush up on the fundamentals of Cognitive Radio. The cognitive radio architectural approaches can either be distributed or centralized. In a centralized approach, the access and spectrum allocation are controlled by a central entity whereas in a distributed approach the access and spectrum allocation are controlled by a cognitive radio user. The main issues in cognitive radio network technology are self-coexistence, accurate sensing, signaling, optimized spectrum decision, seamless spectrum handover, cross-layer design, and energy efficiency. The wireless open access research platform, SORA, cognitive radio learning, Berkeley emulation engine, lyrtechs small form factor comes under the cognitive platform. The cognitive radio networks are categorized into two; they are infrastructure-based and cognitive radio ad hoc networks. The cognitive radio ad hoc network architecture consists of two groups; they are primary and cognitive radio networks. Spectrum sensing, spectrum management & handoff, dynamic spectrum allocation & sharing are the functions to facilitate cognitive radio operations. Bayesian signal processing, dynamic programming, game theory, software-defined radio, and cross-layer protocol design are a few popular cognitive techniques. 1). The channels in which incumbent users or WRAN operations have been detected are the characteristics of ____________________channel? Protected Operating Backup Candidate None Hint 2). Which of the following determines the spectrum holes? Spectrum sensing Spectrum decision Spectrum sharing Spectrum mobility None Hint 3). In which one of the following approaches the access and spectrum allocation are controlled by a central activity? Distributed approach Centralized approach Both a and b None of the above None Hint 4). The spectrum sensing techniques are categorized into ____________________ types? One Two Three Four None Hint 5). What is the standard form of WARP? Wired Open Access Research Wireless Open Access Research Wired Open Access Remote None of the above None Hint 6). The cooperative communications mainly ____________________ protocols? Two Three Four Five None Hint 7). The cognitive radio networks are categorized into ____________________ types? Two Three Four Five None Hint 8). In which one of the following spectrum, sensing techniques no prior information is required? Blind based Knowledge based Both a and b None of the above None Hint 9). The figure shown below is a block diagram of _______________________? Cognitive radio receiver Cognitive radio transmitter Covariance-based detection None of the above None Hint 10). The channel currently in operation for WRAN is the characteristics of ____________________ channel? Protected Operating Backup Candidate None Hint 11). Which of the following selects the best spectrum opportunities to meet the user communication requirement? Spectrum sensing Spectrum decision Spectrum sharing Spectrum mobility None Hint 12). What is the standard form of CORAL? Common Radio Learning Control Radio Learning Cognitive Radio Learning None of the above None Hint 13). The blind based spectrum sensing technique categorized into ____________________ types? Two Three Four Five None Hint 14). Which one of the following is a cognition technique? Bayesian signal processing Dynamic processing Learning machines with feedback All of the above None Hint 15). The cognition radio network used in ____________________ applications? Cognitive mesh networks Public safety networks Both a and b None of the above None Hint 16). The figure shown below is a block diagram of _______________________? Cognitive radio receiver Cognitive radio transmitter Cyclostationary None of the above None Hint 17). What is the standard form of PUEA? Primary User Emulation Attack Primary User Emulation Architecture Primary User Emulation Angle None of the above None Hint 18). The full and spectrum sensing cognitive radio are the type of cognitive radio depending on the ____________________? Set of parameters Parts of spectrum Both a and b None of the above None Hint 19). The cognitive radio is divided into ____________________ types depending on the parts of the spectrum available for cognitive radio? Two Three Four Five None Hint 20). The channels that have been cleared to become the operating channel are the characteristics of ____________________ channel? Protected Operating Backup Candidate None Hint 21). Which of the following coordinate access to the selected channels with cognitive radio neighbors? Spectrum sensing Spectrum decision Spectrum sharing Spectrum mobility None Hint 22). The cognitive radio ad-hoc network has ____________________ groups? Two Three Four Five None Hint 23). Which one of the following comes under compressive wideband spectrum sensing technique? Wavelet based detection Blind compressive sensing Energy detection All of the above None Hint 24). Which one of the following comes under Nyquist based wideband spectrum sensing technique? Wavelet based detection Blind compressive sensing Non-blind compressive sensing All of the above None Hint 25). Which one of the following comes under narrow band spectrum sensing technique? Machine learning based detection Wavelet based detection Multiband joint detection None of the above None Hint Cognitive Radio MCQs for Quiz 26). In which one of the following prior knowledge is required? Energy detection Matched filter Cyclostationary All of the above None Hint 27). What is the standard form of DRFM? Design Radio Frequency Memory Digital Radio Frequency Memory Detection Radio Frequency Memory None of the above None Hint 28). Which one of the following is a security solution for cognitive radio network? Cryptographic countermeasures Knowledge based approach Both a and b None of the above None Hint 29). In which one of the following, the