IoT (Internet of Things) is current blooming technology, that comprises a communication network containing physical objects (things) connected using a software-based technology or a sensor-based technology over an internet connection. This technology can connect every object like cars, kitchen appliances, baby monitors using the internet via embedded devices and allow the communication process to occur. This article covers a list of IoT projects, using different technology platform applications such as RFID, GSM, Robotics, Android application, Sensor technology, Wi-Fi technology, industrial application, and Healthcare applications.
Wireless/GSM based IoT Projects for Engineering Students
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) is a modem, is a second-generation (2G) protocol using for mobile communication. The purpose of GSM in mobile communication includes sending SMS text messages, TCP/IP, connecting to the internet through GPRS, and more features.
GSM technology with IoT platform provides advantages like effective communication over a long distance with efficient output results in any application. The List of Wireless/GSM Based IoT Projects for Final Year Students is discussed below.

Wireless GSM Based IoT Projects for Final Year Students
1). IoT Based Smart Energy Meter Monitoring with Theft Detection
This IoT project aims to put an end to power wastage or theft by automatically alerting the owner via SMS. This project is designed using a microcontroller – Atmega 328, IoT connection, a GSM module interfaced with a mobile phone so that user can get the notification message, a sensor interfaced to microcontroller detects electric energy if there is a power theft, sends an alert message to a configured user, and 4 buttons to set power consumption units.
2). IoT Based Three-Phase Power Failure Monitoring with SMS Alerts
This project aims to notify the concerned authority via SMS whenever there is a phase failure. This IoT project is designed using a buzzer to ring whenever there is a breakdown, an LCD to display the voltage failure status, and a GSM module is interfaced with an IoT device for connecting the call to the authority whenever on phase breakdown.
3). IoT Based DC Motor Speed Control Using GSM
This IoT project is designed using a DC motor interfaced with a GSM modem, a microcontroller (Atmega), and an LCD to display readings. A system is configured with a mobile number from which control instructions are sent, to a GSM modem that validates the message and then the system reads and executes the command provided by the user to the DC motor. The motor runs until a stop instruction is executed.
4). IoT Based Monthly Electricity Billing With Bill SMS Using PIC Controller
This project aims to automatically calculate, generate and provide the consumer with electricity bill details via SMS (Short Message Service) and also display on LCD of the smart system. The SMS provides details like how much power and units, charges are consumed. This project is designed using a PIC microcontroller which is interfaced with a GSM modem.
5). IoT Based Fire & Gas Accident Avoider System
This IoT project aims to automatically detect, alert and take necessary action whenever it detects a gas leakage or a fire breakdown. This system uses MQ-6 LPG CNG gas and fire sensors for detection, and a SIM 800 GSM modem interfaced with the microcontroller (Atmega). This system detects any gas leakage or fire breakdown and auto-turns off the supply of the gas using a stepper motor and turns ON’s the exhausted fan and alerts the authenticator via SMS.
IoT Projects using Arduino
A microcontroller is designed on a metal oxide semiconductor that is integrated into a chip. It comprises more than one computer with programmable input and output peripherals and memory. They are interfaced using a network to communicate with other devices and transfer the data to the IoT application for any analysis.
They support more than one network protocol like Wi-Fi, Cellular networks like 2G/3G, Bluetooth, or even RFID. The advantage of using a microcontroller with IoT is that it is an intelligent scalable processor that works with the endpoint device and makes intelligent control, it is cost-effective, and executes the task concurrently and isolate, with higher efficiency. The list of IoT Projects Using Microcontroller – Arduino are discussed below

IoT Projects Using Microcontroller – Projects Using Arduino
1). IoT Based Humidity and Temperature Monitoring Using Arduino Uno
. This project aims to automatically track the humidity and temperature of a room and notify the authenticator via SMS. The components used in this project are the DHT11 sensor, an Arduino-based microcontroller that controls the entire system, a Wi-Fi module that notifies the authenticator and uploads the data onto the IoT cloud, and ESP8266-01. Such systems are commonly used in all seasons to track temperature and humidity automatically.
2). Configure EESP Mesh Network Using Audio IDE (integrated development environment) Communicating Among and Between ESP32, ESP8266, and NodeMCU
This project is implemented in Arduino IDE using ESP. Mesh networks with 4 ESP devices namely BME280 two in number and DHT22, and DS18B20, are configured with each other using Wi-Fi Mesh Network, and ESP that is interfaced to the computer tracks the 4 ESP sensors readings onto the network.
Thus, handles all services provided by IP with a high authentication factor to the data that is communicated in the process over a large area.
3). Arduino Based Roller Blinds to Automate and Control Your Windows Curtains with Google Assistant
An IoT project that automates the curtain blinds operation based on the voice, instruction assistance from Google using Arduino controller is designed. This project is designed using Node MCU (Node Microcontroller Unit) which is a public source hardware and software development environment on SOC (System on Chip) and 28BYJ-48 stepper motor.
4). Performing MQTT Communication with ESP8266/NodeMCU using Arduino IDE
This IoT project aims to translate the messages between various smart devices using subscribe or publish method. Also, it controls the data flow like sending and receiving the data between devices using a Wi-Fi connection. The main components used in this project are – Eclipse MQTT broker which is a lightweight protocol to carry messages in IoT, Node MCU firmware, and MQTT broker server.
