An Arduino is a development board designed with a combination of both hardware and software with open source access. Arduino projects were firstly started at Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (IDII). The board consists of a microcontroller with is pre-programmed and an integrated development environment (IDE). This IDE helps in writing the code and dumping it on the hardware board. These boards are employed in a various electronic appliance that communicates with other technologies such as IoT, sensors, RFID, etc.
The Arduino board does not need any additional programmer to execute the new code on the board by the add-on, one can interface a USB cable to dump the code. Basically, Arduino IDE is programmed using a simplified version of C++. Arduino boards that are used in Arduino Projects are Arduino Pro, Arduino RS232, Arduino Uno R2, Atmega 32U4, and more. These boards are used in a variety of applications such as games, drone devices, security applications, and IoT platforms.
Arduino Projects for Engineering Students
The list of Arduino Projects using wireless, IoT, LED, microcontroller, sensors, home automation, Bluetooth & other projects are discussed below. These projects are very helpful for beginners, diploma students, and engineering students.
Arduino Sensors Projects
A Sensor is a device that senses nearby physical objects and sends a notification to an interfaced device to alert the user with an alarm sound in the occurrence of danger in advance. Arduino with sensor technology is used in many applications such as automatic door lock systems; tea bag monitoring systems, weather report systems, etc. The advantage of using a sensor with Arduino is it is budget-friendly and works efficiently ineffective environmental conditions.

Arduino Sensors Projects
The list of Arduino Projects based on Sensor includes the following.
1). Arduino UNO Fingerprint Door Lock System
The aim of this project is to design a smart door locking system to replace the traditional use of keys for locking doors. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Grove fingerprint sensor, door, grove servo, energy servo, grove IR sensor, and energy shield. The advantage of this project is it allows users to blindly rely on this system rather than getting worried when they lose their keys in case of emergency.
2). Raspberry Pi based Arduino Intelligent Tea Sensor
Many of them love to have tea during breakfast or during the evening time. But what if there is a shortage of tea bags? The aim of this project is to design a smart tea sensing module using an Arduino board to notify the owner of a shortfall of teabags. The main components used in this project are Tea sensor, Arduino board, Raspberry Pi, reed switch, speaker, and magnet. The tea bag sensor sense and sounds alarm to the owner when there is a shortage of teabags.
3). Arduino Weather Station with Nextion Display
The aim of this project is to design a smart weather station that displays temperature and other weather-related reports. The components used in this project are the Arduino board, temperature humidity sensor, and display board. This project provides the user a clear picture of weather information and allows the user to add more features.
4). Air Quality Monitor System using Arduino
Nowadays pollution has increased to maximum percentage due to heavy usage of pollution causing appliances like vehicles, chimneys and also due to factories. The aim of this project is to develop a smart air quality measuring device using Arduino technology and also display temperature and humidity data. The main components used in this project are a temperature sensor, humidity sensor, LCD, Arduino board, and particle sensor.
5). Arduino Based Smoke Alarm Interface
The aim of this project is to design a smart smoke detector using Arduino technology. This project is built with components such as a smoke sensor, alarm, Arduino board, and battery. Whenever the sensor detects smoke or smoke particles, it straight away generates an alarm for alerting the user within the environment and protects them from further danger. Smoke alarms are used in mining zones, offices, and domestic zones.
6). Contamination Alarm for Pipette Tip Box Monitoring System
Pipette is a device used for volumetric measurements by lab chemists. These devices must be maintained very tidily and handled very carefully. The aim of this project is to design a smart alarm for pipette tip monitors using Arduino. The main components used are Arduino, pipette, sensor, and alarm. Here when a sensor senses whether the pipet ends are open, if they are open it then gives an alarm to alert the user to pack the pipet properly.
7). Atari 8 Bit MP3 Player using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a smart MP3 player using Arduino. This project is designed with Atari SIO protocol, Arduino controller, music sensor, and speaker.
IoT Projects using Arduino
Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that integrates different technology platforms such as sensors, microcontrollers, electronic and mechanical appliances, Bluetooth technology for communication purposes over the internet connection. The advantage of using Arduino with IoT technology is, the data can be controlled and accessed by a user from a remote location at any time irrespective of location and climatic condition.

IoT Projects using Arduino
The list of Arduino Projects using the IoT platform is listed below.
1). Zero Touch Provisioning Based on TLS 1.3
The aim of this project is to design a smart TLS system that provides device configuration from a cloud system. Components used in this project are Arduino MKR, LED, Luner IoT-based SIM.
2). Build Nixie Display or Clock with Arduino Nano
The aim of this project is to build a smart clock system to display time using Arduino Nano and IoT technology to display real-time clock information on the Nixie display. The components used are Arduino Nano, socket driver, and power supply resource.
3). Arduino Light Controller using MKR IoT Carrier
The aim of this project is to design smart automation control electrical appliances using IOT and Arduino platforms. The main components used in this project are Arduino MKR IoT carrier, Arduino WiFI Rev2, LED, jumper wires, and MKR WiFI. A Bridge widget is used to create communication between Blynk. virtual Write() and Arduino. The advantage of this project is it saves power by turning it off when not in use.
4). Internet of things (IoT) based Solar Tracker
The aim of this project is to design a smart dual-axis solar power tracking system that tracks solar power, monitors battery reading over IoT technology. The main components used in this project are solar power systems, LDR sensors, solar energy, battery, Arduino board, and IoT cloud service. The advantage of this project is the solar panels automatically turn towards maximum solar energy direction during day time automatically to track maximum power.
5). Water Quality Monitoring System
The aim of this project is to design a smart water purity monitoring system using Arduino UNO and IoT platforms. Components used in this project are Arduino Genuino 101, GPS, and water quality sensor. Arduino Genuino collects water quality data and sends it to interfaced GPRS system over IoT where users can track the water quality status periodically.
6). Arduino based Amazon Echo using 1Sheeld
The aim of this project is to design a smart echo system similar to Amazon Echo “Alexa” using Arduino IDE and IoT technology. Components used in this project are Arduino 101, 1Sheeld, LED strip, Android mobile phone, and program with Amazon echo code. This device is interfaced with an Android phone, then it performs an action similar to Amazon Alexa like playing music, news, and songs.
7). IoT Pet Feeder
The aim of this project is to design a smart food dispenser for our pets using Arduino IDE and Android phones. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, PIR motion sensor, ESP, speakers, generic metal gear, and Android phone. A user controls this device with an Android mobile app to dispense food for their pets. The advantage is a user can operate this device from a remote place.
8). Real-Time 2G/3G/LTE Arduino GPS Tracker + IoT Dashboard
The aim of this project is to design a smart real-time GPS tracker using Arduino UNO and IoT platforms. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Botletics SIM700, IoT shield, and USB adapter. This project allows the Arduino GPS tracker to upload user data over the cloud using LTE CAT-M and also displays this data remotely using the IoT platform on a display screen in graphical format.
9). DIY Smart Plug and Bulb on Tuya IoT using Adaprox Fingerbot
The aim of this project is to design a smart Adaprox Fingerbot with Arduino UNO. The smart plug designed here acts as the main switchboard like a portable electric connector. Once on inserting electric appliance plug it can turn on or off appliances automatically depending on the usage. Additionally, it provides a WiFi connection facility also.
10). Water Quality Monitoring and Notification System using IoT
The aim of this project is to design smart water monitoring systems using Arduino and IoT platforms. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, IoT technology, RGB LED, buzzer, Turbidity sensor, temperature sensor, and pH sensor. This project measures temperatures, pH value, and Turbidity ratio and sends notifications to the user over the internet.
11). Pushing Data to Google Docs
The aim of this project is to design a smart IoT and Arduino-based platform to automatically transfer data online from device to google doc. A sensor monitoring systems data can be monitored and tracked over another device which creates difficulty for the user to manually upload at other memory spaces like the cloud. This project uses an automatic push mechanism to automatically load data onto Google Docs.
12). IoT Home Security Model
The aim of this project is to design a smart home security system using Arduino and IoT platforms. Components used in this project are IoT technology, Arduino UNO, electrical appliances, sensors, buzzers, and push buttons. In this project, data is collected from multiple sensors and communicated over IoT to the user at a remote location.
Arduino Medical Projects
Medical projects are specially designed for the medical industry to minimize the manual task of monitoring patients and performing complex tasks such as operations and diagnosis for 24 by 7 periods. These projects are automated and programmed using the Arduino platform to reduce human error and also to perform repetitive tasks.
For example, an automatic heartbeat monitoring system that automatically monitors a patient’s blood pressure on a single touch on the device rather than using a manual BP pumping device to record BP level.

Arduino Medical Projects
The list of Arduino Projects for the medical platforms is listed below.
1). Ultrasonic Sight Aiding and Heartbeat Tracking System using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart Ultrasonic sight aiding system for blind people. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, vibration motor, blood oxygen saturation sensor, speaker, Android phone, and Bluetooth technology. When the blind person moves the device from left to right the ultrasonic sensor senses the objects and alerts them with device vibration. Additionally, if there is no object detected the heartbeat of a person is monitored over an android app.
2). Measure Heart Rate and SpO2 with MAX30102 using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a pulse oximeter with Arduino UNO to measure oxygen levels and also BPM. This project uses main components such as MAX30102 oximeter, buzzer, +OLED, and connecting wires. Oxy meter operates when a user places their finger on the touch sensor, the device tracks, calculates, and stops at a particular reading with a beep sounds using a buzzer.
3). Third Eye for The Blind using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart wearable device to provide an obstacle detection notification for blind people using Arduino IDE. Components used in this project are Arduino IDE, buzzer, UV sensor, and vibrator motor. When the blind person wears this on their wrist it detects nearby objects using sensors and sounds with a buzzer alerting them.
4). Smart Disinfection and Sanitation Tunnel
The aim of this project is to design a shed shape smart disinfection and sanitation tunnel using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, PIR sensor, power relay, Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, USB cable, and heat sink. When the user walks into the tunnel it sanitizes the person completely within 15seconds from top to bottom. Thereby preventing further spread of COVID kind of diseases.

