Fermi Dirac Distribution Question & Answers May 17, 2022 By WatElectronics This Article lists 100+ Fermi Dirac Distribution MCQs for engineering students. All the Fermi Dirac Distribution Questions & Answers given below includes solution and link wherever possible to the relevant topic. Fermi-Dirac distribution deals with identical & indistinguishable particles through half-integral spins. The particles which follow Fermi Dirac statistics are known as fermions like electrons, neutrons, protons, etc. Fermions follow the Pauli Exclusion Principle, which states that two fermions cannot reside in a similar quantum position simultaneously. The function of FD distribution gives the chance that a specified energy level is occupied through a fermion for a system within the thermal equilibrium. The Fermi-Dirac distribution function is expressed through f(E) = 1/1+e(E-Ef)/KBT, where ‘Ef’ is the element’s Fermi energy, Boltzmann constant is kB & f(E) is the possibility that a quantum state through energy is occupied with an electron. The Fermi–Dirac plays a key role in studying thermoelectricity, electrical & thermal conductivities, thermionic effects, photoelectric effects, and the specific heat of metals. 1). The difference between lower energy level conduction band and upper energy level valence band is called---? Energy bandgap Fermi energy gap Both a and b None of the above. None Hint 2). When there is no forbidden gap present the probability of Fermi level being occupied by an electron is? 1 0.5 2 0 None Hint 3). ------------is the energy of the fastest moving electron in 0K. Fermi energy level Conduction energy Valence energy Both a & b None Hint 4). Fermi-Dirac function is valid under the condition of---? Constant Atmospheric pressure Thermal equilibrium Finite dimensions of the material None of the above. None Hint 5). When EF is the Fermi level, E is the given energy level, K is the Boltzmann constant and T temperature in 0k, the Fermi-Dirac function, f(E)=---? (1-e^(E-Ef/KT))^-1 (1+e^(E-Ef/KT))^-1 (1-e^(E-Ef/KT))^+1 (1-e^(E-Ef/KT))^-1 None Hint 6). At any value of temperature if E = EF then f(E)...? 0 0.5 1 2 None Hint 7). The probability of finding the electron at an energy level higher than EF at absolute zero temperature is---? 0 0.5 1 1.5 None Hint 8). The probability of finding an electron at an energy level lower than EF at absolute zero temperature is---? 0 0.5 1 1.5 None Hint 9). When n is the total number of free electrons, EF is given by...? 3.64x10^19n^2/s 3.46x10^-19n^2/s 3.64x10^-19n^2/s None Hint 10). EF is the same for all metals True False True only for semiconductors False only for conductors None Hint 11). Generally, the numerical value of EF is less than---? 8eV 9eV 10eV 1eV None Hint 12). In an intrinsic semiconductor, Fermi level lies at---? Near the conduction band Near the valence band. Middle of the energy band No Fermi level. None Hint 13). In P-type semiconductor, Fermi level lies at...? Near conduction band Near valence band Middle of the band gap No Fermi level None Hint 14). In N-type semiconductor, Fermi level lies at---? Near conduction band Near valence band Middle of the band gap No Fermi level None Hint 15). Maxwell-Boltzmann approximation is limited to--.? Highly doped materials Lowly doped materials Intrinsic materials None of the above. None Hint 16). Bose-Einstein statistics is applied to--? Fermions Bosons Both a and b None of the above None Hint 17). Particles with integer spin or no spin are called---? Fermions Bosons Electrons None of the above None Hint 18). Pauli’s exclusion principle is followed by---? Fermions Bosons. mm Both a and b None of the above. None Hint 19). Thermal energy at room temperature is given by kB T= ? 0.026 eV 0.035 eV 0.046 eV 0.096 eV None Hint 20). The probability of not finding the electron is? 1+f(E) 1-f(E) 1/f(E) None of these None Hint 21). Concentration of electrons in conduction band is given by----------- n0=Nc e^((EC+EF)/KT) n0=Nc e^(-(EC-EF)/KT) n0=Nc e^((EC-EF)/KT) n0=Nc e^-(EC-EF)/KT None Hint 22). Concentration of holes in valence band is---? p0 = Nv e^(-(EF-EV)/KT) p0 = Nv e^((EF-EV)/KT) p0 = Nv e^(-((EV-EF)/KT)) p0 = Nv e^(-(EF+EV)/KT) None Hint 23). Energy band gap is high in---? Insulators Semiconductors Conductors Metals None Hint Please refer to this link to know more about Energy Band 24). Units of Boltzmann constant is---? eV eV/°K eV.°K Both b and c None Hint 25). Fermions which follow Pauli’s exclusion principle are----------spin particles? No spin Half-integer spin Full integer spin Either a or c None Hint Fermi Dirac Distribution MCQs for Interviews 26). The main disparity between bosons & fermions is that bosons do not follow ______ principle? Maxwell’s Aufbau Lenz’s Pauli’s Exclusion None Hint 27). For fermions, the function of wave is…? Symmetric Asymmetric Continuous Single valued None Hint 28).Which of the following is not used by Fermi Dirac? Photons Electrons Nutrons Fermions None Hint 29).In fermi energy, the ‘K’ symbol denotes? Wave vector Maxwell-Boltzmann constant Boltzmann constant None of the above None Hint 30). Fermi direct distribution rules…? Fermions Gas molecules Electrons Nuetrons None Hint 31). The function of Fermi Dirac deals with…? Types of solids Solids band theory Electrons Mobility Probability of tenancy for electron levels None Hint 32).At which temperature, Fermi energy is possessed through an electron within a conductor is…? 