5). IoT Based Voice Controlled FM Radio Using Arduino and Google Assistant
With the advancement in radio technology, this project designs a radio system that automatically tunes to a radio station like 98.5Hz, 101.1 Hz over a voice speech, or by using google assistant. The main components used in this IoT project are RDA5870M Superheterodyne Receiver IC, Arduino IDE, FM radio, and Wi-Fi connection.
RFID Based IoT Projects
Radio-frequency identification also represented as RFID is a radio frequency technology that uses EM fields to identify automatically and track the status of a tag that is attached to an object, using 2 main components RFID tag and RFID reader.
RFID technology with IoT provides advantages like an effective way of tracking an item; it provides time management and reliable technology. Some of the applications of RFID technology are car parking systems, biometric systems, and many more. The list of RFID Based IoT Projects for beginners are discussed below

RFID Based IoT Projects
1). IoT Based Smart Parking System Using RFID
This project aims to guide the vehicle owner to track and view the vehicle’s free parking slot/zone using RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) over the vehicle tracking website. This project interfaces an RFID sensor with Raspberry Pi as the main component. Such technology is implemented in areas like shopping malls, airports, etc.
2). IoT And RFID Based Security System Project
This IoT project aims to provide entry access to a valid user RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) ID swipe at the gate or the entrance of the premises. This project is implemented using an LCD that displays the GUI messages, an RFID reader that reads the unique RFID number on an individual’s tag swipe, which is further interfaced with a microcontroller that performs validation tasks.
3). IoT-Based Event Management System using RFID and ThingSpeak
This project aims to keep track of the login events swipes using the RFID Radio-Frequency Identification module. This project is designed using EM18 RFID Reader, RFID Cards, and NodeMCU which provides an IoT feature. The advantage of using this technology is that it tracks every individual detail and their status over the cloud.
4). IoT Based Arduino Solenoid Door Lock using RFID
This IoT project aims to automatically lock the door, using a Solenoid door lock interfaced with an Arduino and RFID system. The moment of a door in this project is tracked by a magnet placed on the top and bottom of the door and a hall effect sensor which is placed on the frame of the door. When magnet and sensor are nearby, the door is closed and if both sensor and magnet are far it indicates that the door is open.
5). IoT Based Petrol Bunk Automation
This IoT project aims to use RFID technology that automatically opens the petrol bunk gate, whenever a valid vehicle with a prepaid card sticker placed on the vehicle arrives at the gate. Once the car enters into the bunk, it displays the user’s card balance details on the LCD and allows the user to select the fuel option via keyboard.
On validating the user’s instructions like fuel metrics and price, it deducts the balance and dispenses fuel, and notifies users with an updated balance via SMS using GSM.
IoT Projects in Healthcare
IoT devices in healthcare appliances proved remote features like emergency notification and health monitoring device systems. The health monitoring devices range from health rate monitors to blood pressure monitors.
The purpose of a health monitoring system using remote technology is to monitor patients (non-critical) at home rather instead in a hospital it reduces the hospital strain resources like beds, doctors, and other equipment.
Additionally, it provides convenient access to healthcare for rural areas and enables senior citizens to live independently at home for longer. The significant disadvantage of this technology is the security data stored on the cloud is breached. Also, there should be continuous monitoring of remote devices like sensor data accuracy. Fortunately, these issues are all largely solvable only up to some extent. The List of Health Care IoT Projects is discussed Below

IoT Projects in Healthcare
1). IoT in Healthcare: Glucose Monitoring
Chronic diseases like Diabetes occur due to abnormal functionality of pancreas glands in the body this abnormality leads to unbalanced sugar levels in the body and also affects other parts of the body. This project aims to digitally track the sugar levels of a diabetic patient using a sensor band on the patient’s hand, this band is further interfaced to a smartwatch or mobile phone where data is displayed and stored.
2). IoT Based Remote Patient Monitoring
Due to the lack of continuous patient observation from the timing an IoT-based electronic wearable device is designed for continuous monitoring of a patient’s health condition. Where the wearable sensor band is placed on the patient’s wrist that tracks the condition of the patient every second and notifies the doctor over an app using an IoT network. Also, records patient’s health conditions from time to time.
3). IoT Based Hospital Operations Management
This project aims to monitor the hospital equipment from being stealing. Since doctors and nurses become very busy in their tasks and they cannot have a track over small equipment or instruments like scissors, syringes, etc. Also in some cases, the equipment may be steeled by others.
One can have a track of each piece of equipment, an RFID tag attached to the equipment monitors by an RFID reader over an IoT system. Additionally, facilitates doctor to track the instrument location and condition using an APP or server over an IoT network.
4). IoT Based Connected Inhaler
A smart Inhaler is designed, alerts asthma patients before getting the attack either 60 minutes before or 8 hours before. This project uses a sensor placed inside the inhaler which tracks the breathing condition of the patient and alerts the patient on a patient tracking app over the internet using IoT technology.
5). IoT in Healthcare: Interoperability
Nowadays there are several healthcare organizations, which collect numerous patients data using IoT devices. Multinational top companies like Teva and IBM Watson started a new IoT-based project that is responsible for identifying the condition of a patient looking into softcopy of reports and based on that they take immediate action.