Smart Disinfection and Sanitation Tunnel
Arduino Wireless Projects
Wireless communication provides ease of communicating messages to other parties over the internet. The advantage of using Arduino with wireless technology is a user can remotely access and communicate data over a large distance with high speed and minimal maintenance

Arduino Wireless Projects
The list of Wireless projects using Arduino is listed below.
1). Creating WiFi Controlled Arduino Robot Car
The aim of this project is to design a fun toy remote control car using Arduino and Wi-Fi connection. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Android mobile, Android app, internet connection, Node MCU, motor driver, LED, robot car, and battery. Users can control this car in forward, backward, and left, right direction using the Android app wirelessly using an internet connection.
2). WiFi to Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a smart WiFi connecting device using Arduino UNO. This project provides features such as connectionless internet access to any microcontroller, allowing a user device to connect to a Wi-Fi adapter. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Espressif ESP8266, and jumper wires.
3). Wi-Fi Controlled FPV Rover Robot
The aim of this project is to design a smart 2 wheeled robot rover controlled over WiFi using Arduino and ESP8266. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, ESP8266, stepper motor, Android device, power bank, internet connection, and acrylic sheet.
4). WiFi Based IR Blaster
The aim of this project is to design an IR blaster using WiFI and Arduino technology. Components used in this project are home automation systems such as lights, AC, frieze, Arduino UNO, Wi-FI technology, LED, and Node MCU firmware. This project allows users to control all the interfaced electrical appliances remotely over Wi-Fi.
5). Pool Controller using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart swimming pool control system using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are swimming pool control systems such as motor, heater, water pump, and light; Raspberry Pi, Micro SDXC, temperature sensor, Wi-Fi, and seat washer. Integrating and interfacing all the components allows users to track pool quality and quantity status over a computer or mobile phone through an internet connection.
Arduino Bluetooth Projects
Bluetooth is a wireless technology used for a short distance. This technology replaces the need for a wired cable to communicate with interface peripherals, thus minimizing the requirement of a complex wiring system. Arduino with Bluetooth technology provides an advantage in terms of reducing the requirement for a wiring system, controlling the configured device from a remote location, easy maintenance, etc.

Arduino Bluetooth Projects
A list of Arduino Projects using Bluetooth technology is listed below.
1). UNO Based Home Automation System
The aim of this project is to design a smart electrical system that controls electrical appliances at home on a voice or by using an Android app. This project is developed using Bluetooth technology, when a user speaks and instructs the commands to the system the lights and fans automatically turn on or off; Arduino software for controlling; and Grove – 4 Channel SPDT Relay. The advantage of this project is it saves power.
2). Autonomous “Follow Me” Cooler Using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart cooler that provides cool air using Arduino and Bluetooth technology. Users can connect to the cooler using GPS and Bluetooth technology. The advantage of this project is it minimizes power consumption.
3). Bluetooth Controlled Car using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a car that is controlled using Arduino and Bluetooth technology. The main components used in this project are the car, Arduino board, smart mobile phone, Li-ion Battery SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298 and LED. Users can control the car using a smart mobile phone to move the car in any direction.

Bluetooth Controlled Car Using Arduino Device
4). Arduino Bluetooth LED Control System
The aim of this project is to design a smart LED control system using Bluetooth technology and Arduino IDE. The main components used in this project are Bluetooth module HC05/06, android app, LED, Arduino UNO, and software module Arduino software. A Bluetooth platform is interfaced with an android app to send commands to a hardware module. On receiving data as “1” the LED blinks and turns off when it’s “0”.
5). Arduino Altair 8800 Simulator
The aim of this project is to design a smart Altair simulator using the Arduino platform. The main components used in this project are Arduino Mega, Arduino Due, LED, spark fun Bluetooth modem, micro SD card, and SD adaptor.
6). A Glove That Translates Sign Language Into Text and Speech
The aim of this project is to design a smart machine that translates a user’s hand gesture called “American Sign Language” (ASL) to 26 alphabets in American English and displays meaningful information on the LCD using Arduino UNO. The main components used in this project are Arduino Nano R3, Bluetooth Module, accelerometer, and mobile. This project helps physically disabled persons who cannot talk to communicate with sign language.
7). Smartphone Controlled Arduino 4WD Robot Car
The aim of this project is to design a fun 4WD robot car that operates using a mobile phone Bluetooth connection from a distance. The main components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Bluetooth module, robot car, LED, and buzzer. On developing the kit user can control the robot car in forward, backward, left, and right directions.
8). Upload Sketch Arduino over Bluetooth using Android
The aim of this project is to design a smart software platform to provide instruction to Arduino using Bluetooth technology. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Laptop, Bluetooth, and Arduino Loader. Users can instruct the device from mobile phone to upload any digital data on the Laptop screen.
Arduino Home Automation Projects
Home automation systems are the system’s design to control all the home appliances such as door, lights, fan, TV, radio, washing machine, and more automatically or using a remote system from a distance location. Having an Automatic home appliance control system not only saves energy consumption but also adds an eco-friendly system. The following are a few of the applications of home automation systems design using Arduino technology.

Arduino Home Automation Projects
1). 7 Segment Clock Using Arduino
A 7 segment clock is a device used for displaying the time. It is also called a time counter. The aim of this project is to design a 7 segment based clock using Arduino. This project contains LED bulbs which are arranged in form of 8, Arduino board, switches, and Dot PCB. On turning on the battery the LED bulbs display the time. This project is used for home appliances, monitoring systems, and traffic signals.

7 Segment Clock Using Arduino
2). Home Automation using Raspberry Pi 2 And Windows 10
The aim of this project is to design a smart home automation system to control electrical appliances using Windows and Arduino platforms. The main components used for this project are LED, Raspberry Pi2, Windows 10 systems, Arduino UNO, LDR sensor, switches, and software platform Visual Studio 2015.
3). Smoke Detection with MQ-2 Gas Sensor
The aim of this project is to design a smart smoke sensor using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, smoke sensor, red and green LED, and buzzer. When the detector senses the smoke it sounds buzzer with red light and if there is no danger within the environment it signals green light. This project is used at home as an environmental monitoring system.

Smoke Detection with MQ-2 Gas Sensor
4). Motion Following Motorized Camera Base
The aim of this project is to design a device mounted with a surveillance camera, that rotates in 360 degrees on detection of physically existing things or humans within its surroundings using the Arduino platform. This project is designed with Arduino UNO, LED, PIR motion sensor, and servos. This project is useful for home automation systems.
5). Extremely Sensitive Homemade Seismometer
A seismometer is a device used for identifying and recording earthquakes. The aim of this project is to design a budget-friendly seismometer at home using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino Nano R3, Op-amp, resistors, and capacitors.
6). Automatic Sliding Door for the Garage
The aim of this project is to design a smart door automation system that can be operated with a remote using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, OLED display, breadboard, and push button. The user can slide the door using a remote from a distance. This kind of project is used at the home main door, entrance gate, and offices.
Arduino Security Projects
Manually keeping an eye on intruders every time is a difficult task for a human being. Hence in order to overcome this disadvantage security automation systems are designed that monitors the intruder 24 by 7. Following are a few of the security automation system projects using the Arduino platform used in different fields such as military, security systems, etc.

Arduino Security Projects
1). Laser Tripwire Alarm Security System with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart security system using Arduino technology. The components used in this project are a tripwire, an alarm system to sound, an Arduino controller, and a buzzer. Tripwire sounds alarmed on detection of physical moments by intruders. The alarms are disabled only by pressing a buzzer or entering an alternative assigned passcode.
2). The Nyctograph Machine
Security professionals, CBI offices, and Military officers use coding language to communicate with their members at borders. To make their task easy by generating coding language to communicate with the authorized person this project build a Nyctograph-based machine using Arduino.
3). Laser Rangefinder for Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart range finder for a laser application using Arduino. Components used in this project are Arduino Nano R3, OLED, laser tape pressure, and LM2596 DC module. This project helps in security laser applications to identify up to what range the laser is effective to detect intruders.
Arduino RFID Projects
Radio Frequency ID projects are security-related systems that use two main components an RFID reader and an RFID tag to lock and unlock the system on a valid swipe. The following are some of the RFID-based Arduino Projects used in different applications such as door locking systems, drone systems, etc.

Arduino RFID Projects
1). Arduino RFID Door Lock
A traditional way to lock a door from outside or inside is to use either a lock with keys or use modern locking system like biometric. The aim of this project is to design a smart door lock system using Arduino and RFID technology. When user each time wants to unlock the door they must swipe the RFID card to the RFID reader on the valid card swipe the door automatically opens.
2). Windows PC Lock/Unlock using RFID
The aim of this project is to design an auto PC encryption system using RFID and Arduino technology. The components used in this project are the RFID reader and card, Arduino micro, Atmega32U4, and connecting wires. This project replaces the manual entry of passcodes and pin numbers to lock or unlock the user system every time with a single RFID tag swipe on the RFID reader machine.
3). Arduino Based Autopilot Drone
Generally, drones are controlled with RF remote or by using an interface GPS module to direct them in a specific direction. The aim of this project is to design a smart autopilot drone system that is not controlled with any remote but is programmed with area details to capture 2D video and other data in a specific area using the Arduino platform.
4). Hand Gesture Controlled Robot
The aim of this project is to design a smart hand gesture based working robot using the Arduino platform. The main components used in this project are the RC car, RF module, Arduino UNO, accelerometer, and HT IC. Here the robot acts according to the detection of hand moment of user like if user gestures his hand towards light switch the robot turns off or on’s the switch.
5). nRF24L01 Interfacing with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart LED lighting system controlled using an Arduino board. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, nRF24L01, LED, push-button, and wires. This project works with 2 cases wherein one case it uses a single Arduino to glow LED on the programmed and the second case is it uses 2 Arduinos where one Arduino is instructed to control other Arduino to glow the LED.
Arduino Robot Projects
Robots are electronic devices that are mainly designed to replace human repetitive tasks with 100 percent quality and quantity. The advantage of designing a robot using Arduino is can be simple programmed using simple programs, performs tasks efficiently within the deadline. The following are some of the robotic projects designed using the Arduino platform.

