In the 1980s, the advent of high-power MOSFETs made power switching more efficient and faster. Almost all modern switching power supplies use some form of power MOSFET as the switching element. MOSFETs are preferred due to their low conduction and switching losses, and the DC gate current is zero because gate MOSFETs are made up of capacitors. IRF series N-channel Power MOSFETs are developed to control DC fans, the light intensity of LED strips, and DC motors without a relay. This article gives … [Read more...]
MPF102 JFET : Pin Configuration, Circuit, Working & Its Applications
In many electronic circuits like small signal amplifier circuits, switching circuits, transfer circuits, etc. Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFETs) are commonly used electronic components due to their high input impedance and low power consumption. It is a voltage-controlled resistor and it is very easy to operate in low amplifier circuits in TV or radio receivers, modulation circuits like FM, AM, SW (Short Wave), etc. Among many, let's discuss MPF102 N-channel JFET is affordable and rarely … [Read more...]
TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver : Pin Configuration, Interface with Arduino, Working & Its Applications
Stepper motor drivers are small pin-compatible modules designed particularly to drive stepper motors capable of continuously rotating with precise position control without the need for a feedback system. The stepper motor drivers have built-in converters that offer multi-stage resolution and variable current control that allows control of stepper motors with simple step and direction inputs. These modules are usually the main carrier boards for various stepper driver ICs that provide low-level … [Read more...]
CD4008 4-Bit Full Adder IC : Pin Configuration, Working & Its Applications
In digital electronic devices, like computers/processors, adders are the digital logic circuits designed for ALU operations such as the addition of 2 or more binary numbers, address calculation, address calculation, increment and decrement operations, counting, table indexes, etc. Because the bits flow and computation in these logic circuits ensure the performance, functionality, and performance of the computers. This article describes the 4-bit full adder that is available in CD4008 IC and used … [Read more...]
MX1508 DC Motor Driver : Pin Configuration & Its Applications
When a conventional geared DC motor is connected directly to the output of the ICs such as Atmega16, microcontrollers, 555 timers, and 74 series ICs the motor might get damaged. Because these ICs cannot provide at least 250mA of current required for the DC motor. Therefore, to drive the DC motor, a circuit (with transistors or relays or L293D/L298) is needed that can work as a bridge between the motor and the IC. Hence, the manufacturers and hobbyists use several IC motor driver modules in … [Read more...]
BH1750 Ambient Light Sensor : Pin Configuration, Interfacing & Its Applications
The ambient light sensor is one of the types of optical sensors used to detect the change in light intensity. It is used in mobiles, cars, Televisions, cameras, etc. For example, an ambient light sensor in mobiles adjusts the display brightness based on the change in light intensity. In cars, it is used to turn ON the headlights during outdoor dark lighting conditions. There are different types and series of ambient light sensors available in the market. They are photodiodes, phototransistors, … [Read more...]
MQ2 Arduino Gas Sensor : Pin Configuration & Its Working
Today, sensors play a key role in the security of various apartments, houses, and offices by detecting fire, smoke, or gas with an alarm function. The MQ2 gas sensors are widely used in smoke and gas detection. This sensor can detect smoke, and harmful gases like alcohol, LPG, propane, methane, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide. It is used in various applications such as air quality monitoring systems, smoke detectors, fire detection systems, breath checkers, etc. This article explains the … [Read more...]
What is Power Capacitor : Working & Its Applications
A Capacitor is an electrical component, which is used to store electric charges temporarily. The unit of a capacitor is the farad (F). A Power Capacitor is a special type of capacitor, which can operate at higher voltages and has high capacitances. This article gives you a brief introduction to a power capacitor and its working principle, formula, connection, types of applications, and more. Want to learn more about capacitor and how it works? Read our article: Capacitor Working & Its … [Read more...]
What is Schottky Diode : Working & Its Applications
The Schottky diode, also known as a hot-carrier diode or leaky-carrier diode, is the most popular semiconductor diode invented by Walter H. Schottky in 1926. In the early days, wireless devices & metal rectifiers used cat’s whisker detectors within power applications and these detectors can be considered as primitive Schottky diodes. So, let us see why a Schottky diode is so special? What is Schottky Diode? A Schottky diode is a special type of metal-semiconductor junction diode that … [Read more...]
What is a Freewheeling Diode : Circuit & Its Working
In different circuits, a switching element switches at a fixed frequency to manage the load’s voltage. Once the switching element activates then an extremely high voltage spike because of the stored energy within the magnetic field of the inductive load comes into view across the switching element terminals in switch OFF condition so, it may destroy the switching element. To disperse this energy, the freewheeling diode is utilized. When the switching element is deactivated then the load can … [Read more...]
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