Surface-mount technology or SMT-based components like resistors; capacitors, etc are used in huge quantities. SMT is an alternative to through-hole (TH) PCB design. SMT is a process where the electrical components are placed on a PCB (printed circuit board) directly. So, the process of mounting a component in this way is known as SMD (surface-mount device). At present, most industries like consumers, electronics are using this technology because this technology improves manufacturing, … [Read more...]
What is Wire Wound Resistor & Its Working
We know that resistor is the passive electrical component and at present, there are different types of resistors used in different applications based on the requirement like industrial, commercial, military, and automotive. This article discusses one kind of resistor namely wire wound resistor and its types. These types of resistors are used in industrial and commercial applications for a long time. In electric & hybrid electric vehicles, these resistors are used like pre-charge as well as … [Read more...]
What is a Voltage Follower : Circuit & Its Working
We all know that an operational amplifier is the analog type of circuit that considers differential voltage as input and provides a single-ended voltage as output. These op-amps are mainly employed in the voltage follower circuits. But the arrangement of the op-amp in the voltage follower imposes high risk and capacitive stacking of oscillations. These huge loads show more impact on the operational amplifier stability dependent applications. So, let us know how the arrangement can be done in a … [Read more...]
What is Gate Turnoff Thyristor & Its Working
"Thyristor" is a semiconductor device that is popularly used as a switch in power circuits. With alternating layers of P-type and N-type materials, the thyristor is designed as a four-layered structure. It is available as both two-lead and three-lead designs. The three-lead design of the thyristor consists of an anode, a cathode, and a Gate lead. The thyristor usually starts conducting when the gate lead is triggered with the current and once turned ON, the thyristor conducts continuously until … [Read more...]
What is Shunt Capacitor : Working & Its Advantages
Capacitors' invention was initiated in the beginning days of electricity. In the initial days of development, capacitors were called condensers. This term was primarily utilized for the objective of high-power applications by Alessandro Volta in the year 1782. Thereafter, the term condenser was not in usage because of the complicated meaning of steam condenser and replaced by the name ‘capacitor’ in the year 1926. Now, this article provides a clear analysis of one foremost type of capacitor … [Read more...]
What is 555 Timer IC – Working with Operating Modes
The IC 555 timer was invented by “Signetic Corporation” and it was termed as SE or NE555 timer. Generally, it is a monolithic timing circuit that gives precise and highly stable delays of time or oscillation. These types of ICs are very cheap and reliable in cost when we compared with the OP-Amp applications in the same areas. These ICs are used as an astable and monostable multivibrators in digital logic probes, DC-DC converters, tachometers, analog frequency meters, voltage regulators, … [Read more...]
What is Filter Capacitor : Working & Its Applications
The Filter Capacitor is a basic type of capacitor. It is designed in such a way that, it can prevent a certain range of frequency signals to enter another circuit. It is mostly preferred during the filtering of the low-frequency signals. A capacitor is generally used as a parallel plate capacitor. In this case, the capacitor is connected to the respective circuit so that the desired signals are filtered and excess signals are eliminated from the circuit. This type of capacitor has many … [Read more...]
What is 7805 Voltage Regulator & Its Working
When there are fluctuations in the circuit, then the fixed output cannot be given by all voltage sources. To deal with this, a system is designed to maintain a constant voltage level automatically is Voltage Regulator. These voltage regulators are used in computer power supplies for stabilizing the DC voltages. Coming to power station generation plants and automobile alternators, the output is controlled by these voltage regulators. The regulation of one or more AC or DC voltages is done … [Read more...]
What is Carbon Composition Resistor & Its Working
In electronic circuits, resistors are the passive two-terminal devices used to regulate or reduce the flow of current in the circuit. Mostly fixed type resistors are used in the electronic circuits because of its fixed resistance value. The resistance is determined during the manufacturing process itself and it can't be varied like a variable type resistor. Based on the manufacturing process, the fixed type resistors are divided into 4 types such as carbon resistors, wire wound resistors, … [Read more...]
What is RGB LED : Circuit & Its Working
The term LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. In electronic circuits, the LED is a type of PN-junction semiconductor diode, which can emit light when current flows through the circuit in the forward direction. This indicates whether the electronic device is working or not. LEDs are widely used in various applications such as in cars, bikes, home appliances, offices, lighting, mobiles, televisions, etc. Usage of Multi-colored LEDs in the device reduces, cost, power and emits more than one colored … [Read more...]