Arduino Robot Projects
1). Simple Programmable Robotic Arm with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a simple arm movable robot using the Arduino platform. This robot arm can be moved in forward, backward, and sideways directions to pick up small objects instructed by the owner. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, rotatory potentiometer, LED bulbs, and push-buttons.
2). Otto DIY Robot using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a 3D printed Otto DIY robot using Arduino IDE. The feature provided by this robot is it can interact with human, sing, dance, detect obstacles and makes sounds. Components used in this project are Otto Arduino, servo motor, buzzer, batteries Otto builder kit.
3). Robo Kitten using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart robot kitten using the Arduino UNO platform. Components used in this project are OpenCat Nybble, USB cable, Arduino UNO, Li-Ion battery, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino IDE. This designed kitten robot acts similar to a real kitten like it can run, crawl, and plays with their owners.
4). Design of Robo Crane using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun robot control crane using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are MAX009, Arduino UNO, DC motor, Ultrasonic sensor, and infrared sensor. Robo crane is operated using the Android app and is programmed with movement operation in forward, backward, left, and right direction and also to lift up any small weight objects.
5). Arduino Robot Car
The aim of this project is to design a robot car that operates using an Arduino board. Components used in this project are a car, a DC motor of 12 volts to operate, an Arduino board to control, jumper wires, and breadboards.
6). DIY Arduino RC Hovercraft
The aim of this project is to design a robot car, using floating Hovercraft. This designed car can be controlled using a remote where a user can control the car’s motion in forward, turns, and reverse direction. This kind of project sounds interesting for kids to play.
7). OpenCat using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a smart robot cat for AI to enhance service and STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education. Components used in this project are Arduino board, SD card, heat sink, compression spring, IR sensor, buzzer, and ToF lidar. This robot performs all the instructed actions as programmed just like humans.
Arduino LED Projects
Light Emitting Diodes or LED is light-emitting bulbs designed using semiconducting substances. The advantage of using these bulbs is they require only a small amount of energy to glow, less cost, more life span, and provides many more advantages. The following are some of the Arduino LED-based projects used in different fields such as traffic signals, home appliances, RTC clocks, etc.

Arduino LED Projects
1). Arduino UNO Based Handheld Game Console
There are many smart gaming devices such as smart mobile phones, XP stations, and video games, apart from that there is another interesting concept where one can build their own video games and play using Arduino UNO board. The aim of this project is to design a gaming system such as “Snake Food Game”. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, ATmega328P Microcontroller, LED, Push Buttons / Tactile Switch, and Li-ion battery.
2). OLED RTC Clock using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a Real-Time Clock (RTC) using OLED and Arduino board. Components used in this project are Grove RTC, Grove OLED, buttons, Arduino, crystal oscillator, and battery. RTC clock not only tracks present time but also programs events at a particular time.
3). HX711 and Load Cell Arduino Punching Bag using Arduino UNO
Many of us might have come across fun games like punch bag to know our fist strength. The aim of this project is to design a punching bag power tracker using Arduino technology. components used in this project are a punching bag, LED, weight sensor, load cell Arduino, and HX711. When a user punches the bag of specific weight, the strength tracker automatically measures the power and displays it on LCD.
4). Simplest Variometer for Paragliding using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a smart variometer for paragliding users to inform them of the variation of height. Components used in this project are Arduino board, variometer, buzzer, LED, switch, and battery.
5). Blue Light DNA Transilluminator using Arduino UNO
DNA transilluminators are devices used in DNA labs to extract DNA data. The aim of this project is to design a smart DNA transilluminator that examines the obtained data of the gel electrophorus test. Components used are Arduino board, 3D printing PLA filament, and RGB LED.
6). Speed Measurement using HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to track a fast-moving obstacle either it is a vehicle or a ball in a cricket game or a rocket. This project is built with components such as an Arduino controller, LCD, LED, ultrasonic sensor, and potentiometer. The advantage of this project is it minimizes the hard manual task of analyzing the process to track the object’s speed measurement.
Other Arduino Based Projects
Listed below are other Arduino-based projects used in different fields of applications.
1). Arduino Music Instrument using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a smart musical instrument that operators on users hand gesture without touching the device. Components used in this project are the Arduino UNO board, Flick to control functions, a PCB board to sense user’s gestures up to 15cm of distance, and a speaker to produce music on user’s gesture. This project allows users to control music systems, TV, and other electronic devices.
2). Arduino UNO Based Car/ Truck Simulator
A BUS such as USB, CAN, SPI in electronics is a cable used for communication purposes. The aim of this project is to employ Controller Area Network (CAN) BUS in a car simulator, designed for allowing peripheral devices and Arduino microcontrollers to communicate in a vehicle system replacing host computer which performs data acquisition and control operation.
3). UNO Universal Remote Control
The aim of this project is to design a remote control device that controls all the electrical appliances such as TV, AC, lights, fans, etc using a single remote. This can be achieved by converting IR (infra-red)ordinary remote to a universal remote which is programmable. The advantage of this project is it minimizes users to have a single remote for a single device.
4). Arduino Ping Pong Game using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a Ping Pong game using an Arduino board. The main components used in this project are Arduino UNO, an RCA adapter, and a potentiometer.
5). Wristwatch Walkie-Talkie using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design an Arduino-based wristwatch that acts as a walkie-talkie. The components used in this project are Electret Microphone, Arduino board, NPN Transistor, and Grove Buttons. This project sound to be interesting for kids to play with a walkie-talkie.
6). Automated Plant Watering System using Arduino UNO
The need for greenery has raised in present days, many of us love to grow indoor and outdoor plants. But with a busy lifestyle, there are situations where we forget to water plants. Hence to provide a solution this project aims to sufficiently supply water to a specified number of indoor plants automatically at a specific time mentioned for a specific number of days and also provides artificial sunlight. This allows plants to grow healthily.
7). Lightweight Arduino GSM Mobile Phone
Present trendy mobile phones come with many advanced features along with their size and weight. Many of us do not like to carry a mobile phone which is a bit heavy. The aim of this project is to design a smart mobile phone using an Arduino board. This design project comes with features like a GSM network, allows users to connect to a network, make a two-way phone call, text messages, and displays GUI visuals.
8). DIY Low-Cost Air Hockey Table using Arduino UNO
Professional air Hockey station setup can be installed in particular areas, which occupies large space. The aim of this project is to design a customized DIY based hockey table using an Arduino board installed at home. The main components used are LCD, Arduino board, and Hockey table related accessories.
9). Capturing The Water Drops with Arduino
Photograph professionals use costly cameras to capture beautiful nature’s live moments at random clicks. Such as raindrops, wild animals, birds, insects, and many more. The aim of this project is to design a camera with a good resolution that captures water drops falling at higher speed from a heigh using Arduino.
10). CNC Router using Arduino UNO
A CNC router is a computer numerical control cutting device that is used for cutting hard materials such as steel, glass, wood, aluminum, and foams. The aim of this project is to design a simple budget friendly CNC router using Arduino. Components used are Arduino UNO, stepper driver, stepper motors, handles, and printers.
11). Soldering Iron Controller for Hakko 907 v.2 with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart soldering device with a control system using the Arduino platform. Here the main components used are soldering Hakka 907 iron and accessories, Arduino IDE, LCD, and temperature sensor. The temperature sensor sense and displays the temperature of the rod making it easy for a user to control the temperature according to the soldering of a property of a material.
12). DIY SMD Rework Station with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a heat blower gun used during wiring purposes with Arduino IDE. This project is implemented with a PID algorithm that calculates the power required, a Triac driver is used for controlling this gun, a thermocouple heater, and a fan. This project benefits in terms of reliability and efficiency.
13). 32-Band Audio Spectrum Visualizer Analyzer with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart 32 band audio display spectrum using both hardware and software Arduino platform. The main components used for this project are Arduino Nano R3, push-button, LED display, music system, and software a language, C programming. Depending on the level of audio the audio display spectrum displays the volume of the beat on the display.
14). DS18B20 (Digital Temperature Sensor) using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart digital thermometer using the Arduino platform to detect temperature within a specific area. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, thermometer DS18B20, breadboard, and jumper wires. This digital thermometer provides facilities such as it can measure temperature from any substance such as liquids, ground, and air.