Along with IoT technology, health care organizations use Artificial intelligence technology for organizing the patient’s data and an IoT device to transmits and receives the data via the cloud.
6). IoT in Healthcare: Hearing Aid
The smart hearing aid technology uses an IoT platform to connect to all the smart devices that operate using internet connectivity. This provides insight on listening to multiple conversations at a time, hearing a long-distance sound in a noisy environment, can operate the lights (on or off) remotely via voice command, and many more.
7). IoT Based Connected Contact Lenses
A smart IoT-based health care technology that uses a contact lens and sensor technology is designed to detect various disease symptoms in advance. This project provides information on sugar levels in the human body, other diseases like presbyopia, and also it monitors eyeball health.
8). IoT Based Blood Coagulation Testing
A small blood clot in any part of the human body if not treated on time it may lead to the death of a person or physically paralyzes them. Clotting of blood is commonly observed in medical cases like stroke, diabetics, and other major internal or external injuries. This project aims to monitor the blood clot in the human body from time to time using Bluetooth technology.
This IoT project provides an insight on how quickly the blood is clothed, alerts diabetic patients early by reducing the bleeding problem and brain stroke problem.
9). IoT Based Ingestible Sensors
The aim is to alert the patient to take medicine on time an ingestible sensor technology that contains copper and magnesium coating is amalgamated with IoT technology provides a solution by alerting the patient over a text message on a smartphone or tablet.
This project keeps track of psychiatric patients’ health to know if they are taking medicine at the correct time or not also reduces the pressure of remembering at what time to take the medicine.
IoT Projects using Raspberry Pi
An autonomous robotic system can be developed using the internet of things. That traditionally provides a programmable dimension to machines designed for repetitive and labor-intensive work, with a rich set of technologies to make these machines sense their environment and act upon it.
Machine learning and artificial intelligence empower these machines to function using learning algorithms and decision making instead of programming the advantage of applying this technology is that it lifts and moves heavy objects, also increases productivity, with higher efficiency and safety, achieving a good quality of the product, with higher accuracy rate compared to human beings. Additionally, it monitors and controls things remotely.
A major drawback is that the robot cannot respond in emergency cases. Also, it has security and privacy-related The list of Robot IoT Projects Using Raspberry Pi is discussed below.

Robotics Based IoT Projects Using Raspberry Pi
1). Estimate Crowd Sizes and Fight the Virus using IoT Technology
The dreadful contagious disease like COVID has changed human lifestyle completely adapting to new lifestyle by maintaining social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID up to a certain end. This IoT project aims to track crowd size in a particular area and detect if people are maintaining social distance or not using sensor technology. This project uses Raspberry Pi, an artificial intelligence technology to detect an object and to find out crowd size.
2). Smart Energy Monitor Based on IoT
A device that is used to monitor the energy consumption of electronic appliances is called an energy monitoring device. This information helps the consumer to track how much power their electronic devices are consuming. This project aims to track the energy consumption of electronic devices when an AC supply is given as an input supply. This project is implementing using Raspberry Pi, an ADC (Analog to Digital Converter), a Current sensing unit, and a voltage sensing unit.
3). IoT Based Wi-Fi Range Extender with Raspberry Pi
This IoT project aims to expand the Wi-Fi coverage using a Wi-Fi extender and improve the signal strength. This project uses a combination of IoT and Raspberry Pi technology to operate the Wi-Fi Extender remotely over the internet and communicate with it. This technology provides network access to multiple user devices and reduces the need of using multiple access point devices.
4). Creating an IoT-Based Agricultural Solution
There are many technologies for office and home monitoring systems. This project specifies how to build a smart application for farm areas or home gardens. This IoT project aims to automatically monitor the soil moisture and water level using IoT technology. The components used in this project are Raspberry Pi to track soil status, relay module to perform on and off, soil sensor to sense the humidity condition of the soil, Arduino, Bluetooth, wires, and Solenoid valve.
5). Developing a Face Recognizing Robot with Raspberry Pi
AI technology like face recognition is a blooming technology, that automatically recognizes the features of the face and functions according to the designed application. This project aims to design a robot using AI technology interfaced with Raspberry Pi to recognize facial features. Components used in this project are a USB cable, Amplifier, robot head, servo motors. Such technology is implemented in mobile phones, biometric authentication systems, and many more.
Sensor based IoT Projects
A sensor is a subsystem or a device designed to detect the changes or events that occur within its environment and transmit this detected data to an interfaced electronic device like a computer, mobile, and LCD. These interfaced devices display the status of the environment. The advantage of amalgamating sensor technology with IoT provides wireless technology, simple architecture, reliable data management, and predictive type maintenance.
The commonly used application of Sensors with IoT technology is automatic humidity tracking systems, gesture control robot and many more. The list of Sensor-Based IoT Projects for ECE students is discussed below.

Sensor-Based IoT Projects
1). IoT using Raspberry Pi
This IoT project aims to develop a device that tracks the humidity and temperature of soil using a DHT sensor and Raspberry Pi computer and loads the data over the internet cloud using an IoT device. A buzzer used in this project is to alert the owner whenever the soil moisture or temperature exceeds the maximum range; this device notifies the owner via configured email or SMS.
