Binary Addition Question & Answers December 20, 2021 By WatElectronics This article lists 100 Binary Addition MCQs for engineering students. All the Binary Addition Questions & Answers given below include a hint and a link wherever possible to the relevant topic. This is helpful for users who are preparing for their exams, interviews, or professionals who would like to brush up their fundamentals on Binary Addition. A digital or electronics system mainly relies on the binary representation that is in logic 0 or logic 1 form. In other words, the process of representing the numeric value in logic binary 0’s and 1’s is called binary number or binary number representation. There are 3 main tasks that can be performed on binary number systems namely binary addition, binary multiplication & binary subtraction, using logic gates and IC’s. A device that performs addition on binary bits is called a binary adder. Binary addition is represented in base 2. The 2 main components of a binary adder include opcode and operator which are responsible for performing binary addition. A binary adder requires a minimum of 2 bits to perform addition. For example a+b where a,b are opcode and “+” operand. These binary adders are further divided into half-bit and full-bit binary adders. Where a half adder has 2 inputs (A, B) and 2 outputs (Cout, Carryout) and a full adder has 3 inputs (A, B, Cin) and 2 outputs (Cout, Carryout). The resultant output obtained from binary addition is normalized and represented as a Boolean equation using K-map and logic gates. These binary adders are commonly implemented in counters and arithmetic circuits. 1). A binary operation is performed on minimum of ____ operands? 2 3 4 1 None Hint 2). Which of the following are the terms used while performing binary calculation? Operands Operator Terms Both a and b None Hint 3). Identify the operand from the example 2+3=5? 2,3 2,5 3,5 2,3,5 None Hint 4). Identify the operator from the example a+b? a+b a,b + All the above None Hint 5). A binary addition is performed using _____ symbol? + - * / None Hint 6). Which of the following are binary operations? Addition Subtraction Multiplication All the above None Hint 7). A binary addition calculation is performed similar to ____ type of system? Base 10 decimal Base 2 Base 12 None Hint 8). A binary addition is represented using ____ base value? 2 4 10 16 None Hint 9). How many digits are used in a binary addition? 5 2 3 4 None Hint 10). Logic 0 in binary operation represents ____ state of a digital circuit? ON OFF Toggle All the above None Hint 11). Logic 1 in binary operation represents ____ state of a digital circuit? ON OFF Toggle All the above None Hint 12). In binary addition, what is the output of 0+0? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 13). In binary addition, what is the output of 0+1? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 14). In binary addition, what is the output of 1+0? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 15). In binary addition, what is the output of 1+1? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 16). In how many steps binary addition is performed? 2 3 4 5 None Hint 17). Which of the following is the first step of binary addition of 101 + 101? Select 1’s and add one’s Carry the 1’s obtained in previous step Add carry to the next step and obtain result Add all the terms together and represent the value None Hint 18). Which of the following is the second step of binary addition of 101 + 101? Select 1’s and add one’s Carry the 1’s obtained in previous step Add carry to the next step and obtain result Add all the terms together and represent the value None Hint 19). Which of the following is the third step of binary addition of 101 + 101? Select 1’s and add one’s Carry the 1’s obtained in previous step Add carry to the next step and obtain result Add all the terms together and represent the value None Hint 20). Which of the following is the fourth step of binary addition of 101 + 101? Select 1’s and add one’s Carry the 1’s obtained in previous step Add carry to the next step and obtain result Add all the terms together and represent the value None Hint 21). How many optional steps are performed in binary addition? 1 2 3 4 None Hint 22). Identify the binary addition output of 10001 + 11101=_______? 101110 110011 101010 None Hint 23). Identify the binary addition output of 10111 + 110001=_______? 1011100 1100110 1001000 1100111 None Hint 24). Which of the following binary digit represents positive value? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 25). Which of the following binary digit represents negative value? 0 1 X All the above None Hint Binary Addition Interview Questions and Answers 26). Identify the 1’s complement of 1111 & -1101? +0010 -0010 -0001 +0001 None Hint 27). Identify the 1’s complement of -1010 & -0011? +0010 -1101 -0001 +0001 None Hint 28). How many digits are used in decimal number system compared to binary system? 4 6 8 10 None Hint 29). Which of the following is the base value of decimal number system? 2 4 8 10 None Hint 30). A binary number -1101 is represented in _____ binary form? 11101 01101 X1101 001101 None Hint 31). A binary number 1101 is represented in _____ binary form? 01101 01101 X1101 001101 None Hint 32). Which of the following is the correct representation of binary number 01110? +01110 -01110 +101110 -101110 None Hint 33). Which of the following term represents the negative value of a binary number -1010? Vector Direction Magnitude All the above None Hint 34). Which of the following is the MSB bit of 10100 binary number? 1 0 10 00 None Hint 35). Which of the following is the LSB bit of 10100 binary number? 1 0 10 00 None Hint 36). MSB bit in binary number is abbreviated as ________? Most significant bit Must significant bit Merge significant bit More significant bit None Hint 37). LSB bit in binary number is abbreviated as ________? Least significant bit Large significant bit Low significant bit Last significant bit None Hint 38). Which of the following is the carry bit obtained from “00” binary addition? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 39). Which of the following is the carry bit obtained from “01” binary addition? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 40). Which of the following is the carry bit obtained from “10” binary addition? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 41). Which of the following is the carry bit obtained from “11” binary addition? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 42). A binary addition can be digital represented using ___ components? Adders Logic gates Resistors Both a and b None Hint 43). Which of the following are the logic gates used in binary half adders? AND NOT XOR All the above None Hint Read more about Half Adder. 44). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “1”? 0001 0010 0100 0110 None Hint 45). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “2”? 0001 0010 0100 0110 None Hint 46). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “3”? 0001 0010 0011 0110 None Hint 47). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “4”? 0001 0010 0011 0010 None Hint 48). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “5”? 0001 0101 0011 0010 None Hint 49). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “6”? 0001 0110 0011 0010 None Hint 50). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “7”? 0001 0110 0011 0111 None Hint Binary Addition Important Questions for Interviews 51). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “8”? 1000 0110 0011 0111 None Hint 52). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “9”? 1001 0110 0011 0111 None Hint 53). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “10”? 1010 0110 0011 0111 None Hint 54). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “11”? 1011 0110 0111 None Hint 55). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “12”? 1011 0110 1100 0111 None Hint 56). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “13”? 1011 0110 1101 0111 None Hint 57). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “14”? 1011 0110 1110 0111 None Hint 58). Which of the following is the 4bit binary representation of number “15”? 1011 0110 1110 1111 None Hint 59). The binary value representation of 15 is “1111” this value is represented by assigning ___? Weights Values Powers Binary digits None Hint 60). Which of the following among weight (8,4,2,1 = 4 bit representation) is LSB bit? 8 4 2 1 None Hint 61). Which of the following among weight (8,4,2,1 = 4 bit representation) is MSB bit? 8 2 1 4 None Hint 62). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 0001? 0011 1110 1100 1010 None Hint 63). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 0011? 0011 1110 1100 1010 None Hint 64). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 1111? 0000 1110 1100 1010 None Hint 65). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 0000? 0000 1111 1100 1010 None Hint 66). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 0010? 0000 1111 1101 1010 None Hint 67). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 0100? 0000 1111 1011 1010 None Hint 68). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 0101? 0000 1111 1011 1010 None Hint 69). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 0110? 0000 1001 1011 1010 None Hint 70). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 0111? 0000 1000 1011 1010 None Hint 71). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 1001? 0000 0110 1011 1010 None Hint 72). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 1010? 0000 0110 1011 0101 None Hint 73). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 1011? 0000 0100 1011 0101 None Hint 74). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 1100? 0011 0100 1011 0101 None Hint 75). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 1101? 0010 0100 1011 0101 None Hint Binary Addition Quiz Questions and Answers. 76). Which of the following is the value of 1’s complement of binary value 1110? 0001 0100 1011 0101 None Hint 77). Which of the following is the 2’s complement of -7? 0111 1000 1001 0001 None Hint 78). Which of the following is the 2’s complement of -7+6=? 01101 10010 00110 00111 None Hint 79). In binary 2 bit adder, which of the following is the output of AND gate with input 0,0? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 80). In binary 2 bit adder, which of the following is the output of AND gate with input 0,1? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 81). In binary 2 bit adder, which of the following is the output of AND gate with input 1,0? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 82). In binary 2 bit adder, which of the following is the output of AND gate with input 1,1? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 83). In binary 2 bit adder, which of the following is the output of XOR gate with input 1,1? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 84). In binary 2 bit adder, which of the following is the output of XOR gate with input 1,0? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 85). In binary 2 bit adder, which of the following is the output of XOR gate with input 0,0? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 86). Identify the logic gate displayed below used in 2 bit adder? Logic Gate AND OR XOR NOR None Hint 87). Identify the logic gate displayed below used in 2 bit adder? Logic Gate AND OR XOR NOR None Hint 88). Identify the logic circuit displayed below? Logic Circuit 2 bit binary adder 4 bit binary adder 2 bit multiplexer All the above None Hint 89). Identify the logic circuit displayed below? Logic Circuit 2 bit binary adder 3 bit binary adder 4 bit binary adder All the above None Hint 90). An XOR logic gate is a combination of ____ logic gates? AND OR NOT Both a and b None Hint 91). Which of the following is the output of OR gate with input 00? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 92). Which of the following is the output of OR gate with input 01? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 93). Which of the following is the output of OR gate with input 10? 0 1 X All the above None Hint 94). Which of the following is the output of OR gate with input 11? 0 1 X Both a and b None Hint 95). How many types of binary adders exist? 1 2 3 4 None Hint Read more about Full Adder. 96). Which of the equation of SUM in a 2bit adder with inputs A,B? A XOR B A OR B A AND B A NOT B None Hint 97). Which of the equation of CARRY in a 2bit adder with inputs A,B? A XOR B A OR B A AND B A NOT B None Hint 98). Which of the equation of SUM in a 3bit adder with inputs A,B,Cin? [A XOR B] XOR Cin [A OR B] XOR Cin [A AND B] XOR Cin [A NOT B] XOR Cin None Hint 99). Which of the equation of CARRY in a 3bit adder with inputs A,B,Cin? [A XOR B] XOR Cin [A OR B] XOR Cin A AND B OR Cin [A XOR B] [A NOT B] XOR Cin None Hint 100). Which of the following method is used for representing the 2bit binary adder? Boolean equations K-Map Logic gates All the above None Hint Read more about K-Map. Time's up