15). Programming ATtiny85 with Arduino Uno
The aim of this project is to design an ATtiny 85 which is also called a TinyAVR sub-family of a microcontroller using Arduino. This project is designed with a combination of both software language in Arduino IDE (C or C++) and hardware components such as Arduino UNO, ATtiny 85, breadboard, jumper wires, and communicating cable.
16). ArduTester V1.13: The Arduino UNO Transistor Tester
The aim of this project is to design a software-based transistor tester using Arduino UNO. This project is designed with electronic discrete active and passive components such as resistors, transistors, capacitors, and inductors; whose characteristics and pin configuration are to be verified using Ardu Tester automatically. A software platform used in this project is AVR Assembly code and C language.
17). Magnet Levitation with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun magnetic levitation toy for a kid using the Arduino platform. The components used in this project are Arduino Nano R3, linear hall effect sensor, Darlington power transistor, and electromagnets.
18). Arduino Game By LCD
The aim of this project is to design a simple video game using the Arduino platform. The components used for this project are RGB black-light LCD, Arduino UNO, breadboard, push-button, and USB cable. When the connections are made and powered on, the game operates like a man trying to walk forward without hitting objects he jumps over the object and walks over it and steps down and walks forwards and the cycle repeats.
19). Alarm Clock using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design an alarm clock using Arduino UNO. The clock is designed with features such as it displays time, date, and sound alarm when a user sets the alarm for a specific time. Components used in this project are Piezo buzzer, Arduino UNO, RTC clock, LED, and LCD.
20). DHT11 /DHT22 Temperature Sensor using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart temperature sensor using Arduino hardware and software platforms. Here temperature sensors are operated on programming them using C# code using C++ Windows runtime components on Windows 10 and RP12 using a one-wire protocol.
21). Music Reactive LED Strip using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun LED strip that blinks on music using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are color LEDs, Electret Mix/Max4466, Arduino Nano, and potential meter. On sensing to music these LED bulbs automatically blink in a particular fashion based on volume.
22). LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) with Arduino
The aim of this project is to display user commands on LCD using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Adafruit Standard LCD – 16×2 White on Blue, breadboard, and jumper wires. This project interfaces hardware kit and allows user to pass their commands using software “C language that is to be displayed on LCD.
23). Arduino Mega Chess
The aim of this project is to design a fun game like chess using the Arduino platform provided with a GUI (Graphical User Interface) feature. This project is designed with hardware – Arduino Mega 2560, LCD touch screen, and buzzer; and with Negamax software algorithm. The buzzer used here sounds whenever checks happen in the game.
24). Programming 8×8 LED Matrix with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a LED Matrix with an Arduino platform to display the bytes information. This project is designed with hardware components that include Arduino UNO, Adafruit 8×8 LED Matrix, USB cable, and wires; and programmed with Arduino IDE. On passing the Bytes as commands using code the LED bulbs glow.
25). Wall Plotter with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun wall plotter that plots instructed data on whiteboards using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, stepper motor, drivers, SD card reader, and servo motor. The designed wall plotter can draw or plot user instructed images or text on the whiteboards.
26). Design of GPS/GNSS on Your Arduino Uno
The aim of this project is to design a budget-friendly GPS/ GNSS using Arduino Uno. This project is designed with a combination of hardware and software modules where we will be using programming language to communicate with GPS.
27). LDR Based Solar Power System using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a solar power system with rotating fans that open during day time and rotate to track solar power and store in battery, a come back to the home position that is all the three solar fans align one above the other during night time automatically in absence of sunlight.
28). 3D Artificial Horizon – Gyroscope with Arduino
A gyroscope is a device used for guiding users for the direction and angular motion of any substance. These devices measure in either 1 or 2 or 3 axis coordinates. The aim of this project is to design a 3D-based gyroscope using Arduino. The main components used in this project are the Arduino board, MPU6050 GY 521, accelerometer, mouse, and ADXL345.
29). DIY Arduino Turn Signal Bike Safety Vest
It is fun to ride the bike on a curvy road, at the same time it is also dangerous during night times if there is no proper light. Cars are auto designed with turn lights but not bikes. The aim of this project is to design a turn signal device that turns on when the bike driver takes turns on the road during night time and turns off when he drives on a straight road. If the bike driver turns left, left side vest lights glow, and if a driver turns right side lights on.
30). Command & Control of Multiple Serial-In/Parallel-Out ICS
The aim of this project is to design a smart board that allows users to connect an IC to obtain 100 multiples of output pins using blanks of serial parallel IC up to 255 IC/ 2040 output pins on a minimal IC board
31). Eye-to-Speech Module using Arduino UNO
A physically disabled person in some cases cannot speak or see or talk to communicate with others. To help disabled persons this project aims to provide a solution designing a smart wearable device that converts their eye gestures to speech format which displays or sounds what they actually want to communicate to others. This project is designed with an Arduino controller, speech sensor, LCD, and speaker.
32). Connecting VFD with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart display system using Arduino. Here the main components used are Arduino, VFD display, weather sensor, and real-time clock. This project displays both weather reports and time.
33). Battery Powered TV Remote Control with 3D-Printed Case using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a TV remote using an Arduino board. This remote is designed with 3D printing of channels, volume, and other TV navigating features. Components used are Arduino UNO, battery, IR transmitter, prototyping board, push-button, and 3D printed board. This remote works when a user presses the push button wants to maximize TV volume or other TV-related functions using this remote.
34). Temp and Humidity Monitor with Graphs and Battery Monitor using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a smart display system using Arduino. This project aims to monitor and track humidity and sensor and saves the last 24 hours data in the database and displays on-screen for the next 24 hours. The advantage of this project is it is interfaced with screening LCD which minimizes power consumption.
35). Stereo NeoPixel Ring VU Meter using Arduino UNO
An interesting part of the VU meter is it displays the quality of music in form of LED light levels. The aim of this project is to design a smart VU meter using the Arduino platform. The main components used in this project are Neo Pixel LED rings and Arduino Nano board. LED bulbs in this project glow according to the volume of the music. If music quality is high more LED bulbs glow else vice versa.
36). Arduino-Based Universal AC Motor Speed Controller
The aim of this project is to control the speed of the AC motor using the Arduino platform. The main components used in this project are AC motor, LCD, Arduino Nano R3, rotatory encoder, and push button. This project used the PID algorithm to control the motor automatically.
37). Arduino Web Editor on Various Platforms
The aim of this project is to design a smart web editor using Arduino IDE and a cloud platform. This project allows users to edit software codes, add sketches to the official Arduino board using any web browser such as Safari, Google, Edge, and Firefox. The advantage of this project is it minimizes the use of memory on a local hard disc.
38). Interface GPS Module (NEO-6m) with Arduino
One can view GPS data with a single click on smart devices but many times there might be a signal problem or a mobile phone shows incorrect data. The aim of this project is to design a smart GPS system using NEO 6m module interfaced with Arduino IDE. This project displays both longitude and latitude information on the screen.
39). Punch Activated Arm Flamethrowers using Arduino
Fun and cautious fire activities played by professionals at a circus, and in movies sound more interesting for the viewers. The aim of this project is to design flame throwers using Arduino IDE and gesture control. this is a wearable device on the user’s wrist that acts according to a user action that is when a user punches in a forward direction gesture sensor detects and blows the flame out.
40). Portable Arduino Temp/Humidity Sensor with LCD and using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart temperature and humidity sensor using Arduino IDE. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, DHT11 temperature sensor, humidity sensor, and battery. The sensor tracks temperature and humidity data and displays it on an LCD screen. The advantage of this project is it is portable and be carried anywhere.
41). Windows Remote Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a window-based remote system that controls electrical appliances using Arduino IDE. This project is designed with components such as LED, WiFi, window, Ethernet, Bluetooth, and Arduino. The advantage of using this project is it minimizes power consumption.
42). Soldering Iron Controller for Hakko 907 v.2 using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart soldering device with a control system using the Arduino platform. Here the main components used are soldering Hakka 907 iron and accessories, Arduino IDE, LCD, and temperature sensor. The temperature sensor sense and displays the temperature of the rod make it easy for a user to control the temperature according to the soldering of a property of a material.