2). IoT Based Gesture Controlled Robot
This project aims to develop a robot that operates on the user’s hands gesture. The main components used in this project are ADXL-335 accelerometer sensors; also it uses scratch-based block programming modules for configuring robots with action commands. These robots make humans life easy and are used in locations where human repetitive tasks are performed, or in areas where it is risky for human life, and many more.
3). IoT Based Sensor Guided Robot
Robots are electronic gadgets that automate human tasks. They can perform any task instructed by humans before they being coded using various technology. This project aims to design a robot using an infrared IR sensor. The robot is programmed to follow the IR sensor line path to travel a distance using the reflection principle of light. The components used in this project are robots, IR sensors, Wi-Fi technology, and IoT Technology.
4). IoT Based Automatic Street Light Control
Street lights play are important during night times to avoid minor or major accidents, also it is important to consider power saving factor into consideration, Hence to have an automatic street light switch control this project was designed using an IoT-based system and sensor technology. This project is designed to automatically control the street lights, i.e. it turns on the light at night times and automatically turns off during day time and track operating hours, the intensity of light, location, and other details over the cloud using IoT technology.
5). IoT Based Smart Water Monitoring System
This project is designed using water level sensor technology and IoT technology, where the water level sensor monitors and tracks water levels using a sensor over a given period and alerts the owner to their configured mobile, and records it in the database over the cloud using IoT technology. Such technology is implemented in areas like houses, hospitals, factories, dams, etc.
LED-based IoT Projects
A semiconductor diode like Light Emitting Diode or LED is an (SSL) solid-state type lighting technology. It comprises 4 main components: a substrate, a die, a lens, and a phosphor. When current flows through the semiconductor die element like GaN (gallium nitrate), LED emits color light like blue or white and other colors. LEDs are embedded with various IoT-based applications like scrolling displays, street lights, traffic lights, and many other LED interfaced IoT Projects.
The advantage of using LED technology with IoT is that it consumes less power, consumes less energy, provides long life to the application, and is low cost. The List of LED-Based IoT Projects are discussed below:

LED-Based IoT Projects
1). IoT Based LED Scrolling Display
LED bulbs are used in many applications like a traffic signals, scrolling displays, touch lights, etc in our daily to day life in bus stops, in banks, in educational institutes, and many areas. This project build’s an LED scrolling display using Wi-Fi technology and an IoT platform.
The instruction to the display board is provided by a user either over voice speech or by using a keyboard. The advantage of using this technology is that it reduces the need for manual tasks to display the data over LCD.
2). IoT Based LED Control using Google Firebase & ESP8266
With the huge advancement in technology, it is possible, to control any device from any part of the world. An IoT device along with an LED bulb can be controlled using a combination of cloud platforms and IoT hardware technology from any part of the world. The main aim of this IoT project is to control LED displays using the Wi-Fi module of Node MCU ESP8266 and google firebase console.
3). IoT Based Smart Street Light Management System
This project aims to design an automatic public street lights system using an IoT platform. where it turns on or off during night times and saves electric power. The energy that is saved can be utilized for commercial, residential, transportation purposes. The components used in this project are LED, LDR, a DHT11 humidity, a programmed Arduino board. The entire project ensures stability for the long term and high reliability.
4). Sensing Light with LEDs: Performance Evaluation for IoT Applications
Internet of things IoT technology connects several objects over the internet so that physical quantities measurements are gathered at a cloud location and can be used for communication purposes actuating units and embedded sensing units.
This IoT project uses several LEDs that act as an optical sensor and a transmitter that carry out measurements, a Transceiver by radiating light bidirectional in an IoT-based application like visible light communication VLC. Where a tool is provided to select an LED sensor for a VLC application.
IoT Projects using Android
An android is an open-source software designed for a mobile-based OS (operating system). This software is developed by open handset alliance for smart touch screen communicating devices like tablets and mobile phones. IoT with Android technology in agriculture-based applications is implemented in projects like smart weather tracking, smart soil status tracking, and various other agriculture-related IoT Projects.
Android technology amalgamates with the internet of things (IoT) to provide advantages like cost-effectiveness, enhanced productivity, and more reliable technology. The List of IoT Projects using Android Application in Agriculture Field are discussed below:

IoT Projects Using Android Application
1). IoT Based On Smart Agriculture
Internet of things is a large cloud network that connects several sensors or objects and establishes a communication channel between them. This project aims to develop a smart agriculture application using an IoT platform for farmers that automatically senses and maintains soil moisture and supplies water based on soil moisture reading. The advantage of using this technology is that it alerts farmers to take necessary action from time to time.
2). Android Based IoT for Agriculture Automation
This IoT project aims to develop an application that controls the quantity of water flow in the agriculture area. This project is designed using a sensor for measuring temperature, moisture, and humidity, a microcontroller interfaced with a relay whose function is to control water flow, over an IoT platform via the internet to send alerts to the farmer’s mobile App.
3). IoT Based Smart Farming Stick Using Arduino and Cloud Computing
This IoT project aims to automatically track agriculture environment-related data like soil moisture, climate, temperature, and other environment-related factors using plug and sense sensor technology. the design components used in this project are an Agriculture based IoT stick, that senses agriculture’s live environment status and updates to the farmers via SMS over a mobile phone.
