A DAC (Digital to analog converter) is a type of integrated circuit that changes the signals from digital form into analog. This IC plays a key role in an audio player for converting the audio signal from digital to audio that can be played throughout a speaker. Digital-to-analog converter ICs are frequently used in TVs, music players, and mobile phones for converting digital video data into analog video signals. The audio DAC type IC is a high-resolution & low-frequency type whereas the video DAC type IC is a high-frequency and low-resolution to medium type. There are different types of DAC ICs available like DAC0808, DAC0832, DAC0800, and many more. So this article provides brief information on DAC0832 IC, specifications, interfacing, and its applications.
What is DAC0832 IC ?
The DAC0832 is a very popular, advanced, and simple IC that is used to change digital data into an analog signal. This IC is directly interfaced with 8048, 8080, Z80 & 8085 microprocessors & microcontrollers. These ICs are available with special circuitry with resistors to help in converting the signal from digital to analog stepwise. In DAC, logic gates and CMOS are used to attain low current levels. After that, these low current levels are converted to voltage levels using TTL logic.
The DAC0832 IC has a 3-wire interface, so it is easily used with different Arduino platforms. This IC accepts a single voltage supply & also has low o/p impedance, so it is suitable to drive different low-impedance loads like analog circuits or speakers. This IC has power-saving modes to reduce power utilization in an inactivity mode.

DAC0832 IC
Pin Configuration:
The pin configuration of DAC0832 IC is shown below. This IC includes 20 pins and each pin and its functionality is discussed below.

DAC0832 IC Pin Configuration
- Pin1 (CS): It is a chip-select pin used whenever we need to choose which IC circuit will be utilized at a specific time. This pin is an active low pin so it must be grounded.
- Pin2 (WR): It is a write pin, used to transfer the data successfully from the i/p latch to the DAC latch. WR pin is also an active low pin.
- Pin3 (GND): It is a ground pin, used as a common GND for digital i/p data devices.
- Pin 4 (DI3): This pin takes input-3 from the digital data.
- Pin5 (DI2): This pin takes digital input3 for data conversion.
- Pin 6 (DI1): This pin takes digital input2 for data conversion.
- Pin7 (DI0): This pin takes the LSB of the i/p data for data conversion.
- Pin8 (VREF): This pin describes the max voltages of DAC.
- Pin9 (RFB): This pin is used as a feedback resistor for providing feedback to the external op-amp for providing voltages to IC.
- Pin10 (GND): This pin is used as a GND pin like Pin 3.
- Pin11 (IOUT1): This pin is utilized as one current o/p.
- Pin12 (IOUT2): This pin is utilized as the 2nd current o/p.
- Pin13 (DI7): This pin is used as a digital i/p for the MSB.
- Pin14 (DI6): The digital i/p-7 goes to pin-14 for analog conversion.
- Pin15 (DI5): This pin is used as Digital i/p-6 for analog conversion.
- Pin16 (DI4): This pin is used as Digital i/p-5 for IC.
- Pin17 (XFER): This pin is utilized as a control signal and it functions with the WR pin & is used as an active low pin.
- Pin18 (WR2): It is a control pin that works by the combination of the XFER pin. This pin allows the i/p data to transmit from the input latch stored to DAC.
- Pin19 (ILE): It is utilized as a control signal to make successful i/p data to store it within the DAC register.
- Pin20 (Vcc): This pin provides the power supply to the IC.
Features & Specifications:
The features and specifications of DAC0832 IC include the following.
- This IC is operated with a single power supply.
- This IC has the capacity to take the 8-bit digital i/p data from the controller otherwise any low voltage-based device.
- This IC doesn’t need any type of device to interface through any microcontroller. So it can be connected directly.
- This IC has functioned with a logic gate and it doesn’t depend on any microcontroller/ microprocessor.
- Each TTL & CMOS device is well-matched with DAC IC.
- This IC is working in switching mode for voltages.
- This IC is available in two packages PLCC & SOIC.
- This IC has 800V of high ESD protection.