Soldering Iron Controller for Hakko 907 v.2 using Arduino
43). DIY SMD Rework Station using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a heat blower gun used during wiring purposes with Arduino IDE. This project is implemented with a PID algorithm that calculates the power required, a Triac driver is used for controlling this gun, a thermocouple heater, and a fan. This project benefits in terms of reliability and efficiency.
44). 32-Band Audio Spectrum Visualizer Analyzer using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart 32 band audio display spectrum using both hardware and software Arduino platform. The main components used for this project are Arduino Nano R3, push-button, LED display, music system, and software a language, C programming. Depending on the level of audio the audio display spectrum displays the volume of the beat on the display.
45). DS18B20 (Digital Temperature Sensor) using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart digital thermometer using the Arduino platform to detect temperature within a specific area. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, thermometer DS18B20, breadboard, and jumper wires. This digital thermometer provides facilities such as it can measure temperature from any substance such as liquids, ground, and air.
46). Programming ATtiny85 with Arduino Uno
The aim of this project is to design an ATtiny 85 which is also called a TinyAVR sub-family of a microcontroller using Arduino. This project is designed with a combination of both software language in Arduino IDE (C or C++) and hardware components such as Arduino UNO, ATtiny 85, breadboard, jumper wires, and communicating cable.
47). ArduTester V1.13: The Arduino UNO Transistor Tester
The aim of this project is to design a software-based transistor tester using Arduino UNO. This project is designed with electronic discrete active and passive components such as resistors, transistors, capacitors, and inductors; whose characteristics and pin configuration are to be verified using Ardu Tester automatically. A software platform used in this project is AVR Assembly code and C language.
48). Arduino Based Touch Tic-Tac-Toe Game
The aim of this project is to design an AI-based control opponent system for a Tic-tac-toe game using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, and touch screen. This system is programmed to play with a single user opponent and display messages which player has won or lost the game or resume or pause the game using a touch screen.
49). Design of GSM module using Old Mobile Phone
The aim of this project is to design a GSM module using an old gsm mobile phone on the Arduino UNO platform. This system controls home automation appliances over a text message. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO and mobile phones with GSM features.
50). Design of an Alarm Clock using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design an alarm clock using Arduino UNO. The clock is designed with features such as it displays time, date, and sound alarm when a user sets the alarm for a specific time. Components used in this project are Piezo buzzer, Arduino UNO, RTC clock, LED, and LCD.
51). Design of DHT11 /DHT22 Temperature Sensor using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart temperature sensor using Arduino hardware and software platforms. Here temperature sensors are operated on programming them using C# code using C++ Windows runtime components on Windows 10 and RP12 using one-wire protocol.
52). Music Reactive LED Strip using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun LED strip that blinks on music using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are color LEDs, Electret Mix/Max4466, Arduino Nano, and potential meter. On sensing to music these LED bulbs automatically blink in a particular fashion based on volume.
53). Arduino 32×8 LED Matrix Info Display
The aim of this project is to design a smart LED matrix display using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino Nano R3, Real-Time Clock (RTC), temperature and humidity sensor, PIR sensor, and LED matrix. This project displays humidity, temperature, time, and date on LCD. PIR sensor used here detects the nearby user and displays data on an LED.
54). Electronic Piano Keyboard with Preset Songs using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun piano board using Arduino IDE. The piano designed in this project uses 7 keys programmed with B/A/G/F/E/D/C and the 8th key is provided for accessing the present song menu. The components used are Arduino IDE, switch, LCD, Buzzer, and potentiometer.
55). Programming 4 Digit 7 Segment LED Display using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design 4, 7 segments LED displays using Arduino IDE. Components used in this project are LED display, Arduino IDE, and wires. Here each of the 4 LED, 7 segments can display numerical values from 0 to 9.
56). Arduino Due Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Due is a device that tracks waves during natural disasters during an earthquake, high vibration zones like heavy machines, and plots this vibration in graphical form on display. The aim of this project is to design a smart arbitrary Due device using the Arduino platform. This device can draw, edit, open, upload, and save arbitrary waves using USB or switches and pots devices.
57). Third Eye for The Blind using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart wearable device to provide an obstacle detection notification for blind people using Arduino IDE. Components used in this project are Arduino IDE, buzzer, UV sensor, and vibrator motor. When the blind person wears this on their wrist it detects nearby objects using sensors and sounds with a buzzer alerting them.
58). Electric Kiln Controller using Arduino
A kiln is a device used in fields of metallurgy roasting, ceramics burning, and cement factories. The aim of this project is to design a smart digital Kiln using Arduino IDE. This project replaces traditional hardware Kiln that operates manually. Electric Kiln is designed with a fire control and data logging feature that automates depending on the material or work property.
59). Simple DALI Controller using Arduino
The aim of this project is to control a Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) light using Arduino IDE. This project is designed with a combination of both hardware components like Arduino Nano R3, ADC converter, LED, and software programmed in “C” language. A solo DALI designed in this project can be illuminated up to 64 luminaires.
60). Garage Parking Assistant using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart garage parking assistant using Arduino UNO. Here the smart garage parking light is mounted on the wall, glows as soon a vehicle approaches a small distance away from the wall end. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, ultrasonic sensor, and sensor. The advantage of this project is it prevents vehicle accidents.
61). LW/MW/SW Stereo FM with RDS – DSP Radio Receiver V2.5 with LCD and Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart radio receiver system, using Arduino UNO. This project provides features such as displays frequency band range, RDS, SNR value, signal strength and allows users to tune to specific frequency stations to listen to news, music, and other entertaining content similar to other radio stations.
62). Programming ATmega8 using Arduino IDE
The aim of this project is to design a system to install Arduino type bootloader over a microcontroller like ATMega8 AVR. This project is programmed in the Arduino IDE environment. The components used are Arduino UNO, Arduino bootloader, 16 MHz crystal, push button, and jumper wires.
63). Detecting Obstacles and Warning – Arduino and Ultrasonic
The aim of this project is to design a smart object detection device using an Arduino platform that sounds when a living or nonliving object comes closer to the device. Components used in this project are the Ultrasonic sensor, Arduino UNO, and Buzzer.
64). Motion-Sensing Alarm with Keypad & Password using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart alarm system with password enabled using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, PIR sensor, buzzer, Keypad, and LED. When an object comes near to the sensor the buzzer sounds alarmed, a password protection feature is provided to lock and unlock the device from being stolen.
65). Solar Charged Battery Powered Arduino Uno
The aim of this project is to design a smart solar power storage system using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, solar panels, Arduino shield, battery, and 555 IC. Solar panels track solar energy by turning themselves in maximum sunlight on the battery is charged fully 555 timers automatically disconnects the battery.
66). Monster in a Box using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun game like a monster in a box using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Buzzer, LED, motion detector, smoke machine, and speaker. This device detects a user near to it and pops out a scary monster from the box at the same time sounds horror music and blinks LED.
67). Bee Monitor System using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a honey Bee monitoring system using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, USB, Android mobile app, and Bluetooth. This project is mainly designed to assist beekeepers to have a look over bees migration within bounded zone tiringly and extract honey.
68). Origami Lamp using Arduino
Origami lamp is a traditional paper-designed lamp available in different shapes firstly designed by the Japanese. The aim of this project is to design an Origami lamp on a digital Arduino platform. Components used in this project are LED strip, Arduino UNO, and IR sensor. Here LED bulb will glow with one color on detection of the first object by IR sensor and on detection of 2nd object it glows with red color. Like this LED keeps changing colors on detection of different objects.
69). Amplifier for earthquake sensors using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart earthquake sensor using Arduino UNO. An Amplifier used in this project captures the weakest signal when an earthquake is about to start and amplifies it and forwards it to the Arduino. Components used in this project are LM358, potentiometer, Arduino, and display.
70). Employing FreeRTOS multi-tasking in Arduino
Although Arduino IDE and its environmental support multiple libraries and drivers, they are restricted to loop() and setup(). To have more features this project aims to interface Arduino UNO with FreeRTOS to provide multitasking by scheduling the tasks and prioritizing them.
71). Lathe – Electronic Lead Screw using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart Lathe using Arduino UNO. This project eliminates the need for the manual task to change gears in traditional Lathe and automate the process of cut metric-type threads over Atlas Craftsman lathe. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, electronic gearbox, lathe, tachometer, and electric fixing tools.
72). Clock Set Date Time using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a simple clock using Arduino technology. The components used are RTC, Arduino UNO, LCD, and buttons. Buttons used here allow the user to adjust the date and time to display on LCD and if the buttons are not pressed here LCD displays it randomly displays time and how many times the button was previously pressed.
73). Mind Control Drone using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart drone that operates on the user’s commands from the brain. Components used in this project are MindWave sensor, drone, and Arduino MKR 1000. This project not only allows user to control the drone and their actions but also dismantle themselves on instruction.
74). A Wind Turbine MPPT Regulator with an Arduino Uno
The aim of this project is to design a smart wind turbine monitoring system using Arduino UNO. This project aims to control the speed of wind turbines and collect power in an efficient manner. Components used are Arduino UNO, current sensor, LCD display, multi-meter, and push button.
75). Arduino MIDI Arpeggiator
The aim of this project is to design a smart MIDI Arpeggiator using Arduino UNO. This device glows the lights depending on the music tone. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, rotatory potentiometer, pushbutton, MIDI port, and LED.
76). Intelligent Charger for 9V NiMH Batteries using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a charger that charges at a constant current for 9 volts of NiMH batteries which are rechargeable. Components used in this project are a battery charger, smart appliances, Arduino UNO, and connecting wires. The advantage of this project is it automatically connects on “0” power detection on the battery and disconnects the battery on a full charge.
77). Paper Piano with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a Piano musical instrument using Arduino UNO and paper. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, jumper wires, A4 paper, capacitive sensor, pencil, breadboard, and speaker. When a user touches the sensor piano sounds the tone using a speaker.
78). Arduino Timer
The aim of this project is to design a timer using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, potentiometer, pushbutton, LCD, and Buzzer. This project uses 4 push buttons to set, reset, start and stop. It allows the user to set the timer and modes accordingly.
79). Telegram Bot with ESP8266
The aim of this project is to design a smart light system using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Telegram Bot software, Arduino UNO, ESP 8266, and jumper wires. The LED is controlled by sending an instruction from the Telegram app. For suppose start instruction is sent the LED glows and if stop instruction is sent LED stops glowing.
80). Dark Theme for Arduino IDE
Most of our engineers sit for an hour in front of the system and work long hours. This can affect and strain our eyes. The aim of this project is to develop a dark theme environment on Arduino IDE. This designed theme protects the user from eye diseases and minimizes the eyesight power increment.
81). Autonomous Indoor Greenhouse Controller using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart Greenhouse gas controller and display information on the LCD using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, liquid pump, LCD, LED, PIR motion sensor, and Ultrasonic sensor.
82). Arduino Sonar System
The aim of this project is to design smart Sonar systems using Arduino UNO. Here the sonar detects the obstacles within programmed range and displays them on LCD with details. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, radar technology, and LCD.
83). Non-contact Capacitive Liquid Level Sensing using FDC1004