Industrial IoT Projects
Internet of things (IoT) applications in Industrial includes things like electric meters, wastewater systems, robot manufacturing, pipeline monitors, flow gauges, and many other industrial systems and devices. The main idea behind Industrial IoT is to develop an advanced smart machine with a higher efficiency rate in making decisions compared to human beings. This does rely on how consistently and accurately data is captured and communicated.
Several marketing companies are developing leading-edge sensors that provide accurate measurements where the data can be coupled with real-time analytics. With this data, one can explain how well machines are performing. The advantage of using this technology is the quality in terms of updates and product is improved, as the data gathered from devices and sensors on the network enables predictive and real-time maintenance across the estate. But the disadvantage is that it provides less security at, high cost. The List of IoT Projects Industrial are discussed below

Industrial IoT Projects
1). IoT Based Airbus: Factory of the Future
Assembling the Jetliner components is a quite costly process since it involves a huge number of steps with careful observation that must be taken while operating the process. A company named Airbus has developed this project is to provide safety to workers from major accidents and reduce work errors. The components used in this project are a sensor that is used to sense any danger or error to workers, a smart glasses which provide safety for workers at the workplace.
2). IoT Based Bosch: Track and Trace Innovator
A multinational company name Bosch in 2015, has developed the project Track and Trace for an industrial plant. This IoT project aims to track the number of hours workers are working in the field, using sensor and IoT-based technology. Sensors are placed on every tool that tracks the worker details like the number of working hours, till what time it was used, condition of the tool, and other tool-related details. It records the data over the IoT cloud.
3). IoT Based Fanuc: Helping To Minimize Downtime in Factories
A company named Fanuc has developed a downtime minimization factor project for factory machines which is based on IoT and Sensor technology. The components used in this IoT project are a sensor that predicts the failure of components or devices in advance and alerts the factory owner via SMS or by using a busser.
4). IoT Based Maersk: Intelligent Logistics
A logistics company named Maersk has developed an intelligent logistics project to track the condition of refrigeration containers over delivery for 121 countries using IoT, blockchain, and sensor-based technology. Since these products could get spoiled if there is zero tight temperature control before reaching the destination. This technology has provided advantages like minimizing the over expenses, supply chain optimization, and time management.
5). IoT Based Shell: Smart Oil Field Innovator
An oil & gas-based company named Shell has designed a smart oil field innovator project using high technology weils interfaced with optical fiber cable, that notifies the employees on the field to remotely monitor the operation.
Other IoT Projects
A list of other IoT based project for final year students are discussed below:
1). IOT Dog Daycare Robot
With the busy schedule of humans at times, it is difficult to monitor their pets all time in some cases where they leave their pets at home alone and go out on works it is very difficult to take care of their pets periodically to provide them food or others be with them. The aim of this project is to design a robot that monitors its pets like a human being. This robot is designed with features like it can feed the pets on time with water and food, speak to them like humans, and other actions via a camera are interfaced with the robot.
2). IoT Based Manhole Detection and Monitoring System
Accidents like missing and broken manholes may occur due to the negligence of citizens. In some cases, it may lead to the death of a person or serious injury if not taken immediate action. The aim of this project is to detect and monitor manholes using an array of sensors. This project includes a detection sensor, a float sensor Wi-Fi, GSM technology, and a gas cover to have a monitor the harmful gas released from sewage.
3). IoT Heart Rate Monitor & Heart Attack Detection
Nowadays heart attack cases have risen to an extreme percentage. The aim of this IoT project is to monitor and detect the heart condition of a human being using IoT and sensor technology. This project is implemented using a heartbeat sensor, a microcontroller, and an IoT platform. Where users can track the data over a website database.
4). IoT Mining Tracking & Worker Safety Helmet
Mining industries provide us with the benefits of processed raw materials, but workers working in those industries risk their lives and work in a dangerous unpleasant, or shaky environment. In some cases, the workers may not receive proper oxygen levels in deep mines. Hence to provide safety measures and track the worker’s location in the mine this project designs a helmet with RF systems and IoT platform technology. the components used are microcontroller, RF system, buzzer, and IoT.
5). Weather Reporting System using IoT
Weather report forecasting from upper layers of the atmosphere includes accurate data like temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind direction, and wind speed. This data plays a vital role in alerting living beings in case of any emergency situation like floods, thunder, hurricanes, and other natural and man-made disasters. Hence a smart IoT weather condition tracking station is designed with zeppelin type mechanism. This mechanism tracks atmospheric live data using an array of weather-based sensors that are placed in the atmospheres’ upper layers.
6). IoT Based DIY 2G Android Phone with Gesture Interface
The aim of this project is to develop, modify or repair a 2G android phone without requiring any professional mobile service expert. The modules used in this project are the GSM/GPRS module, Raspberry Pi, touch screen technology, battery and its charger circuit to charge, and a vibration motor. It provides features like a touch screen, sending text or call, sync contacts, and cellphone charging.
7). IoT Based Monitoring System for Coma Patients
The aim of this IoT project is to monitor a coma patient’s health condition. As coma patients live in an unconscious state and cannot move physically. An IoT-based coma patient monitoring system is developed using Raspberry Pi, ultrasonic sensor technology, LCD, and Wi-Fi. The advantage of using this technology is that it allows doctors to track patient’s status virtually.