performance under noise is good? Energy detection Matched filter Cyclostationary All of the above None Hint 30). The channels that are candidates to become a backup channel are the characteristics of ____________________ channel? Protected Operating Backup Candidate None Hint 31). Which of the following used to switch to the selected opportunities? Spectrum sensing Spectrum decision Spectrum sharing Spectrum mobility None Hint 32). In which one of the following approaches, the access and spectrum allocation are controlled by cognitive users? Distributed approach Centralized approach Both a and b None of the above None Hint 33). What is the standard form of WANN? Wireless Adaptable Network Node Wired Adaptable Network Node Wired Adaptable Node Network None of the above None Hint 34). In which one of the following spectrum, sensing techniques prior information is required? Blind based Knowledge based Both a and b None of the above None Hint 35). The knowledge-based spectrum sensing technique categorized into ____________________ types? Two Three Four Five None Hint 36). What is the standard form of MWBAN? Medical Wireless Body Area Network Medical Wired Body Area Network Manual Wireless Body Area Network None of the above None Hint 37). Which one of the following is simple to implement? Energy detection Matched filter Cyclostationary None of the above None Hint 38). The jamming techniques are categorized into ____________________ types? One Two Three Four None Hint 39). Which one of the following comes under physical layer attack? PU emulation CCC jamming CR virus None of the above None Hint 40). What is the standard form of BEE2? Berkeley Energy Engine Berkeley Emulation Engine Berkeley Emulation Energy None of the above None Hint 41). What is the standard form of CRSN? Cognitive Radio Wireless Simple Networks Cognitive Radio Wired Sensor Networks Cognitive Radio Wireless Sensor Networks None of the above None Hint Read more about Sensors 42). Which one of the following comes under data link layer attack? Byzantine Jamming Both a and b None of the above None Hint 43). The jellyfish attack comes under ____________________ layer cognitive radio network? Physical layer Link layer Network layer Cross layer None Hint 44). What is the standard form of CRIoT? Common Radio Internet of Things Control Radio Internet of Things Cognitive Radio Internet of Things None of the above None Hint 45). Which one of the following techniques require a priori information of the primary user’s signals? Matched filter detection Compressed sensing detection Both a and b None of the above None Hint 46). Which one of the following performs well in low SNR environments? Cyclostationary feature detection Covariance based detection Both a and b None of the above None Hint 47). The sybil comes under ____________________ attack on cognitive radio network layer function? Host address attacks IP datagram fragmentation attack Routing attack All of the above None Hint 48). The RPUA comes under attacks on ____________________? Path determination Packet forwarding Route maintenance All of the above None Hint 49). The control message fabrication comes under attacks on ________? Path determination Packet forwarding Route maintenance All of the above None Hint 50). What is the standard form of CRAHNs? Control Radio Ad-hoc Network Cognitive Radio Ad-hoc Network Common Radio Ad-hoc Network None of the above None Hint Cognitive Radio MCQs for Students 51). The sinkhole attack comes under ____________________ layer cognitive radio network? Physical layer Link layer Network layer Cross layer None Hint 52). The detection based on ITC comes under ____________________ spectrum sensing approach? Semi-blind Non-blind Blind None of the above None Hint 53). Which one of the following engines is used to handle all the tasks related to dynamic spectrum? Environment awareness Spectrum awareness Cognitive Location awareness None Hint 54). Which one of the following is based on RSS? Waveform based methods Environment sensing based methods Both a and b None of the above None Hint 55). How many types of location sensing techniques are there? Two Three Four Five None Hint 56). What is the standard form of CSD? Compressed Sensing Detection Common Sensing Detection Control Sensing Detection None of the above None Hint 57). Which one of the following spectrum sensing techniques can sense the broadband primary user’s signals? Energy detection Wavelet-based detection Compressed sensing detection All of the above None Hint 58). What is the standard form of WBD? Wavelet-Based Digital Wavelet-Based Design Wavelet-Based Detection None of the above None Hint 59). Which one of the following engines is used to manage environment information? Environment awareness Cognitive Spectrum awareness Location awareness None Hint 60). What is the standard form of WAND? Wireless Adaptable Network Domain WNaN Adaptive Network Development WNaN Adaptable Node Network None of the above None Hint 61). The spectrum management functions are categorized into _________ types? Two Three Four Five None Hint 62). The exhaustion attack comes under ____________________ layer cognitive radio network? Physical layer Link layer Network layer Cross layer None Hint 63). The matched filter detection comes under ____________________ spectrum sensing approach? Semi-blind Non-blind Blind None of the above None Hint 64). What is the standard form of DCSS? Decentralized Common Spectrum Sensing Decentralized Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Decentralized Control Spectrum Sensing None of the above None Hint 65). Which one of the following engines is used to handle all the tasks related to local information? Environment awareness Spectrum awareness Cognitive Location awareness None Hint 66). The location awareness engine consists