The aim of this project is to measure liquids quantity in a specific container such as bottles, tanks, and other containers using Arduino IDE. A liquid quantity that is being measured might include water, kerosene, petrol, and other liquid substance. Components used in this project are Arduino IDE, capacitive sensor, containers, and liquids. The device tracks the quantity with the help of Arduino IDE and displays the level on the screen.
84). Arduino Lie Detector
The aim of this project is to design a smart device that detects if a person is lying or no by wearing the band of this device on the suspector’s hands. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, LED (green, red), cables and wires. On wearing the device on to suspectors hand a red LED glows which means he is nervous and is lying and if the green LED glows it means they are saying the truth.
85). CPU and RAM Usage Monitor System using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart memory usage system for LINUX and WINDOW operating system using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino Nano R3, LCD, and jumper wires. This system is programmed to automatically track, monitor the memory usage in the system and alert the user on memory full status.
86). Arduino Controlled Pinball Machine
The aim of this project is to design a fun game using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino Mega 2560, LCD display, switches, and LED. This project can be designed in a customizable size.
87). Ultrasonic Eyes using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun ultrasonic eye that observes the user’s motion and moves its eyes in their user direction. Components used in this project are ultrasonic sensor, LED, Arduino Nano R3, photoresistor, and Arduino IDE.
88). Arduino Sunflower
The aim of this project is to design a smart lighting technology using Arduino and Diodes. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, photodiodes, servo motor, sunflower shape cover, LED, jumper, and breadboard. Sunflower LED glows with the help of photodiodes and servo motor programmed in Arduino IDE.
89). Ultrasonic Map-Maker using an Arduino Yun
The aim of this project is to design a smart map maker using Arduino and sensor technology. The components used in this project are Arduino Yun, ultrasonic sensor, Servo, objects, Mathlab, and Arduino IDE. In this project, ultrasonic sensors detect nearby objects and automatically calculates the distance between an object, and draws the map.
90). Automatic Window Roller Blinds using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart window roller control system for home systems using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, 3D printer, window roller, IoT platform, motor, remote and ESP32. On integrating all the components and programming in Arduino IDE a user can pull down or roll up the blinds using a remote.
91). Ava v1 – Conversational NLP Robot using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a robot that performs an action similar to human beings using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino Mega 2560, servo controller, ultrasonic sensor, microphone, IR distance sensor, and thermal camera. This Robo is programed with machine learning and data is stored in its database. NLP robots can walk, talk, recollect capture data, and learns new things.
92). Automatic Plant Watering System using Arduino Uno
The aim of this project is to design smart plant watering systems using Arduino UNO and IoT platforms. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, DC motor, soil moister sensor, temperature sensor, plant, and water. This system waters the plant based on the moister quality of the soil automatically.
93). nRF24L01+ with ATtiny85 3 Pins
The aim of this project is to communicate data to nRF24L01+ using the Arduino platform and ATtiny85. Components used in this project are nRF24L01+, ATtiny85, Arduino UNO, Power Source, and switching diodes.
94). A Simple Arduino Menu with An LCD and Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart LCD system programmed to display the actions of LED using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are LCD, LED, Arduino UNO, jumper wires, breadboard, and resistors. One of this advantage of this project is a user can edit the menu content whenever required.
95). Ball Tracking Robot using Arduino
Surveillance monitoring camera areas require a manual task to observe intruders and objects with a specific zone. Hence in order to overcome this manual task of monitoring by humans this project aims to design a ball tracking robot that tracks uniform color objects and notifies the user. Components used are camera, robot, Arduino UNO, Raspberry Pi, and Ultrasonic sensor.
96). Arduino Mp3 player
The aim of this project is to design a fun MP3 play that senses users approaching movement nearby and plays programmed Mp3 songs on an Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Arduino serial player, ultrasonic sensor, and speaker.
97). Arduino HID-Based CNC Pendant
The aim of this project is to design a wooden CNC pendant that allows users to control its process over Arduino HID. Components used in this project are Arduino Leonardo, pushbuttons, and a wooden shaped pendant. This pendant is designed with 23 push buttons where each button is again in turn provided with 6 control functions like turning LED, adjusting time, etc.
98). Triple CNC Machine using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a CNC machine built with 3 features using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, stepper motor, stepper driver, 3D printer, CNC pen, and CNC laser. This CNC machine can perform triple tasks like cutting material using laser, drawing using pen, and engraving using a dermal.
99). LCD Hill Run v2 Runner Game using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun game hill runner using LCD and Arduino platforms. Components used in this project are Arduino Mega 2560, pushbuttons, 16/2 LCD display, buzzer, and potentiometer. In this game a man jumps on the hill and walks forward and ducks down when an obstacle comes in his way, user can control the man’s action using push buttons.
100). Arduino Nano Clock with 4×64 LED Matrix using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a digital clock using LCD and the Arduino platforms. Components used in this project are LED, Arduino nano R3, DS3231, and wires. This display shows time in hours, minutes, and seconds, temperature, date, month, and year.
101). Arduino MIDI Stepper Synth
The aim of this project is to convert a Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) information to electric stepper motor music using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, stepper driver, stepper motor, and 3d printer. This system is programmed to play different ports to MIDI devices using a stepper motor depending on the tone.
102). Version 2.0 Advanced Attendance System using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart attendance tracking system using RFID and Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, RFID reader and tag, internet connection, and mobile phone. In this project when a user swipes their RFID tag to the reader, that reads and communicates the attendance data as a present to the configured mobile phone over the internet.
103). Arduino Bluetooth Camera (ABC)
The aim of this project is to design a smart camera system that transfers user files between the android mobile phone and Arduino device over a Bluetooth connection. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, camera, Android mobile, Bluetooth connection, and image-taking objects. This type of system is suitable for a home automation surveillance camera that tracks and sends images to the user device over a Bluetooth connection.
104). Plant Monitoring System using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a plant monitoring system to check for the condition of the plant for every few hours for the availability of sunlight, humidity, and temperature and send this information to the user over the internet and display it in form of a dashboard. Components used in this project are plant, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, light sensor, Arduino UNO, and IoT platform.
105). Touchless Automatic Motion Sensor Trash Can using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart trash can that automatically opens its cap on detection of the user near to it and closes the cap once the user drops the trash into the can or moves away from the can. Components used in this project are Arduino Micro, ultrasonic sensor, servo motor, and trash can. This system replaces the necessity of manually taping on the opening button of the trash can.
106). LED Dice using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart LED-based dice system using the Arduino UNO platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, push button, LED, breadboard, and jumper wires. This project is programmed similar to rolling of a dice manually, where on tapping on the push button at once a random number of LED lights glow between 1 to 6.
107). Herb Box Eco System using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart watering and control herb system using Arduino UNO and Alexa technology. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Amazon Alexa, light, aqua pump, dc motor, plant, and power adapter. A user can send a command to this system using Amazon Alex to water the plant or turn on or off the light and also allows to track plants condition over an interfaced app.
108). Wooden Chess Board with Piece Recognition using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart chess-playing system using the Stockfish app that automatically detects which piece to move in which direction. Components used in this project are Raspberry Pi, LED, reed switch, Stockfish, display driver, an Arduino UNO.
109). Arduino, Monitoring Door-Opening via Gmail
The aim of this project is to design a smart door monitoring system using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are magnetic sensor, door, Arduino UNO, and GMAIL (IoT platform). This project is programmed on Arduino IDE in such a way that when a magnetic sensor detects the door motion (open or close) it allows Arduino to send a Gmail notification to a user over an IPv6.
110). Getting Started with the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart Ultrasonic sensor system using Arduino UNO. The components used in this project are an Ultrasonic sensor, Arduino UNO, HC-SR04, and jumper wires. This system is programmed on Arduino IDE to allow the ultrasonic sensor to transmit its waves to detect how far an object is and display the distance of object, time, and other parameters accurately using HC-SR04 on the LCD.
111). Face-Masks Disinfection Device using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart face mask disinfection device that sanitizes the mask when placing on the panel using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, face mask, IR temperature sensor, speaker, and Adafruit Quad Alphanumeric Display. This type of system can be especially beneficial for minimizing the spread of COVID disease up to some extent.
112). Control LED By Clap Using Arduino and Sound Sensor
The aim of this project is to design a system to control an LED bulb on a clap sound using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are LED, breadboard, jumper wires, Arduino UNO, KY-038 sound sensor, and jumper wires. When a user claps one time KY0038 sound sensor detects the clap sound and glows ON –LED and on the second clap, the LED turns off.
113). Personal Weather Station using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart weather station that senses the weather within a bounded environment using the Arduino UNO platform and updates the Thingspeak app over IoT. Components used in this project are Arduino, ESP8266, Thingspeak app, temperature and humidity sensors, LDR, and DC jack.
114). Automatic Solar Powered Door Monitoring System using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart door system that opens and closes the door automatically on the detection of an object using solar energy technology and the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are solar panels, Arduino UNO, charger, and hen. Here the door only opens the door and allows the hen to come out of its house during the daytime and closes the door once the hen goes inside the house during the absence of sunlight.
115). Hourglass using Arduino
A traditional hourglass consists of 2 glass bulb where one side of the bulb consists of half-filled sand and another side empty. On switching this bulb in reverse the sand from one glass bulb flows to other glass bulbs. The aim of this project is to replace the traditional hourglass and design a fun hourglass lighting system using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, LED, and accelerometer.
116). DIY Super Simple Electronic Component Tester using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a digital test for electrical passive and active components using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO; active and passive components like resistor, capacitor, transistors, FET, diodes, etc; OLED, and switch. When the end terminals are inserted into the measuring slot the system automatically tracks and displays the component value and condition.
117). Design of Mazes on a 128 x 64 LED Panel using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun game-like Maze solving using LED and Arduino platforms. Components used in this project are LED 128 by 64 panel, Arduino MEGA, and jumper wires.
118). Race Car Dashboard (Online Connectivity) using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a speed tracking dashboard system for a real-time Bajaj SAE race. Using Arduino UNO and IoT technology. Components used in this project are GPS receiver, IoT technology, Arduino UNO, TFT display, and push-buttons. This dashboard system displays data of race care in terms of the clock, speed, odometer, performance meter, and lap counter.
119). LegoSlimBoy – Arduboy in a Small Lego Arcade Cabinet using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun toy robot using lego blocks and an Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, lego arcade cabinet, OLED, buzzer, and push-buttons. This toy can be operated using a remote device configured with the main device.
120). Arduino Pulse Generator
The aim of this project is to design a digital pulse generator using Arduino UNO and LCD technology. components used in this project are Arduino UNO, pulse generator, and LCD. This device tracks the pulse from the generator and displays values in terms of duty cycle and frequency on LCD.
121). ArduboyXL using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a large screen LCD display system using Arduino and LCD technology. Components used in this project are Arduino 32u4 = 2 in number, multiplexer chip, LCD display, CNC machine, SD card, and Lipo charger. One of the Arduino used in this project reads games from an SD card and the other re-flashes the stored game’s data on to screen from the SD card.