8). Smart Dustbin With IoT Notifications
The aim of this IoT project is to monitor the garbage level in the dustbin that is, it alerts if dustbin status whether overflown or empty, and automatically opens and closes the dustbin lid when the person comes close to the dustbin. This project uses 2 sensors one clap sensor to open and close the lid automatically on a clap, and the ultrasonic sensor that measures the garbage level and alerts the user using IoT technology.
9). IoT Theft Detection Using Raspberry Pi
The aim of this project is to detect theft-related data like thief, objects, time, date, and location visually online and also save this data using IoT technology. This project uses a camera to track and record the environment, Raspberry Pi to perform image processing, an LCD to display the footage, and a Gecko IoT system to track the system online via the internet. Thus this project benefits the user from catching the thief with video footage.
10). IoT Solar Power Monitoring System
The aim of this IoT project is to periodically monitor the solar power plant so that it generates an optimum output power and keep a track of other data like faulty connections, solar panels, accumulation of dust on panels which lowers the efficiency, and various other issues that affect the performance of the solar panel. This project is implemented using main components like IoT Gecko, Arduino board, and solar panels.
11). IoT Weather Reporting System
The aim of this IoT project is to automatically track weather conditions and update them online using the internet so that any user across the world or the specific zone can access the live weather report online and alert themselves if in case of bad weather conditions like heavy rains, high temperature, etc. This project is implemented using, sensors for humidity, temperature, and rain, IoT technology. This system provides features to users to set alarms and alert them if the limit is crossed.
12). IoT Alcohol & Health Monitoring System
Organizations maintain proper ethics by following the rules like members’ attendance, health conditions, and various other factors. In few cases, employees might not attend the office due to bad health conditions or over alcohol intake. The aim of this project s to monitor the health like their blood pressure and alcohol intake condition of a person using sensor and IoT technology. This project is implemented using blood pressure and alcohol level detecting sensors, an IoT with a microcontroller, and a microcontroller.
13). IoT Smart Mirror with News & Temperature
A normal mirror is the one where we look at our reflection and groom, but with the advancement in technology where an ordinary mirror can be turn out to a smart mirror. That is a smart mirror can display data like temperature, news, weather report, and many more using IoT technology. The aim of this project is to display the received data like real-time data and news on the mirror using a temperature sensor, a mirror, a raspberry pi processor interfaced with IoT circuitry, IoT Gecko, and the internet.
14). IoT-Based Robot That Can “See”
The aim of this project is to design a robot that detects obstacles in its way and moves them from their way. This project is developed with IoT technology, a deep learning obstacle detection technique, a TensorFlow interfaced with raspberry pi that captures obstacles via a camera to perform detection on the image. The advantage of using this technology alerts owners when theft occurs.
15). Night Patrolling Robot
The aim of this project is to design a robot car that performs night times patrolling instead of humans. This robot is interfaced with a night vision-type camera that captures humans and a sensor that detects noise and reports to the authenticator in case of emergency. The advantage of this project is that it works 24 by 7 efficiently in detecting thieves.
16). Automatic Coffee Maker
The aim of this project is to develop a coffee machine that is controlled remotely with an internet connection, were using this project one can turn it on or off or set a timer for the coffee machine. The main components used in this project are a coffee maker machine, IoT technology, and a raspberry pi to control the machine. The advantage of using this project is that it reduces one to monitor the machine manually.
17). Raspberry Pi Drone
Drones are helpful in many ways, reducing manpower and also reduces human life risk. The aim of this project is to develop a Drone that is controlled remotely over a long distance and captures the live videos and images using a drone camera and is sent to the user over an internet connection. This project is implemented using IoT technology,
Raspberry Pi, and a camera.

Raspberry Pi Drone with Camera
18). IoT Based ‘Forget Me Not’ Project Design Type Challenge
The aim of this project is to automatically turn off all electronic appliances that work remotely over a single click of a button using internet technology, also once can open and close doors and windows, measure the temperature of a room with this project. The main components used in this project are electronic appliances such as lights, fans, AC, TV, etc, sensors to control these appliances, IoT technology, and the internet for communication.
19). IoT Based Raspberry-Pi House Automation System Using IBM specific Bluemix Technology
The aim of this project is to automatically control home appliances using the IBM Bluemix package from any corner of the earth and also this project uses a Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) to detect and capture living things. The main components used in this project are electronic appliances, IoT technology, IBM Bluemix package, and passive infrared sensor. The advantage of this project is one can use to identify the entry of thief into their home in their absence.
20). IoT with Smart Home Based Security Model
The aim of this project is to alert the authenticator or owner of the house whenever there are suspicious or harmful activities performed by their tenants who stay for rent. this project is implemented with IoT technology, sensors, and the internet for communication purposes. The advantage of this project is it alerts owners in advance to safeguard.
21). IoT-Based Smart DoorBell
This project is designed to alert the owner over a configured email or through SMS to their mobile phone whenever an individual arrives at his doorstep and knocks on the door. The advantage of this technology is the owner can monitor from a remote location although he is unavailable at their resident. The main components used in this project are IoT, technology, and sensor technology.