0 degrees centigrade 0 K 273o C 273 K None Hint 33). In the following characteristics, which of the curve denotes for Fermi-Dirac? Z X Y None of the above None Hint 34).The mean energy expression can be expressed as? 35NEF 25EF 35EF 25NEF None Hint 35). The Maxwell-Boltzmann’s law can be expressed as ? ni = geα+βE+1 ni = geα+βE+k ni = geα+βE ni= geα+βE−1 None Hint 36). The expression of distribution function is…? 1eET−AR 1AeEnT+1 1AeEnT-1 1AEnT−1 None Hint 37). The Maxwell-Boltzmann law is expressed as…? ni bi Ti j* None Hint 38). The particles which obey Fermi – Dirac statistics is known as? Quarks Fermions Leptons Bosons None Hint 39). The first Fermi-dirac statistics was published in …year? 1931 1926 1930 1953 None Hint 40). The FD statistics was developed by….scientists? 2 3 4 5 None Hint 41). Distribution functions are nothing but…? Probability density functions Density functions Energy level functions Logistic functions None Hint 42).Fermi dirac distribution expression is…? f(E) = 1/1+e(E-Ef)/KBT f(E) = 1/1-e(E-Ef)/KBT f(E) = 1/1+e(E+Ef)/KBT f(E) = 1/1*e(E-Ef)/KBT None Hint 43). Fermi level probability which is occupied through an electron at absolute temperature can be …? 0 1 0.5 1.5 None Hint 44). Fermi-Dirac statistics is a …….? Bose Einstein statistics Quantum statistic M-b statistics Pauli Statistics None Hint 45).The function of Fermi dirac distribution mainly deals with…? Chance of electrons levels occupancy Range of electrons Available electrons Types of solids None Hint 46). In metals all the energy levels at complete temperature lying on top of Fermi level are Filled Not filled Partially filled Vacant None Hint 47). The coefficient of resistivity for conductors is…? Zero Negative Positive Infinite None Hint 48). In an intrinsic semiconductor at Zero K, the level of energy that lies in the center of the prohibited band is….level? Fermi Donar Acceptor Receiver None Hint Please refer to this link to know more about Intrinsic Semiconductor 49). Based on the quantum theory, the metal’s electrical conductivity is because of free electrons which are extremely near to? Valence band Energy level of acceptor Fermi surface Energy level of acceptor receiver None Hint 50). When the electrical field is applied on a metal then electrons velocity present close to the Fermi level will be….? Increased Decreased Constant None of the above None Hint Fermi Dirac Distribution MCQs for Exams 51). Which of the following particles are identical & indistinguishable? Electrons Neutrons Gas Molecules Fermions None Hint 52). Which of the following has half integer spin? Gas Molecules Electrons Fermions Photons None Hint 53).Which of the following very useful for characterizing different particles? FD statistics Fermi energy level Energy band gap Bosons None Hint 54). The spin factor of Bosons is…? 0 1 2 3 None Hint 55). Which of the following particles is indistinguishable? Fermions Bosons Neutrons Photons None Hint 56). In every quantum state, the number of Bosons can hold is? N number Low High Zero None Hint 57). In which of the following field, Fermi–Dirac statistics is an element? Energy states Statistical mechanics Thermodynamic Equilibrium Quantum statistics None Hint 58). The principle used by FD statistics is? Thermodynamic Equilibrium Statistical mechanics Energy states Quantum mechanics None Hint 59). A large number of particles behavior can be described by…? Statistical thermodynamics Energy states Statistical mechanics Thermodynamic Equilibrium None Hint 60). A non-interacting fermions collection is known as…? Fermi gas FD statistics Electrons Bosons None Hint 61). The relation between T1 & T2 in the following graph is? Fermi-Dirac distribution Variation with Energy T1 T1>T2 T1=T2 T1< None Hint 62). A single electron silver’s average energy is 3.310 eV, then what will be the fermi-energy for Silver at temperature 0 K? 2.02 eV 2.78 eV 3.02 eV 5.62 eV None Hint 63). Mean energy is also called? Zero-point energy Fermi energy Average energy None of the above None Hint 64). In a p-type semiconductor, the Fermi level lies near….? Conduction band Valance band Forbidden gap None of the above None Hint 65). In an n-type semiconductor, the Fermi level lies near….? Valance band Conduction band Forbidden gap None of the above None Hint 66). When the electrons move from one energy level to another then it generates…? Voltage Electricity Resistance Power None Hint 67). When the conduction band has energized electrons then the valence band has….? Holes Protons Neutrons Atoms None Hint 68). In the energy band diagram, Fermi level energy is denoted with…? Energy Band Theory EF ET EN EM None Hint 69). In the energy band diagram, the valence band is denoted with…? EV EF EC ET None Hint 70). In fermi dirac distribution equation, ‘K’ is….? Boltzmann constant Temperature Density Energy Band None Hint 71). The system's Macroscopic properties can be computed through…function? Boltzmann constant Fermi-Dirac Maxwell Maxwell-Boltzmann None Hint 72). Fermi-Dirac distribution equation can be reduced by using…? Boltzmann constant Boltzmann Maxwell Maxwell– Boltzmann approximation None Hint 73) The branch of quantum statistics is known as…? FD statistics b) Bose-Einstein Boltzmann Approximation Maxwell– Boltzmann approximation None Hint 74) What is the value of the zero-point energy for the material when the material’s Fermi energy is 3.46 eV.? 1.05 eV 2.06 eV 3.15 eV 5.06 eV None Hint 75). Which of the following is used to study thermoelectricity? Bose-Einstein Pauli FD statistics Particle statistics None Hint Time's up