122). Adjustable Countdown Timer using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart adjustable timer using Arduino UNO and LCD. Components used in this project are pushbuttons, jumper wires, Arduino UNO, 7 segment LCD, buzzer, and push-buttons. The 4 buttons used in this project are used for start, reset, “+” and “ –“ to increment and decrement the count. Once the circuit is powered on the counter starts counting depending on + ve or – ve counts programmed.
123). Smart Parking System using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart car parking systems that allow a user to track available parking slots over an internet website using IoT and Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, IoT, Raspberry Pi, Ultrasonic sensor, and IR receiver.
124). 3D Printer using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart 3D printer of 400 by 400 by 400 mm of metrics using Arduino UNO and stepper motor. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, 3D printer, Acrylic Sheets, stepper motor, battery, and Arduino Mega 2560. This type of project can be useful for college students to print any 3D image programmed in Arduino IDE.
125). Sketch It (CNC Plotter) using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart robot that sketches exact images when uploading image code using the Arduino platform. Components used in this project are Scrap DVD Writers, Micro Servo Motor, Arduino UNO, and Inkscape Vector Graphics Editor.
126). Pac-Man LED Pixel Panel Costume using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a fun Pac-man designed costume using LED and Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are LED, Arduino UNO, wires, laser cutter, and battery. On programming on Arduino UNO with different Pac man symbols LED on costume glows according to the programmed design.
127). Arduino – Detect Someone Taking Your Stuff and send Gmail
The aim of this project is to design a smart guarding system to monitor our electronic devices such as laptops, mobile phones, and watches using IoT and Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are IoT, Arduino UNO, electronic appliances, relay, sensor, and jumper wires. This project is programmed to send a notification to users of Gmail whenever the sensor detects an unknown person has touched the device.
128). Open Source Pulse Oximeter for COVID-19
The aim of this project is to design a smart oximeter using Arduino UNO and Bluetooth technology. The components used in this project are Arduino Nano R3, Maxim Integrated MAX30102 Pulse and Heartrate Sensor, OLED display, and Bluetooth technology. when the user places their forefinger in the slot sensor tracks and displays the oxygen level, SO2 level of the patient.
129). Joystick Controlled Mouse
Ai of this project is to design a smart system to control a CPU with a joystick instead of using a mouse device. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, dual-axis joystick, and python programming environment. This joystick can be moved in the x and y-direction.
130). Vertical Hydroponic Farm
The aim of this project is to design a vertical hydro system for plants using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are plants, Arduino UNO, Raspberry Pi 2, and water supply. Here the plants are placed on vertical racks and the system is programmed to water the plants automatically depending on the plant’s condition timing.
131). Bluetooth Nerf Turret
The aim of this project is to design a fun Nerf turret using Bluetooth and Arduino UNO technology. components used in this project are Bluetooth technology, Arduino Nano R3, LM2956, battery, heat sink, and rubber bands. User can blast their defender from a distance by controlling with a Bluetooth remote.
132). DIY Logic Analyzer
The aim of this project is to design a smart logic analyzer for digital circuits using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, LCD, and digital circuits. On programming, in Arduino UNO this device displays each and every IC’s pin description in digital form on the display.
133). Make an Arduino Memory Game
The aim of this project is to design a fun game similar to simons game using LED and Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are LED bulbs of 4 colors, Arduino UNO, breadboard, jumper wires, and speakers. If the player losses the game, the speaker sounds alarm.
134). Arduino Web Based 2 Player Game
The aim of this project is to design a fun 2 player game pinball using Arduino UNO and IoT platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, IoT, heatsink, and breadboard. This project allows the user from a remote location to play this game where the display device interfaces joystick design on a breadboard to control the game.
135). Buzz Wire with Score Counter
The aim of this project is to design a fun game buzz wire, using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, buzzer, LED, rod, holder, and battery. In this game, the user has to move the circle shape holder from one end of the rod to the other end without contacting the rod. On contact with Rod, the buzzer sounds an alarm.
136). Water Softener
The aim of this project is to design a smart water softener using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, TC4427 IC, power supply, and coil. This system replaces the magnetic systems of a water softener. This system works on surrounding the coil onto the rod and place in water flow direction letting the magnetic field pass with water. This allows calcium to present water.
137). Ultrasonic Glasses for the Blind
The aim of this project is to design a smart spectacle for blind people to aid them in detecting nearby obstacles and protect their eyes using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, ultrasonic sensor, sunglasses, buzzer, and jumper wires. When the person wears these spectacles the device emits ultrasonic waves and identifies the nearby object and sounds the alarm.
138). Arduino UNO Guitar Pedal
The aim of this project is to design an electric guitar using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, pushbuttons, toggle switch, LED, jack, vibrator, and speaker. This project allows users to program the electric guitar with self music effects and tones.
139). Piezo Songs Player
The aim of this project is to design a music player using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, buzzer, piezo push button, and wires. This project is pre-programmed with songs were on pressing the button the systems play the songs as per queued program.
140). Digital Clock with Arduino and Shift Register
The aim of this project is to design a digital clock using Arduino UNO and shift registers. Components used in this project are LED display, Arduino UNO, 74HC595, real-time clock, breadboard, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, and jumper wires. On turning powering on this project displays temperature, humidity, and timing details on LCD.
141). Biometric Sensor in Motorcycle Hornet
In a hurry situation, many of us forget to lock our bikes in a safe place and this may lead to bike theft. The aim of this project is to design a smart biometric system for bikes using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino Mini 5, a biometric sensor, voltage regulator, and relay. This system interface to bike provides access to the bike only when an authorized user unlocks it on a valid biometric key.
142). Track ME
The aim of this project is to design a location tracking and notifying system using Arduino UNO and GPS systems. Components used in this project are SD card, Arduino Mega 2560, SD card, GPRS, battery, and GSM. This system tracks user location and sends a notification to mobile phone.
143). VentureAria
The aim of this project is to design a robot named venture Asia, that can talk, walk, move objects on human commands. The components used in this project are Arduino Mega2560, Raspberry pi, programming language: C, Java, and bash scripts.
144). ArduTester Millenium, the ultimate UNO & MEGA Versions
The aim of this project is to design a smart Arduino UNO-based electrical components tester. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Arduino Mega, LCD, OLED, jumper wires, breadboards, and pushbuttons. When a user places a component such as IC, FET on the system the tester automatically tacks all the details of a component in terms of pin description and type.
145). Wireless Laser-Gate Timing System for Track and Field
The aim of this project is to design a smart athlete’s performance tracking system from a distance using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, tripod, speaker, LED bulb, LCD, and wires. This device is programmed with a timer automatically to start recording the performance in terms of speed, distance, and time.
146). Arduino Beat Detector
The aim of this project is to design a music beat detection system using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, LED, battery and relay. This system on detection of music beat allows the LED bulb to glows.
147). Voltmeter using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart voltage measurement system using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, jumper wires, LED, and breadboard. This project is suitable for voltage levels between 0 to 5 volts.
148). Design of Digital Clock without RTC
The aim of this project is to design a smart digital clock, using Arduino UNO and without using a real-time clock. Components used in this project are, Arduino Nano R3, matrix module, 8 by 8 LED display, push-button, and jumper wires. This project is designed with fewer components to display the time.
149). Speak to Arduino and Control It with Google Assistant
The aim of this project is to design an Assistant system that displays and directs to a browser on user commands using Google Assistant and Arduino technology. The components used in this project are Arduino UNO, ESP8266, and Microsoft Visual studio. On programming, with IFTTT protocol the device tracks user commands over speech and navigates.
150). Add Environmental Data on Arduino IoT Cloud
The aim of this project is to design a smart home automation system that tracks environmental conditions and displays them on a dashboard using IoT and Arduino platforms. Components used in this project are Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, MKR ENV Shield, battery, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, pressure sensor, UV sensor, and IoT cloud. This project is programmed to track environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, UV, and pressure and displays them over a dashboard online.
151). TB6600 Stepper Motor driver Tester using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a smart stepper motor tester to detect the defect in the motor using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are stepper motor, TB6600, Arduino Mega 2650. This system can test the motor up to 4AMPs 40 volts capacity.
152). Arduino UNO Mini-Weather Station
The aim of this project is to design a smart weather monitoring and displaying station using Arduino UNO and IoT platforms. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, IoT technology, ESP 8266, DHT22 temperature sensor, dust sensor, pressure sensor, and UV sensor.
153). Electronic Safe with Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a security system to lock user’s lockers with valuable things using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, breadboard, jumper wires, LCD, pushbuttons, and battery. This system is programmed in such a way that only on valid password entry from the user it will open the locker else it will display invalid passcode. This kind of project is suitable for home automation.
154). Ever Blooming Mechanical Tulip
The aim of this project is to design a fun blooming lightning flower using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, LED bulbs, servo motor, touch sensor, and copper wire. In this project when a user gives a slight touch to the system designed in flower shape, all the LED of different colors glows by blooming the flower.
155). Robotic Arm from Recycled Materials
The aim of this project is to design a robotic arm using recycling material and Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are joysticks, gear, power supply, Arduino IDE, breadboard, and jumper wires. This arm is programmed to lift lightweight objects and move up to a smaller distance.
156). Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to Your mobile phone
The aim of this project is to transit the Inertial Measurement Unit to user mobile using Arduino UNO and IoT platform. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, IoT, USB, and SmoothieCharts.
157). Sorting Resistors the Lazy Way
The aim of this project is to easily sort the value of the resistor using this system. It replaces the traditional way of checking for color-coding. Components used in this project are resistors, Arduino IDE, OLED, slots, and jumper wires. When a resistor is inserted into the slot this system automatically tracks the value and displays it on the screen.
158). DS18B20 Water Proof Temperature Sensor
The aim of this project is to design a smart temperature sensor that resists water using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are a temperature sensor, Arduino UNO, water, breadboard, and jumper wires. This designed system can measure temperature in the range of -55 degrees centigrade to 125 degrees centigrade.
159). Mini Firefighter Robot
The aim of this project is to design a smart robot extinguisher using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, ultrasonic sensor, flame sensor, liquid pump, and relays. This robot is programmed on Arduino IDE to detect fire and immediately go and put off the fire.
160). Arduino PC Monitor
The aim of this project is to design a smart PC monitor using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, PC system, LCD, and jumper wires. This system is programmed in Arduino IDE to display computer-related features such as CPU temperature and GPU temperature in degrees Celsius.
161). UAV Aeroplain Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart UAV-based surveillance Aero plain using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, GPS, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, pressure sensor, and SD card. These Aeroplane systems are controlled using a programmable remote from a distant location to collect temperature parameters from the areas where a man cannot go and track.
162). Face Tracker using OpenCV and Arduino
The aim of this project is to track humans face using Lenses and Arduino technology. The components used in this project are Arduino UNO, USB camera, servo motor, and breadboard. This system is programmed in Arduino UNO to detect the face of a human using a camera in all the directions and orientations with zooming clarity captures their image, and displays on the interface computer system.