22). Smart Electronic with Health Gateway: To Bring Intelligence To IoT Based Ubiquitous of Healthcare Systems
This project is designed to bring health care type systems and IoT technology together, where a smart electronic-based health gateway acts as a bridge between the hospital automation system and medical sensors interfaced over the internet and data collected is stored onto cloud/ the advantage of using this technology is it provides reliability, efficiency, and the interoperability of health care type systems
23). Exploring IoT Application interfaced with Raspberry Pi
The main goal of this project is to design a raspberry pi as a server and show its functionality with a high-security factor. A number of computer systems are interfaced to raspberry pi to perform a number of operations such as encrypting data using passwords, accessing, sharing, and deleting files over a network via the internet.
24). Raspberry Pi Based Smart System that Supervises Environment with the Internet of Things (IoT)
The aim of this project is to supervise the environment remotely using raspberry pi interfaced with IoT technology. This project is designed with a smart supervisor environment system that contains a USB based camera embedded with ARM on a Linux platform, which is responsible to transmit and decode the data and then display as H.246
video on authenticated user screen.
25). Raspberry Pi Zero-based IoT with Led Matrix Beamer
This project is designed to display pictures and messages on an LED display using an IoT LED matrix type beamer. The main components used in this project are LED matrix type beamer, raspberry pi-0 board, OGT cable, Lamp interfaced with IoT technology, and internet that is used for communication purposes.
26). IoT Based Temperature Type Sensor interfaced with Thermistor and Raspberry Pi 2
This project was designed to automatically measure the temperature of the room using raspberry pi 2 technology. The main components used in this project are raspberry pi2, IoT technology, a temperature sensor, and a thermistor device that monitors temperature.
27). Smoking Meat Monitoring System with the Internet of Things
The aim of this project is to design a meat monitor system using IoT technology. The main components used in this project are a smoke sensor that monitors the internal meat grilling appliance and alerts the chief over the internet via SMS on their mobile. This project uses main components such as Arduino, sensors, and IoT technology.
28). Internet of Things with Arduino and Android to Control remote LED
The aim of this project is to design an LED display system that is controlled remotely using an android phone. This project is implemented using components such as LED, GSM, IoT technology, and Arduino.
29). IoT Based Smart Candle Design
The aim of this project is to design a smart candle that displays various colors of the candle. This project is implemented with a Wi-Fi-based module interfaced with RGB light and IoT technology.
30). IoT Based Smart Bulb Design
The aim of this project is to design a smart RGB electric bulb that is controlled remotely over the internet using a WiFi module. The main components used in this project are RGB electric bulb, IoT, GSM technology, and the internet for communication purposes.
31). A Design of the IoT Based Gateway for Smart Agricultural Greenhouse Monitoring and Controlling System
The aim of this project is to design a greenhouse control and monitoring system. This project is designed with main components such as sensors, IoT technology that acts as a door between wireless network and public access network.
32). An Internet of Things Based Approach for Managing Smart Services that are Provided by Wearable Devices
This project is designed to wirelessly monitor the physical condition and performance of smart IoT gadgets such as smart, watches, phones, and those that operate on Bluetooth. The main components used in this project are wireless sensor networks interfaced with Bluetooth technology which tracks user data from interfaced smart wearable gadgets or bands and collects and stores this data over IoT using the internet.
33). IoT-based Generation of a Green Campus
The aim of this project is to design an environment with a green campus that saves unwanted power wastage from electronic equipment like workstations, computers, PC and air conditioners. The main components used in this project are ZigBee, RFID technology, temperature type sensor which acts as a wireless sensor network. It monitors the ideal time of a computer and another end it turns on or off the air condition based on environmental temperature.
34). Wireless Type Sensor System Monitoring According to the Concept of IoT – Internet of Things
The aim of this project is to monitor the performance of the sensor wirelessly around the globe irrespective of location and time using IoT technology. The advantage of this technology is that it allows the owners to take immediate action if the functioning of the sensor fails in order to prevent major loss for example in the case of large industry gas leakage.
35). IoT Based Incubator To Grow Bacteria
The aim of this project is to grow good bacteria inside an incubator. This project is implemented with heating pads, a temperature sensor to monitor the temperature inside the incubator, fan for cooling purposes, and these components are interfaced with microcontroller and IoT technology to track data remotely.
36). IoT Based Enabled Egg Tray Monitoring System
The aim of this project is to monitor and alert egg condition and quantity and display over the configured device like LCD or mobile phone to the owner. The advantage of this project is it alerts the grocery owner whenever there is a shortage of quantity.
37). IoT Based Mbed Type Smart Alarm Clock
The aim of this project is to design a smart clock where an alarm is adjusted over the internet remotely and rings an alarm at that specific set time. The main components used are Mbed web-based server that can adjust alarm remotely, a sensor that tracks and displays time, weather, and temperature, and a controller that controls fan, light, and speaker when an alarm is ringed.
38). Led Light Lamp
The aim of this project is to remotely adjust light color and intensity according to human eye-sensitive factors. This project is built with an LED lamp interfaced with an IoT device that operates with an internet connection. The advantage of this project is that it protects human eyesight from being damaged
39). Server Room Temperature Monitoring System
The aim of this project is to remotely monitor th1e room temperature monitoring type system servers interfaced with IoT devices. The advantage of using this technology is that these server monitors irrespective of climate and work 24 hours round the clock.
40). Self-Balancing Robot
The aim of this project is to build a self-balancing type robot that previously does not have symmetry to stand properly. This project is built with a robot interfaced with a gyroscopic sensor and an IoT technology that is controlled with an internet connection.
