A concise set of notes which is used mainly for quick reference is known as a cheat sheet or crib sheet. These sheets were used by many students to prepare/ revise for their exam/test. The cheat sheet provides you with very useful data regarding a subject and helps you remember. This article provides brief information on the 8051 microcontroller cheat sheet which includes the information about the microcontroller.
1. Introduction:
- The 8051 microcontroller is an 8-bit microcontroller with Harvard architecture.
- Developed by Intel in 1980, widely used in embedded systems.
2. Architecture:
- 8-bit ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit).
- 16-bit PC (Program Counter) and DPTR (Data Pointer).
- 8-bit registers (Accumulator, B register, and more).
- 128 Bytes of RAM (Data memory).
- 4 KB of ROM/EPROM (Program memory).
- On-chip data memory and external code memory support.
- Typically operates at 12 MHz.
- Two 16-bit timers/counters (Timer 0 and Timer 1).
3. Instruction Set:
- Over 100 instructions, including data transfer, arithmetic, logical, and control operations.
- Instructions vary in length (1 to 3 bytes).
4. Registers:
- Accumulator (A): Primary register for arithmetic and logic operations.
- B Register: Used in multiplication and division.
- Data Pointer (DPTR): 16-bit pointer for external data memory.
- Program Counter (PC): 16-bit register for program memory addressing.
5. Interrupts:
- Supports external hardware interrupts (INT0, INT1) and internal interrupts (Timer, Serial).
- Interrupt enable and disable instructions (EI, DI).
6. I/O Ports:
- Four parallel I/O ports (P0, P1, P2, P3).
- Bit-addressable and byte-addressable ports.
- P0 and P2 have internal pull-ups.
7. Serial Communication:
- UART for serial communication (TXD, RXD).
- 8-bit data, variable baud rate.
8. Timers/Counters:
- Two 16-bit timers (Timer 0 and Timer 1).
- Mode 1: 16-bit mode with auto-reload.
- Mode 2: 8-bit mode with auto-reload.
9. Memory Organization:
- Program memory (Code space): Addresses 0000H to FFFFH.
- Data memory (RAM): Addresses 00H to 7FH.
- Special Function Registers (SFRs): Addresses 80H to FFH.
10. Instruction Set Examples:
The 8051 microcontroller has a rich set of instructions, covering a wide range of operations including data transfer, arithmetic and logic operations, control flow, and more. Here is a list of some common instructions for the 8051 microcontroller:
Data Transfer Instructions:
- MOV A, source: Move data from source to accumulator.
- MOV destination, source: Move data from source to destination.
- MOVC A, @A+DPTR: Move code byte from address A+DPTR to accumulator.
Arithmetic Instructions:
- ADD A, source: Add source to accumulator.
- ADD A, #data: Add immediate data to accumulator.
- ADDC A, source: Add source and carry flag to accumulator.
- SUBB A, source: Subtract source and borrow from accumulator.
- INC destination: Increment the value at the destination.
Logical Instructions:
- ANL A, source: Bitwise AND source with accumulator.
- ORL A, source: Bitwise OR source with accumulator.
- XRL A, source: Bitwise XOR source with accumulator.
- CJNE A, data, label: Compare A with immediate data, jump if not equal.
Control Flow Instructions:
- JMP address: Jump unconditionally to the specified address.
- JC/JB/JNB/JNC/JZ/JNZ, label: Jump based on carry, bit, zero, or non-zero condition.
- CALL address: Call subroutine at the specified address.
- RET/RETI: Return from subroutine or interrupt.
Register Move Instructions:
- MOVX A, @DPTR: Move data from external RAM to accumulator.
- MOVX @DPTR, A: Move data from accumulator to external RAM.
Bit Manipulation Instructions:
- SETB bit: Set a specified bit.
- CLR bit: Clear a specified bit.
- CPL bit: Complement (invert) a specified bit.
Rotate and Swap Instructions:
- RL A/RLC A: Rotate accumulator left with or without carry.
- RR A/RRC A: Rotate accumulator right with or without carry.
- SWAP A: Swap the nibbles in the accumulator.
Data Compare and Skip Instructions:
- CJNE A, data, label: Compare A with immediate data, jump if not equal.
- DJNZ destination, label: Decrement destination, jump if not zero.
Stack Operation Instructions:
- PUSH source/POP destination: Push data onto or pop data from the stack.
Serial Communication Instructions:
- MOV SBUF, A/MOV A, SBUF: Move data between accumulator and serial buffer.
- MOV SCON, #data: Initialize serial communication control register.
External Memory Instructions:
- MOVX A, @DPTR/MOVX @DPTR, A: Move data between accumulator and external RAM.
Miscellaneous Instructions:
- NOP: No operation (used for timing purposes).
- HALT: Halt the CPU until an interrupt occurs.
This is a subset of the 8051 instruction set. The actual instruction set may vary slightly depending on the specific variant of the 8051 microcontroller.
- Special Function Registers (SFRs):
- PCON: Power control register.
- TCON: Timer control register.
- SCON: Serial control register.
- IP: Interrupt priority register.
- IE: Interrupt enable register.
- Programming Tools:
- Keil uVision, SDCC, and other compilers.
- Flash programming tools for EPROM-based versions.
11. Special Function Registers (SFRs):
- PCON: Power control register.
- TCON: Timer control register.
- SCON: Serial control register.
- IP: Interrupt priority register.
- IE: Interrupt enable register.
12. Programming Tools:
- Keil uVision, SDCC, and other compilers.
- Flash programming tools for EPROM-based versions.