163). Scrolling LED Matrix Clock
The aim of this project is to design a smart LED clock system that displays time, date, temperature, and humidity values within a bounded region using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are LED, Arduino UNO, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, Adafruit RC D3231, push button, and photoresistor.
164). Open LED Race
The aim of this project is to design a fun game using LeD and Arduino UNO.components used in this project are Open LED Race Maker Shop, Seeed WS2813 or WS2812 strip 60 Led, PCB nano adapter, power supply, push button, and switch grip. This is programmed to be operated with a remote that controls the flow of LED color lights on its race line.
165). Arduino Traffic Light Simulator
The aim of this project is to design a smart traffic light simulator using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, breadboard, LED, and jumper wires. This system is programmed to glow red light for 50 sec’s which means stop, yellow light for 50 seconds which means get a ready, and green light for 50 seconds which means go.
166). Making LCD Thermometer with Arduino And LM35/36
The aim of this project is to design a smart LM35 thermometer using LCD and Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, temperature sensor, LCD, jumper wires, and breadboard. The device is programmed to automatically detect nearby user temperature and display it on the LCD board.
167). Infinity Mirror Clock
The aim of this project is to design a fun infinity mirror clock to display time using LED and Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, LED bulbs, real-time clock, Arduino Nano R3, and connecting wires.
168). Anti Face Touching Alarm
The aim of this project is to design a smart anti-face touching alarm using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, ultrasonic sensor, LED bulb, buzzer, and connecting wires. This system is a program to sound alarmed to notify a user when they try to approach their hand near to their face. This type of project is beneficial in COVID times.
169). Talking Smart Glass for the Blind
The aim of this project is to design a smart-talking sunglass device for blind people using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are sunglasses, ultrasonic sensor, DF Player mini, PCB, vibration motor, and connecting wires. When an ultrasonic sensor detects a nearby object notifies the user with a short vibration and sound.
170). Satellite Tracker using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a smart satellite tracking system using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are satellite antennal, Arduino UNO, stepper meter, and ball bearing. This system is programmed Arduino platform to track the satellite and print its 3D picture.
171). Turn Lights On When Approaching Home using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a smart light automation system using Arduino. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, LED lights, breadboard, jumper wires, Blynk app, and Apple phone. Here the Apple phone is an interface with the Blynk app that automatically detects the phone approaching near to the appliance and turns on the light.
172). Alexa Based Smart Home Monitoring
The aim of this project is to design a smart home automation control system using Alexa and Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Alexa, think speak API, and pushing a button. This system is programmed to instruct Alexa via think speak API to display temperature, time, play songs and news.
173). Arduino Based Spider Robot (Quadruped)
The aim of this project is to design a smart spider-designed robot using Arduino UNO and a Magnetic platform. Components used in this project are Arduino Nano R3, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), RGB Diffused Common Cathode, Servo motors, and OLED. This robot is controlled remotely using Bluetooth technology from an android mobile device to move forward and backward on the design magnetic strip pathway.
174). Digital And Binary Clock with Two LED Matrix And RTC
The aim of this project is to design a smart digital clock that displays time in two modes binary mode and in digital mode. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, LED matrix, RTC, and display unit. This clock is programmed to operate in 4 modes namely AM, PM, 24Hrs, and 02 types of fonts.
175). Fidget Spinner RPM Counter using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a smart rpm counter using a fidget spinner programmed with Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, hall effect sensor, brad-board, connecting wires, LCD, magnet piece, LED, and jumper wires. On spinning the Fidget spinner with magnet piece the hall effect sensor tracks the speed of the spinner and updates the current and highest speed count on the LCD.
176). Digital Clock Including Alarm and Motion Sensor
The aim of this project is to design a smart digital clock with an environmental monitoring system using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, PIR motion sensor, buzzer, LCD, and LED. This system turns on the display only on detection of a human nearby displaying time, temperature, humidity, and dew point.
177). Design of Air Surfer using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design a smart air surfer system using Arduino UNO and IoT platforms. This device not only measures carbon dioxide levels in air, but also the temperature and humidity value within its surroundings and displays on the LCD. Components used in this project are Arduino Mega 2560, humidity and temperature sensor, Carbon dioxide sensor, and RTC module.
178). Arduino Based LCD Thermostat
The aim of this project is to design a smart thermometer system using the Arduino UNO platform that measures and displays the temperature value for every 5 minutes within a bounded area. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, LCD, thermostat and humidity sensor, RTC, and breadboard.
179). 25 kHz 4 Pin PWM Fan Control with Arduino Uno
A PMW fan is a device used for the cooling of electrical appliances such as laptops, computers, motors, and appliances where heat is generated. The aim of this project is to design a system for controlling the speed of Pulse width modulation (PWM) fans using Arduino UNO. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Axial fan, USB cable, and jumper wires.
180). Design of Birds Feeder System using Arduino
The aim of this project is to design a smart feed monitoring system for birds using Arduino UNO. This system is programmed to monitor the quantity and quality of food from a remote location and display the data in form of a dashboard. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO,
181). Temp. And Humidity Sensor with A CR2032
The aim of this project is to design smart environmental parameters tracing systems for a long distance and long period using Arduino UNO and CR2032. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, CR2032, DTH11 sensor, Raspberry Pi module, and Arduino UNO. This device is capable of communicating live data of temperature and humidity for every minute.
182). OSEPP LCD and Keypad Shield using Arduino UNO
The aim of this project is to design an OSEPP LCD using Arduino UNO that displays the programmed button’s name and counts the number of times the button was pressed. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, OSEPP LCD, pushbuttons, and downloading of the OSSEP library.
183). DIY Simple Sensitive Type Metal Detector
The aim of this project is to design a smart metal detection system using Arduino UNO. This system can detect metal from a minimum distance of 15 centimeters and up to a maximum distance of larger objects up to above 40 centimeters. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, Opamp, LED, Mosfet, and RLC circuits.
184). “Mini-Vintage” Type Internet Radio
The aim of this project is to design a radio system using Arduino UNO and IoT platforms. This radio system is designed in mini vintage style in small size. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, IoT, Raspberry Pi, LCD, adapter (DC), and encoder.
185). Arduino Based Marble Maze Labyrinth
The aim of this project is to design a control system for Marble Maze Labyrinth using Arduino UNO. This game aims to allow the marble ball to reach its destination on the movement of the board. Components used in this project are Arduino UNO, servo motor, module joystick, and jumper wires.
Functions of Arduino Technology
The functions of Arduino technology are.
- Contains read type pins for reading the pins function digitally
- Contains write pins to fetch the data or write the data digitally using a programming language
- A pin-type mode to configure pin to Input-Output type mode
- Analogue read and write pins to read and fetch data.
Advantages of Arduino Projects
The advantages of Arduino projects include the following.
- Budget-friendly
- Can be accessible by any user
- Programming friendly
- Does not require an additional program from external
- Compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS systems.
Disadvantages of Arduino Project
The disadvantages of Arduino projects include the following.
- Difficult to understand AVR controller
- Difficult to modify shields and sketches
- Absence of debugger
- Complex code structure.
Applications of Arduino Projects
A few other applications of Arduino projects mainly include the following.
- Home automation systems
- Robotics industry
- Automobiles and sensor technology
- Gaming industry etc.
Few of the other Arduino Projects Ideas
A list of other Arduino projects are;
1). Arduino Based Covid Sanitizing Type Box
2). Design of Air Hockey Table using Arduino for Many Players
3). Dry Handwashing Machine using Fog Disinfection for Water Conservation
4). Remote COVID Patient Health Monitoring System during Quarantine
5). Auto Indoor Hydroponic type Fodder Grow Chamber
6). DIY Oxygen Concentrator Generation For COVID 19 using Arduino
7). DIY Ventilator For Covid Pandemic using Arduino
8). Body Temperature Detector at the Entrance For COVID Safety
9). Solar Energy Based Trash Collecting System from Water Bodies with Arduino
10). Multi-Purpose Project for Search, Surveillance, & Rescue for a Sea RC Boat
11). Arduino using Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) based DC type Motor With Position Control System
12). Design of a Gas Leakage Type Detector Using AI and Arduino
13). Design of Shopping Trolley with smart features to Automatically Bill using Arduino
14). Design of Snake type Robot Control system using Arduino and Android Application
15). Quadriplegics Type Wheelchair Control which operates on Head Movement using Speed Tracking Meter.
16). Health Monitoring Type System with a Seven Segment Screen & Atmega Microcontroller
17). Arduino Based Smart Charger Type Monitoring Control System
18). Design of Smart Monitoring System for Agriculture Monitoring System using IoT and Arduino
19). Design of Assistance System for Parking the Car to Owners using Arduino
20). Design of Smart Robot For Fire Extinguish Using Arduino
21). Arduino Based Ultrasonic Sonar or Radar Type Monitoring System
22). Design of Breaker System for electronic Circuits using Arduino
23). Design of Smart Ultrasonic based Vibrator Hand Glove for Blind patients
24). Smart Electronic Glasses For Voltage Measurement using Arduino
25). IoT Based Industry Protection System Arduino
26). Automatic Smart Sketching Type Machine Project
27). Design of IoT based Advance Dustbin With Status Notifications
28). Design of Women’s Safety Device With GPS Type Tracking System & Notifications
29). Arduino Based Smart tracking system for Solar energy
30). Solar Power Measuring System using Arduino
31). Arduino Based Rotating Type Solar Panel System
32). Design of Alerting System for Fire Department using Arduino and IoT
33). Software-based Energy Type Meter Using Automatic Bill Estimation
34). Design of a System to Generate Power using Advanced Footstep System
35). Design of a System for Dispensing Water using a Coin and Arduino
36). Biometric Based Bank Locker System using Arduino
37). Design of Control and Monitoring System for Irrigation Purpose
38). Biometric System for a Vehicle Using Arduino UNO
39). Design of Rough Terrain Beetle Shaped Robot using Arduino
40). Encrypted Wireless Type Communication Using (Advanced Encryption Standard) AES with ZigBee and Arduino
41). Design of Detection System for Heart Attack Patients Using Heart Beat Sensors
42). Design of Steering Mechanism For Vehicle Controlled using a Joystick
43). Design of Bio-metric Locker System for Banking Purpose
44). Arduino based Detectors System for Fire & Gas
45). Solar Based UPS Project
46). Design of Automobile theft detection and tracking System Using GPS and Arduino
47). Smart Available Parking Slot Detection System for a 4 Wheeler Using Arduino UNO
48). Automatic Street Light Operating System on Detection of a vehicle Movement Using Atmega
49). Wireless Health Type Monitoring System for Patients from a remote location
50). High Performance Using Hovercraft Type Using Power Based Turning System
51). Alcohol Sensing and Alert notifying system with Locking of Engine Project
52). Smart Wireless Type Battery powering With power Monitor Project
53). Design of Pump Type Switcher Using Real-Time Clock (RTC)
54). Secure Fingerprint Based Bank Locker System With Image Capture
55). Design of Temperature Type Control System Using Atmega
56). Design of Detector System for Invalid Parking Slot With Notification using Arduino and IoT
57). Design of Walking Stick for Assisting Blind
58). Design of Alarm System For sensing and Displaying the percentage of Alcohol intake
59). CNG or LPG Type Gas Incident Detection and Prevention System using GSM Alert
60). Prepaid Based Electricity Billing Generating Meter System
61). IoT Based System for Weather Report Broadcast
62). IoT Based Monitoring System for Sound and Air Quality
63). Monitoring System For Energy Using IoT
64). Fall Detection System using IoT for Patients
65). Remote Health Monitoring System for Doctors using IoT and Arduino
66). Monitoring and Detection Systems for Heart Patients Using IoT and Arduino
67). Smart Managing System For Toll Booth Using Arduino and IoT
This article covers a list of Arduino projects integrated with different technologies such as IoT, LED, LCD, Robotics, Sensors, Medical, RFID, Bluetooth, solar energy-based, etc. Most of the college-going students prefer Arduino projects in their project development work as it is budget-friendly, easy to interface and easy to program. Professionals prefer Arduino projects using distinct prototypes. We hope you have got a better brief knowledge from the list of Arduino projects. Kindly provide your valuable suggestion commenting in the comment box provided below. Here is a question for you, An Arduino can be programmed in how many software languages?