In digital electronics, the basic building blocks like 4000-series ICs are from the CMOS logic family, launched by RCA in 1968. After that, these ICs were migrated slowly into the 4000B buffered series in 1975. These ICs are available as logic gates, counters, 7-segment decoders, Flip-flops, decoders, timers, etc. The 4000 series ICs have a simple circuit design with low power consumption and a wide voltage supply range as compared to any current logic family ICs. This article discusses one of the types of 4000-series IC from counters like the CD4022 octal divider counter.
What is CD4022 Octal Divider Counter?
CD4022 is an octal divider counter IC with 8 output pins which increase from 0 to 8 for each input CLK pulse. The maximum CLK frequency of this counter is 5 MHz & it is generally used in LED drivers, digital counters, etc. The CD4022 octal divider counter IC allows medium-speed operation & assures a risk-free counting series. This octal divider counter has an antilock gating feature which declares that the counting series is right. This chip is based on TTL logic so it can be utilized with other digital integrated circuits.
The CD4022 IC works from the range of 3V to 15V, although it is powered normally with +5Volts to the Vdd or Vcc pin of IC & the GND/Vss pin is simply connected to GND. This IC has eight 8 output pins which range from Q0 – Q7. These o/p pins can be connected to LEDs.
Pin Configuration:
The pin configuration of the CD4022 octal divider counter is shown below. This IC includes 16 pins and each pin and its functionality are discussed below.

CD4022 IC Pin Configuration
- Pins 1 to 7, 10 & 11 (Output Pins): This IC includes 8 o/p pins on which the counting takes place and they are not in series.
- Pin 8 (Vss/Ground): This pin is connected to the GND terminal of the circuit.
- Pin12 (Carry Out or CO): Once this IC counts from 1 – 10 then this pin goes high and is utilized as a carry when counting.
- Pin13 (Clock Enable or EN): When this CLKC EN pin is made high then it will hold the count at the present state.
- Pin 14 (Clock): When this CLK pin signal goes high then the counting occurs. This CLK pin is generally connected to any uC or 555 timer IC to generate a signal.
- Pin15 (Reset): This pin is used to reset the count back to ‘1’.
- Pin16 (Vdd /Vcc): This is a voltage supply pin normally +5V.
Features & Specifications:
The features and specifications of the CD4022 octal divider counter include the following.
- The CD4022 octal divider counter includes 16 pins.
- This IC is available in GDIP, PDSO & PDIP packages.
- It is a high-speed CMOS decade counter.
- This IC simply supports ten decoded outputs.
- Its voltage supply ranges from 3Volts to 15Volts, normally +5V.
- It is compatible with TTL.
- Its operating CLK frequency is 5 Mhz.
- Its high range o/p voltage is 4.5V.
- Its high range o/p current is 0.36mA.
- It has Schmitt triggered i/ps so, rise & fall time is unlimited.
- The inputs are diode protected, so it protects them from stationary discharges.
Alternative CD4022 counters are; CD4040, CD4060, CD4017, CD4022, CD40103, CD4026, CD4017, CD4020, 74LS93 & 74LS90.
Gambling Game Circuit using CD4022 Octal Divider Counter
Gambling game is a very fun game and this can be modernized in the electronic circuit form. The rolling of dice is disturbed, not accurate and it might not be more attractive. So, the gambling game circuit is the outcome of such thoughts. Designing this electronic gambling circuit is very simple for beginners who have basic knowledge of electronics, thus the circuit is inexpensive and it will make the game very accurate.
The required components to make this electronic gambling game circuit mainly include CD4022 CMOS IC, touch plate, two resistors R1-10 MΩ & R2-470 Ω, 8- LEDs, and 3V to 9V supply. Connect this circuit as per the circuit shown below.

Gambling Game Circuit with CD4022 IC
The major components like CD4022, LEDs & a touch plate play a key role in this circuit. Here, a touch plate is used to interface a game player. In this circuit, the touch plate works like a switch and is made very small for simplicity. This touch plate is simply connected to pins 14 & 15 of CD4022 CMOS IC throughout the R1 resistor.
Once the gambling game player touches the touch plate, then 50 Hz of frequency is attained within this touch plate because of user body frequency after that it activates the CMOS IC. Consequently, all the LEDs in the circuit will glow. Similarly, when the player removes his finger from the touch plate in the circuit, only a single LED will remain ON out of 8 LEDs.
The advantages of the CD4022 octal divider counter include the following.
- These counter ICs offer exact division & counting functionality, so it is a significant component in a broad range of electronic applications.
- These ICs implement different logic functions with CMOS technology.
- These counters have low power consumption.
- The circuit design is simple because of the very much increased fan out.
- This high-speed counter supports eight decoded outputs.
Where to Use/Applications
The uses or applications of the CD4022 octal divider counter include the following.
- This counter is utilized for counting applications.
- This IC is used in devices that perform arithmetic operations.
- This counter IC has the ability to activate sequentially 8 outputs in a specified time & rearrange the count when necessary.
- This IC is also capable of indicating the condition of counting with a Carry pin.
- This counter IC is suitable where sequential counting is required.
- These ICs are used in various electronic circuit applications like frequency division, Binary decoder or Binary counter for counting, octal counter display/ octal counters, remote metering, or instrumentation.
- These are used in different circuits like LED matrices, LED chasers, LED drivers & digital arithmetic applications.
- These counters are used in medical electronics, alarm systems & automotive field.
- These are used in ALUs of computers to perform calculations.
- It is used in Timers.
Please refer to this link for CD4022 octal divider counter datasheet.
Thus, this is an overview of the CD4022 octal divider counter, pin configuration, specifications, circuit working, advantages, and applications. This IC is the right choice for those who are looking for a sequential decoded counting IC to count up to 8. The maximum CLK frequency of this IC is 5 MHz, so utilized in LED drivers, digital counters & digital arithmetic applications. Here is a question for you, what is CD4040 IC?