- This IC is identical & completely compatible with the 12-bit DAC1230 Series.
- The linearity of this IC specifies by full scale & zero adjusts only.
- The current settling time of this IC is 1us.
- The voltage range of this IC is from 5V to 15 DC Volts.
- This IC has low power utilization like 20mW.
- The max power dissipation is 500mW.
- This IC functions through 8-bit digital i/p data.
- The operating temperature ranges from 0 to +75 degrees centigrade.
Audio Player using DAC0832 IC & Arduino Uno
The circuit diagram of the audio player with DAC0832 & Arduino Uno is shown below. The required components to design an audio player mainly include a DAC0832 IC, an Arduino board, a speaker, resistors & capacitors.
In the above circuit, Arduino uno is a significant device because it is used mainly to store as well as process audio data. The DAC0832 is used to change the digital audio into analog audio from the Arduino. The audio o/p at Port-D of Arduino is connected to the digital pins of the DAC IC then the analog signal is amplified & played throughout a speaker.
The LM548 in this circuit is used as a current (I) to voltage (V) converter and it is connected to IC DAC0832. It is a low-power audio amplifier utilized to enhance the small analog audio signal from the DAC0832 IC to an appropriate level that is suitable to drive a speaker.
The current-to-voltage converter output is connected to a second-order LPF or low-pass filter. The LPF’s output is connected to the LM358 buffer amplifier which is implemented with LM358 op-amp. The LM358 output is given to the 10KOhm potentiometer. Here this potentiometer is mainly used to control the volume.
The second op-amp is used as inverting amplifier through a 10KOhm i/p resistor & 100KOhm feedback resistor. The two coupling capacitors like 10uF C1 & C3 are i/p & o/p coupling capacitors. In the end, the speaker is connected to a 4Ohm C3 coupling capacitor.
The working of this circuit is, the circuit receives digital audio data from the Arduino uno board and changes it into an analog signal with the DAC0832. This analog signal from DAC can be amplified by the LM386 IC, after that it plays the signal amplified throughout a speaker.”
The required code for the audio player using DAC DAC0832 & Arduino Uno is shown below. The following code is written in the ‘C’ for the Arduino to play the stored audio file within the Arduino memory through the connected speaker to Port-D of the Arduino board.
#include “soundtest.h”
volatile uint8_t i;
void setup(){
PORTD = 0xFF; //set PORTD as output
InitTimer1(); //Initialize Timer 1
void loop() {
//Set up timer 1 for 16384 Hz sample rate
void InitTimer1(){
cli(); //Disable global interrupts
TCCR1A = 0; //Reset Timer 1 Counter Control Register A
TCCR1B = 0; //Reset Timer 1 Counter Control Register B
//Set Timer 1 Output Compare Register A to the desired frequency
//(16,000,000 / 16384) – 1 = 975
OCR1A = 975;
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12); //Turn on CTC (clear timer on compare match) mode:
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10); //Prescalar = 1 (no prescalar used)
//Enable timer interrupt
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);
//Enable interrupts
//Read data and output to PortD
PORTD = pgm_read_byte(&(data[i++]));
if(i >= sizeof(data))
i = 0;
DAC0832 IC Applications
The applications of DAC0832IC include the following.
- DAC0832IC is used in microprocessor interfaces.
- These ICs are used in analog & digital circuits.
- These are used in electrical measurements.
- DACs are used in audio conversion.
- These are used in DIY applications.
- These DACs are used in mobiles, televisions, music players, etc
- Basically, these ICs are applicable wherever 8-bit digital data is required to be changed into analog value.
- This IC is mainly designed for interfacing directly with the 8085, 8048, 8080 & Z80 microprocessors.
Please refer to this link for DAC0832 IC Datasheet.
Thus, this is an overview of DAC0832 IC, features, specifications, circuit, working, and applications. A DAC IC helps in improving audio quality by changing digital audio into analog sound signals. So this procedure lets our audio systems generate high-quality sound. Here is a question for you, what is ADC?