of ____________________ subsystems? Two Three Four Five None Hint 67). Which one of the following is based on GPS? Waveform based methods Environment sensing based methods Both a and b None of the above None Hint 68). In cognitive radios, the sensing mechanisms are categorized into ____________________ types? Two Three Four Five None Hint 69). What is the standard form of WDCS? Wavelet Domain Common System Wave Design Communication System Wind Domain Communication System None of the above None Hint 70). What is the standard form of SSDF? Sample Sensing Data Falsification Simple Sensing Data Falsification Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification None of the above None Hint 71). The figure shown below is a block diagram of __________________? Cognitive radio receiver Cognitive radio transmitter Energy detection None of the above None Hint 72). In which one of the following is the upgrade of design possible? Cognitive radio Software defined radio Both a and b None of the above None Hint 73). The spectrum sensing techniques are divided into ____________________ categories? Two Three Four Five None Hint 74). The false information about the spectrum assignment is the reason for ____________________ attack? Primary and secondary user jamming Overlapping secondary users Ripple effect None of the above None Hint 75). The detection of energy and fit detection comes under ____________________ spectrum sensing approach? Semi-blind Non-blind Blind None of the above None Hint Cognitive Radio MCQs for Interviews 76). What is the standard form of ACSS? Analog Common Spectrum Sensing Adaptive Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Access Control Spectrum Sensing None of the above None Hint 77). What are the advantages of an energy detector? Very unreliable in low SNR regimes Easy to implement Prior knowledge about primary signals are not required Both b and c None Hint 78). What are the advantages of matched filtering and coherent detection? Requires prior knowledge More robust to noise High complexity None of the above None Hint 79). The noise jamming's are categorized into ____________________ types? One Two Three Four None Hint 80). Which one of the following is more efficient and compact? Cognitive radio Software defined radio Both a and b None of the above None Hint 81). The compressive wideband sensing is categorized into ____________________ types? Two Three Four Five None Hint 82). What is the standard form of HD-CRNs? Half Duplex Cognitive Radio Area Network Half Duplex Cognitive RAM Area Network Half Duplex Cognitive ROM Area Network None of the above None Hint 83). The location consistency check is countermeasure of ____________________ attack type? Primary and secondary user jamming Overlapping secondary users Ripple effect None of the above None Hint 84). What was the reason for the primary signal sensing attack? Compromising with malicious node False information about spectrum assignment Low level primary signal will be missed None of the above None Hint 85). Which one of the following attacks is location based and hard to prevent? Primary and secondary user jamming Overlapping secondary users Ripple effect None of the above None Hint 86). What is the reason for increased interference by malicious node attack types? Compromising with malicious node False information about spectrum assignment Low level primary signal will be missed None of the above None Hint 87). The continuous trust management process on SUs is the countermeasure for ____________________ attack? Primary and secondary user jamming Overlapping secondary users Ripple effect None of the above None Hint 88). The trust management on secondary users for resource hungry and collaborative trust is the countermeasure that comes under the ____________________ cognitive radio network layer? MAC Physical Both a and b None of the above None Hint 89). The figure shown below is a block diagram of __________________? Cognitive radio receiver Cognitive radio transmitter Cognitive radio transmitter and receiver None of the above None Hint 90). Which one of the following is less efficient? Cognitive radio Software defined radio Both a and b None of the above None Hint 91). What is the standard form of TDCS? Transfer Domain Common System Transfer Design Communication System Transfer Domain Communication System None of the above None Hint 92). The Nyquist based wideband sensing categorized into ____________________ types? Two Three Four Five None Hint 93). What is the standard form of FD-CRNs? Full Duplex Cognitive Radio Area Network Full Duplex Cognitive RAM Area Network Full Duplex Cognitive ROM Area Network None of the above None Hint 94). Which one of the following is not simple to implement? Energy detection Matched filter Cyclostationary Both b and c None Hint 95). The learning attack comes under spectrum access behavior layer cognitive radio network? Physical layer Link layer Network layer Cross layer None Hint 96). In which one of the following is the upgrade of design not possible? Cognitive radio Software defined radio Both a and b None of the above None Hint 97). The figure shown below is a block diagram of __________________? Cognitive radio receiver Cognitive radio transmitter Cognitive radio transmitter and receiver None of the above None Hint 98). The process domain categorized into _________ types? Two Three Four Five None Hint 99). The centralized and distributed spectrum sharing's are categorized based on the __________? Architecture Spectrum access behavior Both a and b None of the above None Hint 100). The cooperative and non-cooperative spectrum sharing's are categorized based on the _________________? Architecture Spectrum access behavior Both a and b None of the above None Hint Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up