MJE13007 is an NPN transistor and is made with silicon (Si) material. This transistor is mainly designed to be used wherever fall time is critical like; high−voltage and high-speed-based power switching inductive circuits. This transistor is mainly applicable for 115V & 220V switch−mode applications like; inverters, switching regulators, solenoid or relay drivers, deflection circuits & motor controls. This article provides brief information on an MJE13007 transistor like; pinout, … [Read more...]
DS1307 RTC Module : PinOut, Specifications, Interfacing, Datasheet, Code & Its Applications
An RTC (real-time clock) module is a digital clock, used to keep track of accurate time even whenever it is located within low power mode or a power supply is turned off. These modules have a controller, a fixed quartz crystal resonator & oscillator. RTCs are designed in an IC form that counts seconds, minutes, hours, days, months & even years so these ICs are used in almost every electronic device particularly when the device needs a form of precise timekeeping like personal computers, … [Read more...]
MQ6 Gas Sensor : PinOut, Specifications, Interfacing & Its Applications
Gas leakage detection in residences, work areas, and industries is a very crucial task because we don’t know the type of gas in the atmosphere and they can harm the surroundings and also human’s health. So MQ gas sensor is used to detect gas leakage but there are different kinds of gas sensors based on the type of gas leakage like MQ2, MQ3, MQ4, MQ5, MQ6, MQ7, MQ8, MQ9, and many more. The types of gases are; methane, smoke, alcohol, hydrogen, LPG, benzene, propane, NH3, etc. So this article … [Read more...]
BC327 Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications
BC327 is a bipolar junction transistor that falls under the PNP transistor family. This transistor is made with silicon material and is a current-controlled device. So this transistor includes three terminals where a small amount of current is produced at one terminal which is used for controlling a large amount of current at the other two terminals. This transistor includes three layers where one N-doped layer is arranged between two P-doped layers. Here, the p-doped layer is charged positively … [Read more...]
LM338 Voltage Regulator : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications
A voltage regulator is an electronic device used to maintain a power source’s voltage at suitable limits. This device is mainly required to maintain voltages in the set range that can be accepted by the equipment through that voltage. Such type of device is used extensively in all kinds of motor vehicles to match the generator’s o/p voltage to the electrical load as well as to the charging necessities of the battery. Voltage regulators are utilized within electronic equipment where extreme … [Read more...]
FT232RL USB to TTL Converter : PinOut, Specifications, Interfacing & Its Applications
The FT232RL USB to TTL converter is a semiconductor module designed by a Scottish company like FTDI (Future Technology Devices International). This company designs & also supports various components which are helpful in converting the signal from TTL to USB. The FTDI USB module is mainly used for converting STTL in a simple way by connecting TTL-based modules to USB. There are different kinds of USB to TTL converters available but FT232RL is one of the types of it. This article discusses an … [Read more...]
K-type Thermocouple : Working, Specifications, Interfacing & Its Applications
A thermocouple is a thermoelectrical thermometer with two different electrical conductors which form an electrical junction. One electrical conductor is used wherever the temperature is to be measured & another one is set aside at a constant lower temperature. The main function of a thermocouple is to generate a temperature-dependent voltage due to the Seebeck effect. This effect can be occurred due to the temperature difference that is proportional to the variation between the two … [Read more...]
BAV99 Diode : Pin Configuration, Specifications, Circuit, Working, Datasheet & Its Applications
At present in most developed electronic devices, there is a possibility of electro-static discharge at interfaces through metal contacts. For several industries, safety against these hazards is not noticed as a main concern; so, many designers may not spend time thinking about these devices, but they follow poor protection techniques of ESD. The BAV99 diodes were developed to be used within ESD areas in some creative ways. This diode is an ESD protection device so in many applications, this … [Read more...]
74LS08 AND Gate IC : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working & Its Equivalents
In digital circuits, a logic gate is a fundamental building block used to perform logical functions. At present, most of the electronic devices we use like tablets, smartphones, or memory devices have some kind of logic gates. These logic gates are also available as an integrated circuit because the single logic gate circuit which is designed manually has a very large size, so logic circuit ICs are used to solve this issue. The logic gate ICs are very small & have a very faster speed which … [Read more...]
BC239 Transistor : PinOut, Specifications, Circuit, Working & Its Applications
Small signal transistors come in both PNP & NPN forms which are used for amplifying low-level signals and also they can be used as a switch. These transistors mainly depend on the contact between two different kinds of semiconductors to amplify or switch electronic signals & power. The typical hFE values for these transistors range from 10 to 500 with the highest IC ratings ranging from 80 to 600mA. The maximum operating frequencies of these transistors range from 1 to 300 MHz. These … [Read more...]
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