41). Automatic Drawing Machine
The aim of this project is to develop a smart machine using a program where one can control the arms of the machine with a smartpen that automatically draws points on a canvas tool using a drawing type algorithm. This project is implemented with a robot, interfaced with IoT technology, and a pen to draw on canvas software. The advantage of this project is it reduces man-made errors, manpower, and saves time.
42). IoT Based Air Pollution Type Monitoring System
The aim of this project is to monitor the quality of air within an environment. This project is implemented using IOT technology, Arduino board interfaced with air sensor that tracks the level of air pollution. The advantage is it is a cost-efficient project, detects air pollution close to hospitals.
43). IoT Based Baby Monitoring Type System
The aim of this project is to allow parents to monitor their kids, remotely. When their parents go to their workplace. This project is implemented using sensor technology that is attached to the cradle which tracks the baby cradle humidity and a camera interface to the cradle sends live data as video to their parents who are at their remote place.)
44). IoT Based Remote Control Type Car
The aim of this project is to control the car remotely using sensor technology. This project allows users to remotely control the car to move backward, forward, and take turns when curves appear. The main components used in this project are sensors, cars, IoT technology, antenna. The application of this project can be observed in kid’s toy cars.
45). IoT Based Intelligent Traffic Management Type System
The aim of this project is to control traffic by live monitoring over the internet. This project is implemented using raspberry Pi interfaced with a camera that captures the live stream and transfers it to the pollution control office. The advantage of this project is to control traffic and provide a way to the ambulance.
46). IoT Based Forest Fire Type Alarm System
The aim of this project is to alert the forest department, to prevent major danger if there is a fire outbreak in the forest. This project is implemented using node MCU, fire sensor, IoT technology, and IFTTT algorithm that sends a notification to configured department alerts.
47). IoT based Smart Umbrella Type System using Raspberry Pi
The aim of this project is to build a smart umbrella that monitors real-time weather conditions and notify users of their interfaced smart devices such are watches and mobile phones. The components used in this project are IoT technology, Raspberry Pi, and a sensor that monitors weather.
48). IoT Based Fire Detection System Using FPGA
The aim of this project is to develop a fire breakdown detection system with IoT technology and FPGA hardware. The main components used in this project are IoT technology, FPGA hardware which is coded in Verilog or VHDL on Xilinx, a computer, fire sensor. The advantage of this project is it saves human life.
49). IoT based smart E-mirror Using OpenCV with Raspberry-Pi
The aim of this project is to design a smart system that switches on during sunrise and prompts user weather and time with a welcome note. Additionally, it has an encryption feature that validates the user’s face and displays the messages over voice. The components used in this project are a sensor, IoT technology, speaker, camera, and display.
50). IoT Based Transmission Line Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi
This project is designed to reduce power usage for delay insensitive and delay-sensitive uses a fuzzy rule that predicts the average mid arrival time of frame using Raspberry Pi, referring to sleep time where power is evaluated. The advantage of this project is it saves power.
51). Web server Using PIC16F877A
This project allows users to controls the electronic smart equipment’s remote via the web page. This project is developed using a PIC board interface with Ethernet board, IoT technology for communication purposes.
52). Portable COVID-19 Vaccine, Cold Storage Box
Vaccines like Polio, COVID-19 are to be maintained at a specific temperature only else if any small change in temperature rise or fall may waste the effect of the vaccine. The aim of this project is to build a storage device that preserves the COVID-19 vaccine at a specific temperature. The components used are heat sink, fan, IoT technology, and sensor.
53). Dry Handwashing Machine By Fog Disinfection To Save Water
The aim of this project is to design a device that sanitizes user’s hands in form of fog when place at the canning provider. This project is implemented using components such as sanitizer, hand sensor, fog sensor, and IoT technology. The main advantage of this project is it saves water.
54). LIDAR based Self Driving Car using IoT technology
The aim of this project is to build an auto self-driving car, that detects its environmental condition, like the traffic, weather and drives to the destination. This project is implemented using components such as a car, LIDAR that senses the environment, and IoT technology. The advantage is it reduces accidents.
55). Operation of Fan on a Clap Switching System
The aim of this project is to design a system that turns on electrical appliances like a fan, lights on a single clap. This project uses a mic, interfaced with a 555 timer. When a user claps near the mic it takes the sound and the 555 timer converts it into electric pulses and turns on the fan for some time and offs and waits for a second clap.
56). Biometric via Finger Print Type Voting System
The aim of this project is to design an automatic voting machine to cast a vote. This machine allows the citizen to give their biometric fingerprint on the sensor, which checks for the user’s data in its database and validates its valid or not. If it’s valid allows the user to cast the vote and prevents double voting cast from the same user.
Thus, this is all about IoT-based projects for engineering students. The advantage of using IoT technology is that, it enhances speed, easily adapts to new technology, and provides better time management, communication, connectivity, and sharing. Also, it provides a cloud storage facility where users can store and retrieve the data whenever required. Certain limitations of an IoT technology are that it experiences data vulnerability; it is a dependent technology over the internet, and complex in terms of operation and architecture. A few of the day-to-day IoT applications are Mobile phones, Google Maps, Drives, Waze and Data analytics, etc.